The screen turns back to the cave from earlier.

Seeing that his nirvana skills worked well, Charles finally relaxed.

When he at first was learning to fight, he thought about creating an unarmed nirvana with large enough formidable power, strong concealment, and not harsh use conditions.

After getting inspiration from Diana, someone Yun invented the copycat Big Dipper Divine Fist that compresses the easy-to-compress Wind Element to the size of a needle, pierces the enemy's body and detonates it.

After he invented this magic, Elizabeth was silent for one minute, and then warned him not to pass on this kind of overly cruel magic, at best it could only be circulated within the family.

Next, Charles will have an additional art class.

The battle on Charles's side is over, and the battle on Suzuki Gaofeng's side is coming to an end.

The bandit holding a short sword was hacked to death with two knives, and the wound in front of him smelled of smoke and burning.

The mage that put Fireball has been chopped down to the ground. The Earth Element mage who puts the quagmire technique put an earthen wall in front of him, but he was immediately stabbed by Takayama Suzuki, and the mage behind the wall did not respond. Ji was also stabbed.

Charles' spirit strength has been shrouded in this space. He discovered that Suzuki Gaofeng's ability is to invalidate all magic attacks.

Unlike Charles and their Demon God breaking power, Suzuki Gaofeng's ability is to return the magic elements that make up the magic to a state of disorder.

This ability has a good effect on the formed magic, but the effect is not good when it encounters a magic cannon that simply blasts the magic power.

After the battle, the two changed a place to take a rest, Suzuki Gaofeng said: "Didn't expect these bandits are so powerful."

Charles thoughtfully said: "I think this is intentional by the enemy's leader."

"The two groups of weak bandits at first made us think that the enemy is very weak. At first, he underestimated the enemy."

Suzuki Gaofeng was nodded, he really underestimated the enemy at first.

Charles continued: "And these five are probably not bandits. They look like well-trained soldiers."

"Especially those two mage, bandits There is almost no mage in it, and the only person who can instruct mage is Master Noble."

Suzuki Gaofeng listened silently there, not knowing what he was thinking.

The two of them continued to move forward after a short rest, and encountered no obstacles on the way that followed.

On the road, Suzuki Gaofeng who was walking in front suddenly asked: "Mr. Charles, what do you like best to eat?"

Charles replied without thinking: "My girlfriend Made taro meat."

Suzuki Gaofeng asked later: "Do you have anything you like?"

Charles replied: "Money."

Suzuki Gaofeng asked again: "Do you have any goals?"

Charles replied again: "Money and beauty."

Seeing Suzuki Gaofeng, Charles seemed to be taken aback. He changed his words and said: "Career and love."

Along the way, Suzuki Gaofeng asked Charles about his preferences, and Charles had a few words back there.

At the same time, Charles thought in his heart: "What is this guy going to do, are you going to brush up on my favorability?"

The more he thinks about it, the more he feels that the guy started like this thought.

Charles ignored the ramming goods and continued to move forward.

The tunnel is very long, and traces of the hostages rising up after the fall began to appear in the footprints on the ground.

The two walked for another ten minutes and found a pile of rubble blocking the road ahead.

Apparently the thief in front of the tunnel collapsed the roof of the tunnel. The two of them had no choice but to throw the larger stones behind them, trying to clear a passage.

Those bandits are very cruel. The tunnel they collapsed is more than ten meters long, and there is a bunch of experts in ambush at the other end.

When Henir Count arrived with more than 30 elite troops, he found Suzuki Gaofeng who was sitting on the edge of the tunnel and was seriously injured.

Mira immediately went up to the rescue. After a healing spell hit it, Suzuki Gao Feng raised his right hand and pointed to the depths of the tunnel and said with difficulty: "Quick...Go and save Charles...he was taken away. Now!"

Mira just wanted to chase down the tunnel. A man in a travel gown and a hood grabbed her and said, "Don’t worry, he has a lot of experience in being kidnapped. It's okay."

The man lifted his hood after speaking, and Mira was taken aback by the beautiful face exposed under the hood.

"Nana?!" Mira looked at Diana in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Suddenly Diana said, "He asked me to come, saying that Give me a gift."

Mira was a bit speechless, and she asked: "When did you come?"

Diana shrugged, and said: "When you first entered the cave, I just I’m here, I’m just following you quietly."

Mira is speechless to Diana. Since returning from Abyss City last time, Diana will disappear for a few days every month. On the surface, she goes to Osmanthus. When the city visited Charles, only she knew that Diana flew to Abyss City most of the time to deal with their company's affairs. This time it seemed that she had dropped in after coming back from there.

On the other side, Suzuki Takayama, who had recovered his body, told Genil Count, Nottingham and Zamora Bishop about what happened after he and Charles entered the cave.

Henil counts their facial expression grave. The leader of the bandit brought the hostages here. It is certainly not as simple as slave selling.

Several leaders also remembered the appalling case of Evil God abuse of children in Northlands many years ago.

Not to mention that Genil count has a clear understanding of the slave transaction process. No slave merchant will trade in such a place, which deepens his doubts.

At the end of the team, the two guys who pretended not to know Mira and Diana, commanded by the Demon King and the demon race Guard army, didn’t know what they were muttering. The expressions on their faces were sometimes confused and sometimes excited.

The team quickly continued to set off. At this time, it has been a long time since the hostages were taken inside. Everyone accelerated their speed for fear that the hostages had already been met by accident.

Since she has shown her head, Diana no longer hides as she did before. She drags Mira to follow behind the team. Only the Demon King are behind them.

After walking for more than half an hour, Suzuki Gaofeng’s shout suddenly came from the front.

"There are enemies!"

The whole team immediately entered the fighting state, Mira immediately rushed to the front of the team, Diana did not hold her at once.

Nikolai Uncle and Suvorov, who are in charge of the important tasks behind the palace, are now in place, and Nikolai Uncle and Diana are staring at small eyes in big eyes.

Suvorov moved aside two steps. He heard that these two people had been making trouble for a while because of Intel’s tax relief.

Sure enough, there was a sneak attack on the bandit’s side. A dozen people wearing metal half-length armor rushed out of the darkness and rushed to the three people who had broken them.

Nicholas Uncle took the opportunity no longer paid attention to Diana, he swung his hammer and rushed towards the enemy.

When Suvorov saw this, he waved his sword and rushed up.

At this moment, the walls of the tunnel suddenly exploded, and an enemy holding a long sword rushed towards Diana, who was standing alone.

And Diana didn't even look at anyone. She opened the five fingers of her left hand and moved towards the bandit who rushed to the front with a quick wave.

Before the bandit could react, his whole body was transformed into six pieces like an omelet cut horizontally by five knives, and then fell to the ground.

Shen Feng·Nantou Water Bird Fist· Wuying is so terrifying.

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