This "Villingen Iron Pagoda" will be located on the west side of the royal capital of Villingen Cida, not far from the river flowing out of Hammer Lake. Water transportation is very convenient.

The shape of the Iron Pagoda is 80% similar to the Eiffel Iron Pagoda, and the height and size are also the same, but there are many differences in structure. Presumably, the dwarf has been redesigned according to its own level during the design.

Although Charles has never seen the Eiffel Iron Pagoda, he still visited the roof of the almost tall building. Back then, he cheeked and asked Old Brother from the civil engineering group at Station A to take him to the top of a 303-meter-high building on the construction site. Now for reference, this Ferlingen Iron Pagoda can be regarded as an epoch-making building on this land. .

Combined with the report of He Dou Dagger, the expansion of the steel plant is to provide materials for Ferlingen Iron Pagoda, and the new anti-rust coating must be developed for this purpose. I am afraid that it is the same as the Chaowei Lanlong consortium. The purpose of the cooperation is to let the giant dragon do its best.

"Trouble..." Alston I said.

"What's the situation?" Charles asked.

Alston I looked at the high-spirited and vigorous Barnett I on the stage, said with a bitter smile: "Maybe this will trigger a spectacle contest."

"That's easy." Charles said, "Aren't you relying on the sea, just use yourself as a prototype, or your founding king will do, too. I will recognize my sister's words, learn from New York and build one."

"Then after the typhoon, are everyone happy to sell scrap copper?" Auston I said depressedly, "I will tell you a little secret. The statue of your Knight is attached to Temple of War."

Charles understands it in a second.

Then he continued to make bad ideas, "How about you build a sky garden for my sister?"

"No money." Auston I answered Charles concisely.

There is no way without money.

Charles can also see from this point that the contradiction between noble and the king in Rerik’s kingdom is not small, so that Auston I cannot let the entire noble group follow him like Barnett I. Go in pace.

At this time, Charles suddenly thought that if the third phase of the Heping Mall he was going to build on the Greentown side was completed, he might be able to feel the tail of a spectacle.

He Dou Dagger and Barnett I on the stage ended their introduction to Ferlingen Iron Pagoda, and Barnett I returned to the guest seat.

"You don't seem to be surprised at all?" Charles realized that Diana was calm.

"I did a little bit of work." Diana tilted her head and said in a very low voice in Charles' ear.

"oh?" Charles was a little surprised, "You designed it?"

"No." Diana shook the head, "I designed it with Bazlev when I was in the nursing home There is a calculator that can be used to calculate various formulas."

"The control core expert over there?" Charles was stunned. He spent the past two years in the Kingdom of Rurik. On the Dreamland platform, I will also learn about the progress of various disciplines in addition to irrigating, so I know the names of many experts there.

"Awesome!" He praised heartily. He knew how powerful a calculator that can calculate formulas such as structural mechanics is in the construction industry, and its appearance will inevitably lead to the development of the construction industry. .

Diana went on to say: "The really awesome ones are giant dragons. They have already gone a long way in the development of mathematics, not showing the mountains and not revealing the water. I think I will wait a few years. Once you are familiar with the technology of the control core, you can take out BASIC and C language to study."

Charles knows nothing about computers. Like Old Feng, he can only make requests. Knowing that programmers can fight for the "best programming language", "hold two guns in their hands and scream hot in their mouths" and hair loss.

At the same time, he also felt that his judgment was wrong just now. I am afraid that the cooperation with Chaowei Lanlong consortium mentioned by He Doudagger also includes some cutting-edge fields.

"Be careful." Charles lightly patted her hand.

Diana responded to him with a "um", and then said: "The research on the stone pillar is a bit more eye-catching."

Charles nodded, the Myriad Law Scepter was changed when used. He didn't want it for pretending, so he sealed it into the stone pillar with teleportation and asked Laiv Aunt to send it to Diana along the way.

As Charles and Diana were whispering, He Dou Dagger returned to the stage and began to say: "In the last ages, we are all relying on our own hands to dig this land. However, due to the constraints of physical strength and tools, we are not efficient in reclaiming wasteland, digging ditches and other production activities."

Peak expert Altori, who digs pits and canals in this world Ya nodded, agree.

He Doudagger said loudly: "Today, all this will be changed!"

"Today, God of Forging brings us new power, He will The mechanical power is shown in front of us!"

As the sound amplified by the amplifier magic array resounded through the audience, the curtain on the stage suddenly opened to both sides.

Beside the sign of the forged temple in the center, four four-legged all-terrain excavators are lined up on both sides, exuding metallic luster in the sun.

The audience exclaimed, including Charles and Diana, who first proposed the idea of ​​an excavator to the Forging Temple.

The upper part of the excavator was quite satisfactory, but neither of them could have imagined that the lower part of the action actually used mechanical legs. However, considering the quality of slime rubber tires in this world and the tracks without the slightest technical reserve, they were relieved immediately

and Charles found more problems with the mechanical legs of the excavator. Part of how to see how there is the shadow of the scary robot that the Kingdom of Rick promoted a while ago.

Next is the live demonstration part. Two kings, a queen, a group of guests, and nobles were invited to the open space not far away with curiosity. There are several excavators ready send.

I saw an excavator moved its steel arm under the control of the dwarf driver's license, and then moved towards the front and dug it down on the flat ground painted with lime powder.

Shovel down, a large piece of soil mixed with withered grass and gravel was dug out. Then the excavator made a circle and poured the excavated soil on the position behind the original itself. It didn't take much effort to dig a pit two meters by two meters deep.

Then the excavator opened its legs and moved towards a few steps like a spider walking.

Charles took a half step back to Altria's side, and whispered: "If you had this in the past, you would be much easier."

"I remember. "Altria said.

"Forget it," Charles said.

At this moment, Auston I got the consent of He Dou Dagger and ran into the cab of the excavator, and then drove the reluctant driver away.

After fiddling with the joystick and pedals under the driver's guidance, he was a little rusty at first, but he soon appeared to be very proficient in manipulating the flexible steel arm to dig a few shovel. Then he asked the driver about the excavator's energy consumption, failure time, parts replacement and other issues, while testing the excavator.

Charles, who had watched more excavators work, suddenly discovered that Auston I’s operating level was a few blocks away from the dwarf driver just now.

After digging a pit, Auston I left the excavator and came to He Dou Dagger, and said: "Sell me ten...20 units first. If it is easy to use, the more the better."

For Alston I, who is developing saline-alkali land, these excavators can greatly accelerate the pace of his plan.

Linda, who wants to develop terraces in the realm over there, also bought ten units for trial under Diana's suggestion.

The focus of Barnett I was obviously not about digging the ground. He asked He Dou Dagger if he could replace the bucket with an offensive weapon.

At this time, Charles asked Auston I quietly: "Why are you so proficient! How many times have you driven the excavator!?"

Oston I oblique He glanced at him and whispered: "The topic of the college entrance examination is to make pancake rolls with scallions in our class."

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