After walking out of the carriage, Charles and Diana followed the dwarves to the venue where the ceremony was held.

This is not far from Hammer Lake. I don't know when, the dwarf dug a small stone mountain here into a huge open-air venue.

The semi-circular seats in the venue are layered one after another. It looks a bit like the ancient Roman Colosseum cut in half. A huge platform has been erected on the open space in front, and the back of the platform is tall and tall. The drapery covers something.

Charles glanced at the guests sitting in the middle of the first row, and he realized that today's guests are extremely high.


The beautiful bearded King Barnett I of Villingen is talking to the young King Rerik, who is coming from afar. Ston I was chatting, Barnett I smiled and persuaded Auston I to have a beautiful beard like him.

Barnett I was obviously curious about the two children Charles and Diana sitting next to them. After Auston I introduced the identities of the two children, a person next to Barnett I watched The elegant and poised noble lady quickly moved towards Charles and beckoned.

Charles has guessed her identity from where the noble lady stood-Queen of the Villingen Kingdom, Charles mother Winnie's best friend, and the true love of a caravan's bald chef Meimi Villingen .

Charles who came with the caravan couldn't help but start gossiping in the heart.

Charles, who had just ignited the gossip fire, was pulled over by Mei Mi and held him in his arms before he even greeted him. At the same time, he sighed: "The last time I saw Winnie, she was still pregnant. You, at the time we said we were going to have a family, but she didn’t expect that she left so early..."

On the side, Auston I feared that the world would not be in a mess and said, "I remember Lily Let’s be at the Wisteria Academy now with Lucy. Charles will be there in a few years. When the time comes, the two sisters, as seniors, should take good care of Charles."

Charles looked at this coldly. The guy in the matter, I thought when the time comes, this guy wants to marry his elder sister Mira, so when he grabs the bride ceremony, he invites Charles and his Old Brother plus the 168th battallion, and then Laiv Aunt and Nesalio Two giant dragons, when the time comes plus Altria, see if you can snatch Mira before the sun goes down.

At this time, Linda came over and greeted Barnett I and his wife on behalf of her Royal Father.

Fortunately, Barnett I was still full of vigilance in the gaze that Meimi looked towards Linda who was holding Charles.

Alston I took a step back, took out a box of slime gum and gave it to Diana, and the two watched the show together.

And Charles, who didn't say a word the whole time, kept a solid smile all the time.

A bell rang, and the great prayer ceremony of the Forging Temple this year began, and everyone returned to their seats.

The first act of ceremony is a group of believers singing chants.

It is the first time to hear the chant of the Forging Temple-this world version of "We Workers Have Power"-Auston I was suddenly caught out of the fire, and then turned his head and looked towards Charles sat beside him, and Charles returned with a calm smile.

With the end of the chant, a red light soared to the sky and descended to the stage.

In the late autumn sun, the red silk curtain behind the table exudes bursts of red light containing divine force, and the golden hammer logo hanging in the middle is lit up with golden light.

After the Forging Temple Pope He Dou Dagger Bu Laien walked to the podium, he began a report on the theme of "Looking back to the past, struggling today, and looking into the future" for all believers and guests.

The political creatures sitting in the front row listened attentively to the report of He Dou Dagger, and carefully analyzed the content contained in it.

Charles first perceived keenly that in the last year, the Forging Temple expanded the steelmaking and forging plants to increase steel output and developed anti-corrosion coatings suitable for outdoor use.

The second noteworthy news is the cooperation between the Forging Temple and the Bischberg Kingdom, the Spirit King Court, and the Chaowei Blue Dragon consortium.

The collaboration with Bischberg, Charles knows, is to build a textile base on Linda's territory. The cooperation with Jing Spirit King Court is to expand the scale of the cement plant and a series of civil works, including the preliminary design and future construction of the "Peace Mall" led by Charles. But the collaboration with Chaowei Blue Dragon and "Wait" Charles couldn't figure it out.

The third thing worth noting is that the report mentioned "new tools". Charles estimates that this is about having an excavator.

He Dou Dagger’s report is inspiring and inspiring. It summarizes the fruitful results of the past year and shows the bright prospects for future development.

Next is the "big news" time that the guests are paying attention to.

He Dou Dagger, who finished the report, got off the stage first. Several staff members took down the podium, and then carried a box-like thing. It was about three meters high and was red. Covered with silk, I can't see what's inside.

At this time, Barnett I left the VIP table with a smile on his face. After a while, he and He Dou Dagger were talking and laughing on the stage, standing on the things covered with red silk. On both sides.

He Dou Dagger said to everyone: "At the invitation of the Kingdom of Villingen, the Forging Temple will begin next year to build an epoch-making landmark building in the royal capital Cidai City!"

tone barely fell, a voice of discussion suddenly sounded in the venue.

Barnett I said with a faint smile: "Praise God of Forging, he will bring an unprecedented treasure to the Human World, and it is also a national monument belonging to the Kingdom of Villingen!"

Next, Barnett I and He Dou Dagger uncovered the red silk together, and a model made of steel appeared in front of everyone.




ㅤ ˏˍˍˍˎ


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"Oh"...Alston I failed to "Calcium Oxide" for a long time "come out.

Barnett I looked at the surprised appearance of Auston I in the audience from a distance, and his heart blossomed, and he stroked his beard proudly.

Everyone is a king. Although everyone wants to be friendly on the site of forging the temple, it is still very comfortable to shock the other party.

However, Barnett I’s shock to Auston I will obviously be wrong. The reason for Auston I’s shock is exactly the same as Charles’s. Charles said "Iron Pagoda is still" in his heart. The shock.

As a result, Charles immediately got Diana sitting on the other side and stepped on the back of his instep. Only then did he remember that Diana has half of the French bloodline.

Oston I soon came back to his senses, and then "hehe" twice.

"What's the situation?" Charles asked. He felt that Auston I knew something. The national intelligence system would definitely find some clues about such a big thing.

Alston I whispered: "The money for making this thing was collected from noble. Noble who donated money can engrave the family name and coat of arms on it. The more you donate, the closer you get to the top. I thought they were going to do something, it turned out to be a copycat of the Eiffel Iron Pagoda."

Charles frowned, asked in a low voice: "Tired of Qin's plan?"

Alston I nodded, and then whispered: "The spectacle has missed the country."

Charles nodded agreed.

Then Auston I thought about it and said, "Should we spend some money together and engrave a happy flag on the top?"

Charles curl one's lip, said : "Diana is Chinese and French."

Oston I started, and then saw Diana staring at herself fiercely.

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