After the floods in the past two years, a large number of victims appeared on the southern side of the river.

Some of the victims in the east took refuge in the Slime Basin, while those in the west were not so lucky. The most lucky of them became tenant farmers again, and the unlucky ones were captured by the slave team and became slaves. , There are a small number of sturdy bandits who have joined the Wuthering Mountains.

It’s just that the bandit’s life was not so easy. Someone’s relatives in his previous life had been bandits, and it turned out that the bandits also had a meal but not a meal, so they ate for nothing on the mountain. Two days after drinking for nothing, he went down the mountain to join the army.

The bandits in this world are even worse. The devil beast in the mountains is their biggest threat, but the slave is more fierce than the devil beast. Many people would rather fight for a life under the mouth of the beast than go. When that slave of all black, no daylight.

Those who survived the bandits are getting stronger and stronger, and there are even many powerful bosses. And the existence of these bosses has promoted the strength of the middle-level bosses, and the grassroots bandits led by the middle-level cadres can also be tempered in the battle, which has become a virtuous circle.

After the flood brought a large number of viable powers, the bandit’s strength has been further developed, and for a while, the strength is not lost to those little nobles.

For those nobles, as long as these bandits only grab the caravan and not the farm, they will open their eyes and close their eyes. The Adventurer's Guild is more happy with the existence of these bandits, so that the caravan's escort tasks will not be less, which means that it is quite self-respecting.

It's just that the bandits are too crowded and expensive, and this time bandits put their idea on the head of the Adventurer's Guild in Granada.

The kidnapped little adventurers have no money at home, and they can’t blackmail a few coins.

When a little adventurer with his ears cut off sends a blackmail letter to the Adventurer’s Union, the situation is different. The union must come forward to resolve this matter, otherwise the prestige of the union will be lost. No need to mix.

Of course, the Adventurer's Union is not a good crop. At first, they will definitely send someone to rescue them. The bandits will naturally not be unprepared.

The Adventurer's Union immediately organized more than 20 adventurers to find and rescue the kidnapped hostages. Although it was night, it was a piece of cake for them to find their tracks.

As the adventurers who rushed to the kidnapping incident passed a dangerous place, they heard a whistle above their heads, and the rocks on the side of the cliff fell like raindrops. moved towards the adventurers moved towards.

The adventurers were not surprised at all, and each showed their divine ability to open the stone and wood that was rolling down by the mountain.

Why did you think there was another whistle on the top of the mountain? Just as more wood and stone fell in the second round, countless arrows and javelins shot out from the dark side of the forest like locusts, and took the adventurer's crotch directly horses.

The adventurers secretly said in one's heart: "Bitterness!"

For a time, everyone protected the top of their heads and some of the horses, and they were confused in panic. From time to time, some people were knocked down by falling rocks, and some horses were overturned to the ground due to pain.

The forest thief saw that the adventurers were in chaos and were overwhelmed, so they drew out their swords and shields, yelling, and rushing forward regardless of the falling stones on their heads.

At the beginning was a long wooden spear several meters long. The bandits jumped out of the mountains and forests without forming a formation. They stabbed the riders up and down the horses. If they couldn’t handle them, they abandoned the wooden wall and held them. The sword moves forward.

The stone and wood above the head also stopped at this moment, one by one the ropes fell from the top of the mountain, and one by one the bandits descended along the rope.

There are many bandits. Those with high martial power leaders pick up seemingly tough adventurers and entangle them. Other bandits choose the wounded and fall to the ground, or they will come with cold guns and arrows. .

There is a saying that the young man is arranging the fork spear, and the brawny man is carrying the sword and the axe together.

All the adventurers are expert, but the first opportunity has been lost, morale has been weakened, and the bandits are in chaos under the two-phase attack, and they seem to have fallen into the inescapable net.

At this moment, a mule cart drove up and was driven by a young man. Sitting in the car was a young man, a brawny man and an old man, rushing towards the Asura field-like boundary.

On the top of the mountain, a leader sneered three times, then pushed the huge boulder around him down the cliff, and the boulder moved towards the mule cart like a thunder.

I saw the brawny man on the mule cart jumped up, moving towards the falling rock with a steel hammer in his hand.

I saw that the boulder all split up and in pieces all split up and in pieces.

The brawny man was unforgiving. He stepped on the cliff like an ape. He shot to the top of the mountain in three or two steps, and rushed towards the culprit with a roar.

An old man on the donkey cart also flew up with a sword, and the two rushed into the group of thieves on the top of the mountain together.

For a while,

Demon King is stubborn, steel essence is like a Flood Dragon.

To command the bravery, long sword is as brave as a tiger.

The place was hit by the steel hammer, and there were bursts of rocks and rocks.

long sword During the war, there was a cry of ghosts and fears.

How Nicholas II and Suvorov fought on the top of the mountain for the time being, let’s talk about going back to the bottom of the mountain.

The black-eyed black haired youth was about to jump out of the mule cart, and a young man behind him grabbed him and said: "You can't use weapons, this one lends you."

The youth was taken aback. , Saving people is like fighting a fire, so he no longer talks too much, abandons the cheap long sword in his hand, and after taking over the katana from the young man, he kills the bandit.

The young man didn’t neglect, he was standing on the back of the mule, his hands were flying, and a throwing knives went straight to the thief’s vital point. stand up.

The young man used the bandits to break into the enemy group and rescued an adventurer who was seriously injured and was struggling.

The young man on the mule's back shot the flying knife in the purse empty, then drew the big knife from the knife case behind it, and rushed into the battle group together.

The boy and the young man went from right to left, cooperated with each other and killed them forward.

A bandit rushed towards the two of them, the blade light flickered, and they couldn't stop half a step.

Those leaders rushed up, and after a few moves, they were all hacked and killed on the spot.

A group of bandits surrounded them, but how could the thin encirclement stop the two of them? The encirclement became a death circle.

I saw the two people surrounded by bandits,

Slashing left and right, like a tiger attacking an elk.

Turn back and forth, like Flood Dragon playing in the water.

Looking at death and anger, the knife in his hand only looks at the door flying.

Think about children's anger, and cast hidden weapon to avoid stabs.

In a moment, the corpse of the bandit was spread all over the place, and the bandits did not dare to step forward.

There is a saying: when the katana rises, the tiger in front of the mountain is frightened; when the big sword falls, the Flood Dragon at home is frightened.

For a moment, their corner stabilized their position, and the slightly injured adventurer turned around to form a formation with them after being saved, and began to counterattack.

At this moment, there was a third whistle in the woods on the side. The bandits ran back to the dark woods by the roadside, and it didn't take long for no one to withdraw.

People were worried about fraud, so they stopped chasing after them.

In this battle, the adventurers borrowed their casualties. Nearly half of the dead were injured, and the rest were injured.

Nicholas II and Suvorov came down from the mountain, frowning when they saw it.

Demon King thought to himself: "This bandit must be relaxed after winning a game. It is the time of the attack." So he asked the slightly injured adventurer to drive the wounded in a mule car to report the letter. He ordered Suvorov, Charles, and Gaofeng Suzuki to follow the trail of the culprits.

At this moment, an adventurer exclaimed: "Broken! Molly and Huntington were taken captive by thieves!"

Charles was surprised and asked that Molly was the adventurer. The grandson of the president of the trade union, he also thought for a while after meeting the strange monster today, and then said with relief: "Don't panic, I know where they went."

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