When Diana received Mira’s injury, they also knew that Mira had recovered completely under the full assistance of Radiant Theology Court.

This matter is not over yet. Less than two hours after Mira recovered completely, Charles strongly suggested that Mira should be sent back to her hometown for several months in a letter sent to the Radiant Theology Court by the Pope Victoria of the Temple of Life. At the same time, it is strongly recommended that Mira enter the Hongye Church immediately after returning, and always follow Holy Angel Nun's side.

So Mira, who had just recovered completely, was stuffed into the giant dragon flight.

Two days before going to their own territory, Linda and Diana sat in the carriage moved towards Qiqiu City and drove outside. A daughter of count invited Linda and Diana to join her in the manor outside the city Lady hunting event held.

At the same time, the Guard Army invited Altria and her dísciple to the barracks to compete.

Diana raised her forehead and sighed, should she make it so obvious?

Altolia spread her hands helplessly, the enemy is so stupid, what can she do?

Linda and the other cute newbies look dumbfounded.

Linda sitting in the carriage looked a little depressed. The press conference that day had some loud thunder, but only tiny drops of rain. The overwhelming majority noble implied that they were waiting for Linda's territory to leave the results before following up.

Diana can't help this. Those nobles are the owners of don't act without some incentive, but they are willing to give the green light to the refugees who go to Linda territory, even if they are half succeeded.

In the luxurious and comfortable carriage, Diana is closing her eyes and resting. Linda, who is sitting next to her, is still a little nervous in frustration.

"Did you say they will really come?" Linda asked, grabbing Diana's hand.

"Don't worry." Diana comforted, "They may be late, but they will definitely not be absent."

Although I don’t know who the other party is, I think Alto Liya, the highest battle strength on the surface, was transferred away from Linda. There is no conspiracy in it who believes.

Antoine II, who received the warning, did not dare to take it lightly, so he sent ten of his own guards to protect Linda for a long time. At the same time, there are five Griffin Knights patrolling in the sky today.

The destination of Linda’s trip is a bit far away from the city. It is on the west side of the mountain on the west side of the seven mountains around Qiqiu City. It is estimated that noble masters saw the city without opening the door. They all liked it. Build the other courtyard on the other side of the city.

Although the mountain road has 18 bends, it is very flat, and I don’t feel much bumps when sitting on the carriage.

If it is an ordinary enemy, today's formation is sufficient to ensure the safety of the carriage.

But the enemies who came this time are very strange to humans. Although there are records in the book, they will not remember the content of the book until they experience the horror of the enemy firsthand.

Just as the guards around the carriage focused on the forests on both sides of the road, no one thought that the enemy would hide under the flat road.

Several shadows suddenly drilled out of the soil, and the bodyguards outside the carriage moved towards the carriage to release the black poison mist. Even the elves suffered a lot from the "Black Widow" poison mist, and half of the guards were poisoned and lost in an instant. battle strength.

Fortunately, the strength of these demons is not as strong as the one who raided the gate of the 168th Battallion that day, so the bodyguards still have the power to fight.

The Griffon Knight in the air swooped down immediately after realizing the situation, and one of the Griffon Knights signaled an attack.

The demon that is several times the size of the Griffin Knight suddenly jumped into the sky from the surrounding woods, and went straight to the Griffin.

The demons have also forgotten how powerful the Griffin is as a hegemon in the air.

Just as the two sides were about to collide, the Griffins suddenly spread their wings under Knight's control, one after another wind blade shot out from under their wings, and went straight to the demon.

Two demons had their wings broken and fell down.

Gryphons took this opportunity to slow down to take aim, and then swooped their wings, waving their blue paws and rushing towards the target.

The Knights on the backs of the Griffin raised their crossbows and moved towards the demons on the ground shooting.

The guards who gave up their lives on the ground took advantage of the opportunity of air cooperation to kill the two demons who tried to get close to the carriage, but another killing move prepared by the enemy appeared on the battlefield.

Several demon races with their heads broken in half appeared in the bushes and pointed their magic wands at the guards who still had battle strength.

The demons in the air changed their tactics after being torn apart by two griffons, trying to use their flexible advantages to attack from behind the griffons.

But, next moment, these demons began to curse their mothers.

The Griffin Knights turned and sat back in the air expertly, and let the Griffins hunt down the enemies in front of them by themselves, and Knight dispelled the demons who were trying to sneak attack from behind.

Soon, the demons discovered the weakness of the Griffin Knights.

The front of the Griffin is the direction of its highest attack power. The top, sides and rear of the Griffin are covered by Knight, while the bottom of them is a blind spot for sight and attack.

Knights in this blind zone naturally knew that they soon flew up end-to-end rings in the air, and the griffins behind them covered the rear and lower back of the front griffins.

But in this way, they cannot support the battle on the ground.

Just when the air battle was at a stalemate, the battle on the ground was over.

The last few guards on the ground suddenly found themselves weak, and then they were killed by the devil.

A few more demons rushed out of the woods. They cut off the cowl, and then some carried the wheels, and some pulled the roof, while their colleagues in the air restrained Griffin Knight. So I took the carriage and flew westward.

The heavy wooden carriage seems to be a piece of cake for them, and the carriage can still fly at extremely fast speeds.

At this time, a griffin flew in the sky of Qiqiu City, and almost all the Griffin Knights in the city were dispatched after the signal was found.

Flying on the back of the griffin in the front, Altria sits impressively, and on the griffin behind her is Ives.

The city gate on the west side has been cleared and a passage has been cleared. With rumbling hooves, a cavalry team is rushing out of the city at the fastest speed, with a few vigorous hounds on both sides of the cavalry.

Antoine II gloomy face was sitting in the office. His judgment was that the other party would start hunting when Linda arrived at the manor, but he didn't expect an accident halfway through.

When the Griffin Knight troops arrived, there were two Griffin Knights above the scene struggling to support under the attack of the demons in the air, and the other three were taken to fly in the carriage. Then rushed over.

It's just that the demons on the ground and the demon race with the broken horns were prepared long ago. These three Griffon Knights and the Griffin died heroically.

The carriage car that was flying fast in the air suddenly fell, and the demons took the carriage to shuttle through the clear road in the mountains and forests, evading reconnaissance in the air with the help of the dense tree canopy.

In the carriage, Linda has fainted. Diana was holding a wooden stick about half a meter long. She sneered twice with "hehe", and then said to herself: "言Spirit Is the Master’s floating spell, Interesting."

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