When Hongye and Diana returned to the house, Auntie Cilantro had readjusted her mood and was listening to Charles bragging there with a smile from the heart.

After seeing her daughter come in, Auntie Cilantro waved her hand and asked Hongye to pack her luggage immediately, and then the whole family went south.

Just as Hongye was packing his luggage happily, in a village not knowing how many kilometers away from the maple forest to the south of Corn City, a man in front of a house was looking anxiously at the direction of the village entrance.

He was just twenty years old, but his long years of work in the field made his hands covered with calluses and there were some small wounds on his face.

From time to time, there was a woman's screaming in the room, which hurt my heart.

Every time a cry of pain comes, the man outside the house becomes more anxious.

There was an old man-like middle age person sitting on the outer wall of the house. He glanced at his anxious son-in-law and said, "Olive, come and sit for a while, don't walk around. Charlie Boss went to find Nun. She came over soon. As soon as Nun came, Cherry and Child would be fine."

Like Aunt Pomegranate, the villagers here caught everything when the child was born. What name should be given to the child.

Brow beaded with sweat took two more steps, wiped off his sweat, and sat down beside his father-in-law who was also sad.

Not all women can give birth to three children without incident like Aunt Pomegranate. With the medical resources of ordinary people like them, a woman gives birth to a child—especially the first time a child—just like Same as Gates of Hell.

Fortunately, I heard that "Northlands Saintess" Holy Angel Nun and her students appeared in the vicinity of the village in the past few days, and a small merchant who came to the village yesterday to help drive His carriage went to find her, and this made the two of them slightly relaxed.

But the wait is long, and the painful cry of the cherry in the house deepens the irritability in the hearts of the two people outside the house.

A sound of horseshoes suddenly came from the direction of the village entrance. Olive saw a person wearing a white vest galloping in, and the pedestrians on the road had already hid to the side of the road when they saw it.

The gods decided to block the way of the midwife, even the noble master was killed in vain.

Olive jumped up from the ground suddenly, moved towards the coming person waving his hands.

One person and one ride soon came outside the house, and the person who stopped the horse immediately jumped off the horse.

Olive and his father-in-law, who were originally anxious, suddenly felt a sense of peace in their hearts. At this time, they felt that they had nothing to worry about.

They stood quietly and watched this middle-aged woman with a pair of dead fish eyes and a stiff neck. Turned out a set of pure white cloth boots, white coat and white hat from the package on the back, and finally put on a white mask and gloves, the process is less than one minute.

After she took out the medicine box and walked into the house, she saw that her clean-handed olive and son-in-law were relaxed. Although it was not Holy Angel Nun, they were also an expert. It should be Is a student of Nun.

The fully armed Aunt Marcy quickly came to Cherry. After the inspection, she was frowned and said, "The situation is terrible and requires a Caesarean section."

Mr, who was born as an adventurer, was frowned. Qian has a strong spirit strength. One of her advantages compared with ordinary midwives is that she can judge the fetus' condition through the feedback of the spirit strength radiated from her.

The helpless local midwife and a young woman who came to help were suddenly shocked. Only the elite midwife can perform the major operation of Caesarean section. Unless there is an efficient healing potion to help, mothers are no different. Yu Xian lived first in Gates of Hell.

And the price of such a healing potion is enough to crush a peasant family.

Without waiting for any response from the two, Aunt Marcy took out a small bottle of potion and a box from the medicine box.

She handed the potion to the local midwife, pointed to a bucket prepared on the side and said: "Pour the potion into the water, and then sprinkle it on the ground from the inside out."

Then she handed the box to the young woman who was helping and said, "Pick one on each of the four corners of the house."

The two quickly moved into action, the diluted potion and the ignition The incense quickly drove the various insects in the room outside.

At this time, Marcy said to the olive and cherry father outside: "The girl's situation is very dangerous. A C-section is necessary. When Holy Angel Nun comes, she will be operated on immediately."


Under the dual effect of Marcy's own divine light ring and Holy Angel Nun's reputation, the two people outside the room suddenly sighed in relief.

