The Charles family’s territory is very large, with a mountain full of hot spring springs, and their family built a hot spring courtyard here.

It's just that this place is too remote compared to where his home is. In the past, their family would only invite some friends to come here to spend the winter in the coldest time of the year.

This year, the road of this hot spring hospital has been widened and reconstructed. The carriage starts from Corn City, takes a long road through the maple forest, and then turns halfway to a fork in the road. You can reach the destination in a short time. land.

At this time, it is the time when Frosty Leaf is red in February. Charles drove his second-hand carriage, pulling Diana, coriander, red leaf and wolf cub to the hot spring courtyard in the mountains.

Along the way, Ma Xiaoxiao, the caravan hired by Charles's family is rushing to transport the food aid from the north to the cities of Beastman before the heavy snowfall in late October and early November. He followed The united caravan transports the grain to the west and then takes the goods back from the west along the way.

For so many years, Charles and his family have disdain to play provide timely help tricks. They really have to wait until next year when the weather is freezing, biting-cold wind, and beastman start to lack food before sending them to the north. Not only is the beastman unable to support food, no one wants to go out to deliver food in the weather that can freeze the horse to death.

between Heaven and Earth has a steelyard, beastmen know who is really helping themselves.

It's easy to widen the flat road again. Charles and the others came to the gate of the other yard halfway up the mountain just as they climbed the sky at sunset.

Alfe and Aunt Pomegranate who got the news have been waiting at the gate for a long time.


As soon as Charles jumped off the carriage, he was hugged by the tearful Aunt Pomegranate, and he also extended the hand to hug Aunt Pomegranate for a while. Waist.

After the greeting, Charles asked Aunt Pomegranate to take the others to settle down, and he and Alfe went to the study.

The study in the other courtyard is very luxurious, and the portrait of the first generation Count Megadon Joseph Megadon is hung on the wall. Only then did Charles know who the author "Charles" was.

Charles sat in a comfortable chair, took a deep breath, and then asked Alfe who was standing across from the desk: "Have you contacted the black bat?"

Alfe, the mercenary, had a wild path on the underworld. He replied: "I have been in touch. They are very interested in this business."

Charles nodded, and then gave him the coriander before. A thick pile of parchment including a pile of parchment was thrown on the table.

"These are the intelligence of a few of them." Charles said, "Let those bats attack them at the level of assassinating the Demon King. Money is not a problem."

"Yes." Alfe took the order immediately and picked up the large pile of parchment.

Charles thought for a while and said, "I want to emphasize with the bats that only the head of the target or the wreckage that is more than half of the body's weight can be considered as the completion of the task. If it is a die without a whole corpse, it is difficult to recover. Yes, there must be a reliable video certificate."

"In addition, they only have one shot. If the first shot is unsuccessful, I will cancel the order. All they can get is the deposit."

"The time limit, within one year."

Alfe did not understand the second point Charles said, but he agreed.

What Charles is going to deal with this time is the other members of Alan’s squad. They were all scattered and hidden after Alan was sent to the labor camp.

At first he originally planned to do it himself, and one of them was killed by him at the Evil God altar in the underground labyrinth.

But the current situation is changing too fast, Charles does not want to focus on those shrimps, three years later, after he solves Allen, there are more things to do, such as packing up and revealing to Allen Demon who gave information about Ekaterina's broken horns.

Under the joint search of the Sixth Division of the Military Intelligence Department of the Spirit King Court, the Military Investigation and Statistics Bureau of the Kingdom of Relic, the Military Security Intelligence Bureau of the Kingdom of Relic, Allen’s hidden in the continent All party members everywhere have been dug out.

Charles, who has seen too many negative teaching materials for giving heads, experience, equipment and even giving away his wife, naturally will not give those who have been exposed to the protagonist's aura a chance to come back, so he asked the Assassin Organization to one Come up and do their best to let them meet the big Demon King just two kilometers from the Novice Village.

By the way, someone who is the nephew of the Demon King can also be the sixth or seventh of the four demon race kings.

"That's right." Charles thought of something again, "You told the bats, if you don't need to hide the employer's information if you expose it, just say that I let them do it."

Then he took the parchment and quill on the desk and wrote a paragraph to Alfe, saying: "Let those bats say that when the time comes."

After Alfe took the parchment After a glance, he was very determined, and at this time he couldn't help but vomit: "Master, you are will be very popular when you go to the temple of music."

Charles is unreasonable. He then asked: "How is the food transportation thing going?"

"Everything is going well." Alfe replied, "The grain centered in Corn City is expected to be before November. The transportation can be completed. The Poklonskaya Knight in the west sent a message yesterday that the grain provided by the Kingdom of Villingen has begun to be transported to the north, which greatly reduces our pressure. To the east is King Auston of the Kingdom of Rerik Everything went well with the help of King I. We purchased a lot of salted fish from him."

Alfe continued: "This time the white jade meat produced by the elves invited by the master In response to the beastman’s great welcome, Mr. Spam is working overtime to produce white jade meat, which has greatly eased the pressure on the quantity of food."

Charles nodded, he wrote to him after he learned of the drought in the north. The old village head of Xueling Village asked him to send people to his territory to produce white jade meat to help beastman weather the drought.

The old village chief was also unambiguous after receiving the letter from His Royal Highness Charles, and directly asked his son Spam to lead a team north to support His Royal Highness's justice cause.

Charles knows the most fundamental thoughts of the old village chief. He said to Alfe: "You go and talk to Spam. We are working together to build a white jade meat processing plant here. This is a new industry for our family."

"At the same time, some white jade meat was given as a gift to the caravan who helped us transport food, implying that they would mass produce this next year. There is also a ton of squeeze out. Give it to the bear family next door."

Alfe wrote down Charles' request on a notepad, and then repeated it.

Charles thought about it again and said, "Invite Spam to have dinner tonight. I haven't seen this guy for a long time. Remember to ask him to bring more pupae, when the time Comes fried and eat."

One more thing was arranged, Charles then asked: "How is the wool acquisition on the prairie?"

Alfe replied: "Let’s contact For all the tribes, beastman is willing to buy us all the wool at a low price."

Charles thought for a while and said: "The price should not be too low, it cannot be lower than 90% of last year's price. Tell them, I will have as much wool as they have in five years."

If someone else’s master does this, their steward will definitely persuade their master not to throw money like this. But Alfe won't. Knowing the Charles overall plan, he has done calculations from a commercial perspective. As long as he can grasp about 80% of the wool supply on the grassland, all the food aid input will be recovered soon.

Megadon Family’s assistance to the prairie is unconditional, and the beastman on the prairie does not impose conditions when repaying favor.

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