Just when Tristan and Mark and other people who came to the factory to settle down under the leadership of the dwarves shouted chants in the mountains and fell trees, the working people were sweating and building new While home, Linda, who is currently a representative of the feudal landlord class, and her minion Diana are eating a hearty breakfast in a high-profile, luxurious and connotative restaurant.

The fragrant milk is the blood of the working people.

The snow-white bread is the flesh of the working people.

In these days when countless working people were worried about the drought and reduced grain production, when the hungry farmer wielded his hoe on the saline soil for half of the salted fish, there was no half of the family after paying the tax. When the grain farmers began to leave their hometowns in order to survive, a certain feudal landlord frowned because the milk was not sweet enough.

However, a major change that hasn't been seen in thousands of years begins today.

The ghosts, two ghosts, a capitalist ghost wielding a noose and a communist ghost holding a sickle and hammer in both hands are floating above the continent.

In the vast sea and the ground, a violent wind is gathering dark clouds.

The wind roars...Thunder roars...

A ghost put the noose around the neck of the decaying torso and is slowly tightening it.

A ghost sprinkled sparks from the impact of a sickle and a hammer, and ignited a spark on the decaying torso.

The bell of the clock tower rang.

Linda, dressed in costume, walked slowly into the ballroom at home. A huge picture frame stood on the main stage, and a thick purple hung outside the picture frame. The stage was already full of eagerly waiting Size noble.

At the tea party yesterday afternoon, Linda suddenly showed the latest magic power spinning machine and loom to the visiting nobles.

Many knowledgeable nobles were so excited that they almost fainted after seeing Diana and Modred demonstrate how these machines work together, shouting "God Bless Bischberg!" on the spot.

After Antoine II, who thought Linda was going to rebel, arrived, after listening to those noble excitement explanations, tears of relief were left in his eyes.

At the dance party that evening, Linda announced in public that she was willing to cooperate with domestic noble to expand the scale of the textile industry.

At the same time, Diana, who was invited to the secret room of the palace ballroom, gave Antoine II an academic report entitled "Research on the Nature and Causes of National Wealth" and sent him I posted a set of "Research on the Nature and Causes of National Wealth" adapted from this world.

After Diana left the secret room, Antoine II stayed in the secret room for a long time. The servants almost thought that Diana had murdered the king and let Linda ascend to the throne.

Linda on the main stage has been accustomed to the feeling of focal point of ten thousands since she was a child, but at this time, her hands are still shaking slightly because of excitement and tension.

In the face of everyone in the audience, Linda said loudly: "Everyone, I like to make money!"

Then she turned around and opened the curtain violently, a pair of "Bischberg Kingdom Textile Industry Base" "The Layout Map of Agricultural Development" is displayed in front of everyone.

"What I like more is to make money with everyone!"

The clock in the office rang.

Alston I stared at the parchment in front of him for a long time.

At this moment, he thought a lot. He didn't want to sign his name on this parchment so early. The timing is not yet ripe for him. Forced picking of melons will cause a series of uncontrollable problems. Consequences, but he has to do it now.

When the bell on the hour stopped, Auston I took a deep breath, then signed his name on the parchment, and put fire lacquer on the side of the name, while it was not yet When it cooled and solidified, King Rerik's power ring was printed on the surface.

On this day, the Kingdom of Rerik successively promulgated the "Law on Relic Royal Territory Slave Contract Cancellation Act", "Law on Relic Royal Territory Homestead", and "Relic Royal Territory Compulsory Education" Act", "Relic Kingdom Army Building Act" and other laws.

A broken trumpet made a half-tone sound.

In a densely forested devil beast in the south of the continent, a large number of victims displaced by floods gathered here.

The large-scale floods in the south this summer flooded large tracts of farmland and destroyed farms.

In order to be able to sell food to the five countries in the north due to drought and food shortage, noble in various places did not have the slightest meaning of disaster relief. Bags of food were moved out of the granary, and nobles handed the food to the food merchant. , Took the heavy money bag in one hand.

The peasants who survived can only escape from famine. Numerous refugees fled into the mountains. They either became bandits in the Wuthering Mountains, or became a dish of devil beasts, or they would eventually be captured by the slave teams. The slave is sold.

It didn't take long for a message to spread among the refugees. In the east, there was a place where noble master wanted to manage. There was a group of similarly poor people who built their own village.

Some of the refugees believed, some were doubting, and the doubters stayed in place. Those who believed came to this basin with only one exit after a journey of suffering untold hardships.

Relying on their hands, they erected a high wall under the leadership of someone who was obviously not this world, built a solid wood house, worked together to wipe out the surrounding devil beasts, and began to reclaim the surroundings soil of.

On this day, amidst the trumpet-breaking trumpets that were picked up from nowhere, a banner belonging to them was raised for the first time.

A gust of wind blew, the flag at the top of the flagpole was blown, and the red flag was in the middle of a golden slime.

The young man standing in front of the flagpole turned around and announced to the men, women and children neatly arranged in the square: "I announce that the'Aoao Slime Pioneer Group' has been established!"

The sparse applause stopped after less than ten seconds, no longer the enthusiasm of the past.

The members of the House of Commons and the House of Lords who were urgently summoned passed the amendment to the "Law on the Succession of the Kingdom of Rurik" as quickly as possible.

As King Nicholas II signed the legal document on the spot, the newly revised law took effect immediately.

September 4, 1921 in the divine calendar will be a day in the annals of history.

Two major events happened the night before this day.

A small tin boat suddenly floated from the east sea to the beach east of City of Knowledge. The huge Unknown Creature on board attacked the students who had just finished racing on the beach.

These Unknown Creatures caused a large number of student casualties before being killed, among which Mira · Megadon was seriously injured and unconscious.

It’s almost the same moment, not long after leaving Avalon City, just crossing the forest and returning to the East, and heading for the forging Holy Land, preparing to participate in this year’s forging temple grand prayer ceremony. Crown Prince and Harvest of the Rurik Kingdom With the forging temple cardinal bishop leader Alexei and the forging temple Saintess Bridget and card bishop Locke who accompanied them, they were attacked by unknown enemies on the road, and all three were seriously injured and unconscious.

These two events are like two depth bombs, which stir up two water jets on the surface of the originally calm and tranquil water, and at the same time stir the deep water to become more turbid.

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