After playing two knock-out competitions, Charles knew that he was walking the lucky dog ​​excrement. The two opponents he encountered were not experts, so one stab solved the battle.

Seeing that it was all right when he was idle, he found Mira who was busy and wanted to return to the storage ring stored in her. He said that he was walking around on the street, and then went looking for his uncle.

As a result, Demon King and his minions ended the game a long time ago. He didn't know where he went drinking and bragging, and how he could find someone, so he had to wander around the city.

The martial stage is located in the center of the Commerce District in the center of Granada. To the north is the place where you sell valuable goods, and to the south are the daily necessities used by the civilians.

At dusk, the commercial street to the south is particularly lively. People who have finished their day's work go to the street to buy some things for home use, and then go home for dinner.

The shopkeepers are mainly busy all day long. Before long, the street is deserted and they are closed. The nightlife does not belong here.

Charles saw an acquaintance not long after he wandered around.

Dilauris walked out of a cloth shop, and what she was carrying was obviously not light to her now.

Charles hurriedly walked over, and while taking the cloth in her hand, he said, "Dilauris Aunt, how come your body hasn't recovered yet? I'll help you with these things. "

Dilauris was stunned when she saw Charles. Before she could object, the large bundle of linen in her hand reached Charles.

She said: "I went to Annie Nun yesterday. After she helped me treat me, my health was much better. Without the arrow in my lungs, the medicine I took now didn’t hurt my body that much. I was bedridden too much. For a long time, she said that I need to move around more now."

After hearing what she said, Charles was relieved. Annie is the priest of the temple of life in the city. She is more than a thousand years old this year. Since she said so Then there is no problem.

The scale of the Temple of Life is not large, and there are many patients who want to "hospitalize" there, so Charles didn't bother to go there.

Radiant Shrine and Life Temple have their own specialties in treatment. Radiant Shrine specializes in surgery, and Life Temple is biased towards internal medicine.

Dilauris then chatted with Charles. She said, "I used to secretly hide a sum of money to wait for Huntington to get married after I die. Now I trust you. Fu, I won’t die for a while, so I took out a little to buy something for Huntington and the others."

"Huntington’s clothes are already torn in several places. I’m at home. I am also idle. Now that I have the strength, I plan to help Huntington and Marianne make new clothes, so I came out to buy some linens."

"didn't expect this new'slime cloth' It's so cheap and very strong, so I bought some more, and by the way, I also made clothes for the sisters and their children."

"slime cloth" is Ji Shijun and they use a new type of textile. The machine-woven linen is named after the slime basin. This kind of linen is widely welcomed by the market because of its low price and good quality, and it can also be bought here by didn't expect.

The new cotton cloth produced by Auston I was also very popular, and this guy named this cotton cloth "Mira cloth" after the name of the elder sister of you.

Charles jokingly said: "Aunt, I think Huntington is going to marry Marianne in the future?"

Dilauris laughed softly and said: "Although Hunting Dunn didn't tell me, but Marianne's parents told me that last year Marianne was almost taken away by a wolf while picking the fruit, and Huntington saved her. If the two children could be together, we would all be happy. "

At this moment, the two of them walked to the door of a bookstore. Deloris paused and thought for a while, and then walked into the bookstore.

The bookstore does not only sell books, it also sells parchment and some stationery.

Dilauris bought five second-hand parchments, a quill pen and a bottle of white gouache.

Parchment can be used again after crossing out the words above, and those parchments that have been scraped too thinly to make holes will be sold in the stationery store, and then resold to Huntington. Family use.

Gouache can replace ink. Although it is not durable for writing, it can be wiped off with a damp towel. It is suitable for people who are just beginning to learn to write.

Dilauris seemed to want to buy the book, but after seeing the price of the book, he hesitated for a long time, and finally gave up.

Dilauris, who bought the stationery, walked out of the bookstore, and Charles followed it out after a while.

At this time, Deloris had bought five bunches of ice candied fruit stick from a street vendor selling ice candied fruit stick, and asked the vendor to wrap it with clean leaves.

When she saw Charles came out, she stuffed two bunches of ice candied fruit stick into Charles's hand, and said somewhat sorry: "Your sister and brother saved my life. I really don’t know what to do. Thank you..."

Charles laughed, took the ice candied fruit stick, and said, "This thank you gift is enough. I haven't eaten this for a long time."

He at first didn't intend to let the other's family repay him or anything. He didn't lack the money and the name was enough, just helping others out of interest.

Dilauris bought some candles and the like along the way, Charles helped her carry them, and then walked to her house.

The two chatted along the way, and the topic soon revolved around Huntington.

Dilauris is very guilty of her son. She nagged to Charles that she even thought about self-determination to reduce the burden on her son, but she was afraid of leaving an indelible psychological shadow on her young son. , So I waited until my son was a little older. Fortunately, I finally waited until Charles appeared.

Charles said to her: "Huntington is a sensible child, and the suffering of these years has been a challenge for him. Now your family has survived, a man with the will to live a life of suffering. Tinton will definitely shine in the future."

Mothers like to hear people praise their son, Deloris’ very pleased in one's mind.

She said: "Next, I plan to train him well."

"Oh...if I have other abilities, I don't want him to follow our old path."

Charles listened silently there. Adventurers are a high-risk profession, and they can't come back with a little carelessness. This is what Deloris and her family have the most insight.

Huntington and Marian seem to have not returned from get off work yet. Marian's parents are big family cooks. They go out early and return home every day. At this time, there is no one in the two houses.

Charles left things after he put down his things. If he stayed, Deloris would definitely cook for him again, so he wouldn't bother others.

Who knows he heard a sound of horseshoes when he just left the house.

A group of adventurers ran past Charles on horseback, moved towards the south gate.

A horse stopped in front of Huntington's house. Huntington jumped off the horse and rushed into the house.

From the room came the voice of Deloris’ questioning, Huntington’s answer, and the voice of changing clothes.

Outside the house, Charles asked the stranger who was still riding on his horse: "What happened?"

The stranger said anxiously: "There is a group of fruit pickers. I was kidnapped, and the bandit sent a blackmail letter."

Charles hearing this immediately took out three bottles of healing potion from his pocket, held it in his hand, and handed it to Bibiguai, and said at the same time "Be careful. Don’t talk nonsense and draw your sword when you see the bandit. Don’t save the potion."

After receiving the potion, she puffed her mouth first, and then said, “I’ll give it again when you come back. Your money."

At this time, Huntington put his bow and arrow on his back, then jumped on his horse and sat down behind him. He picks fruits all year round, and is more familiar with the surrounding terrain than many adult adventurers.

Charles took out a belt from the storage ring and threw it to Huntington on horseback. He said, "This belt buckle is a small dagger. The dagger is poisoned and blood is seen. Seal your throat, be careful."

Huntington just said half a "thank you", and he chased after the big group.

Charles frowned thought for a while, and then moved towards outside the city in the same way.

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