The battle at first has entered a white-hot stage.

The width of the tunnel is limited, and the forces on both sides cannot be deployed. Only the people in the front row can meet the enemy.

So the adventurers and soldiers can only send out the most powerful people as spearheads to rush over.

Nottingham, Zamora and Allen rushed to the front, two long swords and a hammer beat the thief wail like ghosts and howl like wolves.

Mira provides medical support behind them, and Genil count provides long-range fire support as mage. Suzuki Peak, which has not fully recovered, is protecting Mira and Genil count.

Faced with the attack of these high-end battle strengths, the thieves who intercepted were beaten and retreated steadily for a while, and they kept retreating.

Using magic power to dig a hole is not Altria’s unique skill. The enemy dug a few passages extending backwards in front of the tunnel.

When everyone was attracted to all the battle strength by the fierce battle ahead, the enemy in the passage suddenly broke through the side and above the sneak attack team.

The unprepared adventurer and the Knight and soldiers brought by Henir count suddenly lost their positions, and several of them were injured.

Henil Count immediately ordered Mira and Suzuki Gaofeng to turn around to support, and he also increased the firepower output.

In the tunnel, neither party dared to use large-scale magic, for fear that they would collapse the tunnel and bury themselves.

The joining of Mira and Suzuki Gaofeng provided a respite for the team that was attacked by the sneak attack. In particular, Mira immediately treated several severely wounded people, which greatly improved the morale of the team.

After the team stabilized their positions, they resolved the sneak attack from the rear. The enemy’s Nikolai Uncle and Suvorov came to support

The situation was reversed immediately, and the sneak attack The thieves were beaten in defeat.

In the shadows behind, Diana sneered and threw a comatose culprit aside, then made a fatal blow.

With the addition of the Demon King, the battle is over soon, and the thieves who blocked the sneak attack may die or escape.

Henil Count decided to let the team take a short break. He saw that Suzuki Gaofeng had something to say next to him, so he said: "Don’t worry, we have just been sneak attacked, and everyone’s spirits will inevitably be extremely severe. Being nervous, being too nervous can make people tired easily. Now we need to relax appropriately, and then pull yourself together to be more vigilant."

"At the same time, we have some wounded and they need to be treated."


Suzuki Gaofeng felt that Hernier count made sense, so he gave up his intention to urge.

Henier count also has a storage ring in his hand. He immediately took out two large barrels of ale, and then said to everyone: "Everyone has a drink to quench their thirst. Let's take a break and we will go to death. Beep]!"

The adventurers and soldiers cheered. They were indeed a little thirsty after being in the cave for so long.

The ale provided by Master Count is a good wine, with good taste and texture, and not high in strength. He usually uses it as water.

Everyone knows the importance, no one is greedy for a cup, everyone took a drink or two with a wine scoop.

At this time Mira is treating an adventurer who was stabbed in the thigh, but she did not drink like everyone else.

Henil Count came over, and after she finished the treatment, she handed her a silver jug ​​inlaid with many precious stones, and said, "Drink some water. No one uses this jug. Yes."

"many thanks count." Mira politely thanked Henier count.

Henil count said with a faint smile: "You don’t have to be polite with me. Your father visited me several times before. At that time, I thought your family was so rich, and I wanted to make me ineffective. My boy married you and came home."

After he finished talking, he laughed heartily up by himself, and then he said: "Fortunately, you father declined and I didn’t insist on it, otherwise my family’s smelly brat overestimate one's Capabilities wanting to marry a queen can make people laugh at several decades."

At this time, Mira drank some water. When returning the silver kettle to Genil count, Genil count pushed the kettle. After giving it to Mira, he sighed and said: "This kettle was given to you, and it was given to me by your father."

"Your family's affairs... alas... you save it for a miss. ."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left to talk to Nikolai Uncle and Suvorov.

Mira took the kettle and found a maple leaf carved with rubies on the neck of the kettle.

For a few seconds, Mira hung the canteen on the belt behind her waist, and then continued to treat the wounded.

Henil Count directly took out two bottles of good wine and handed them to the Demon King and the leader, said with a faint smile: "Quite the thirst first. Thanks to the two gentlemen just now, otherwise we will be surrounded on all sides. I'm afraid they will be defeated in the end."

Nikolai Uncle and Suvorov laughed, opened the bottle and raised it to pay tribute to Genil Count, and then blew out the bottle in one breath.

Henil Count continued to ask with a smile: "After the incident is resolved, I will invite the two to have dinner."

Nicola Uncle and Su Wolof glanced at each other, and then Nikolai uncle said, "The teacher and I will bother you."

Henil count left with satisfaction. As usual, as long as the other party If you don't refuse your invitation, then you won't refuse your solicitation. Then at worst is the negotiation of treatment issues.

After Genil Count left, Nikolai Uncle turned his head to Diana who was not far away and asked, "Nana, what do you think of this person?"

Diana just "hehe" twice, and then said nothing more.

Not long after, the rested people set off again, and two empty wine barrels were thrown aside.

This time everyone has increased their vigilance. People behind are always staring at the sides and the stone wall above their heads, for fear that someone will rush out again.

After walking for nearly a hundred meters and then turning a corner, several big holes appeared in front of everyone. The person who had just attacked the sneak attack clearly started from here.

After walking for a while, a faint spice smell drifted into everyone's nostrils.

The Henir count frowned, who is currently struggling with Suzuki Gaofeng, immediately ordered: "All rest! The enemy is not far away, let's rush over!"

The whole team immediately started fighting. Spirit, then move towards the depths of the passage.

I walked several hundred meters again, and an underground cave with a radius of about 100 meters and a height of 20 to 30 meters appeared in front of everyone.

There are braziers placed in the cave, making it brightly illuminated.

The ground here is very flat, there is no soil on the ground, but there is a huge circular magic array.

The kidnapped children are all tied up and seem to be knocked out. They are placed on the magic array according to certain rules.

The deep red lines of the magic array extend to the two stone gates ten meters high and several meters wide on the cave wall.

The two stone gates don't have many patterns, only the pattern of a bear-like animal inlaid with stones, and Charles hanging on it like a sausage.

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