When Charlie, who went to ask for help, found them in a village a few kilometers away, Holy Angel Nun was helping a man with a broken leg healed, so she asked Marcy to come over on horseback first. She and Mira Coming soon.

Then Marcy asked the two outsiders to take down a large package on Zi Yue’s back and put it to the door. She took out a large stack of white cloth from the package and a bundle that could be connected by screws. The metal pipes, together with the two people in the house, set up a temporary operating room around the mother’s all around.

At the same time, there was a roaring Radiant Shrine chant outside the village entrance, and the villagers who were about to watch the excitement suddenly saw one big and one small two white metal monsters that they had never seen before moved towards The village is usually fast as lightning.

If it weren’t for the two metal monsters with two wheels, the flag of Radiant Shrine was fluttering in the wind, while the monster in front was riding Holy Angel Nun, the militiamen at the entrance of the village would knock The alarm bell has sounded.

After a beautiful flick to the stop, Holy Angel Nun and Mira jumped off the Harley-shaped motorcycle. After standing up the car, they quickly took out a full set of equipment from the trunk and replaced it. Walked into the house where there was a cry of pain.

"How is the situation?" Holy Angel Nun, who was slightly tired, asked Marcy as soon as she walked in. She knew the maternal situation was not optimistic after seeing the operating room set up.

"The fetal position is abnormal." Marcy said immediately, "Cesarean section is necessary as soon as possible."

Holy Angel Nun walked to Cherry's side for a review and agreed with Marcy's judgment.

She immediately ordered: "Mira, give her painkillers. Marcy, you come to the surgeon. The two outside have hot water and towels ready."

Holy Angel Nun's order is over. After that, Mira in the operating room took out the medicine from the medicine box and used a dropper to feed it little by little. Marcy began to prepare the scalpel. Holy Angel Nun disinfected the place where the surgery was going to be performed and her hands with the disinfectant. The local midwife outdoors began to prepare hot water towels.

Cherry stopped screaming after drinking the potion, and her spirit became dull. The son-in-law of Oliver and the onlookers outside the house were suddenly startled.

Marcy’s sword technique is not weak, and she can be considered an expert when she is an adventurer. Her precise control power plays a very strong role when picking up a scalpel.

Caesarean section requires two or more knives to cut through the skin layer, subcutaneous tissue, anterior sheath, muscle layer, peritoneum, serosa and myometrium. People with poor skills sometimes need it It takes a few cuts to complete the 1st Step to incise the peritoneum.

Marcy's knife was extremely accurate and fast. A cold light flashed past, and the sharp blade cut directly into the peritoneum.

Followingly, Holy Angel Nun put his hand into the abdomen of the cherry to check the uterus, fetus and nearby organs. After finding that there was no problem, he lifted the uterus out of the incision. Mira also put a large piece of clean cotton cloth Pad around the uterus and incision.

After Holy Angel Nun nodded signaled, the cold light flashed again, and Marcy quickly opened the uterus without hurting the fetus inside.

After Nun took out the fetus, Marcy immediately helped him tie the umbilical cord with a thread.

Holy Angel Nun slapped the little life's ass with a slap, and the first cry of a whistle was heard outside the house, and the father of olive and cherry burst into tears of joy.

Mira took the little life of howling and crying newborn, walked out of the operating room and handed him to the local midwife who was waiting outside.

Next is the most important moment. Whether the young mother can pass this level depends on the operation of Holy Angel Nun. She concentrates on using healing techniques to make Cherry’s caesarean section wound layer by layer. Heal up.

As long as there is no accident in the next treatment time, the cherry will be out of Gates of Hell after three or four days of recuperation.

It’s not that Holy Angel Nun didn’t want to try her best to treat Cherry as soon as she came up. She needed to leave extra energy to deal with emergencies. Just when she was treating someone’s leg in Lincun, she suddenly received The news of cherry dystocia is like this.

The treatment inside the house is proceeding nervously, and the people outside the house are also waiting nervously.

A carriage have endured the hardships of a long journey and came back from outside the village. Charlie and his eight- or nine-year-old son came to Olive after jumping off the carriage. By your side.

Charlie just wanted to ask what was going on when the door opened, Mira poked her head out and shouted: "Mother and son are safe, family members can come in."

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