There are a dozen dark shadows standing in front of the stone gate in the cave. They all wear black robes and hoods. One of them points to Charles hanging on the door. , Babbled and talked non-stop.

Henil Count grabbed Mira who was about to rush up, and said: "Don't be impulsive, wait... it's not good..."

He hasn't finished speaking yet, The whole person's strength was lost, and he slammed straight to the ground, even knocking Mira to the ground.

For a time, all the people in this team collapsed to the ground.

The Zamora bishop of Temple of War shouted at the moment of falling: "The spices in the brazier are poisonous!" At the time, spices are added to the fire that will produce a fragrance when burning.

Zamora at first just thought that an evil ceremony was being held here, but the enemy didn't expect it to cover up the smell of poison qi.

At this moment, like everyone else, his muscles are sore and weak, and his head is tingling. For a while, neither magic nor divine technique can be used.

At this time, everyone fell one after another, and even the three people behind the team fell to the ground.

Not long after, a black robed man walked over, with two entourage behind him.

The black robed man walked up to the people who fell on the ground and cursed, and said calmly: "Didn't expect, there are so many sacrifices delivered to the door."

Although the curses of a group of adventurers did not become louder, their content began to become intense and exciting, and they all expressed their willingness to combine meat and meat with the ancestors of the eighteen generations of black robed man-regardless of gender. .

Henil Count, who fell on the ground, was taken aback. He lifted the head with difficulty to look at the black robed man, and asked with all his strength: "Juan Your Majesty?"


The black robed man paused, then tore open his hood, revealing his thin, but smooth, rosy face.

Extreme sickness and extreme health appear on the same face, which makes people feel very strange.

Henil Count's eyes widened, and didn't expect that the black robed man is really his loyal king.

Juan looked at Henier and said, "My good brother, we haven’t seen each other for years."

Henil shook the head hard and said:" I really don’t want to meet with you under such circumstances."

Then he asked in surprise: "Your face..."

Juan laughed and said: "This is still I have to thank Charles. It's worth noting that I sent the most beautiful maids to help him take a bath, and got the blood of the giant dragon on his body, which restored me a lot."

Hanging on the stone gate. The Laxuan suddenly trembled slightly and almost rushed over to kill a witness to silence them.

Henil asked: "Why are you doing this?"

Juan said nonchalantly: "Nothing, just want to gain some strength?"

"What?!" Henier looked at Juan in surprise, "Just for this?"

He struggled to sit up and continued: "Just to gain strength, you have to sacrifice those innocents The child’s life?"

Juan lightly nodded, said: "Yes, the only value of those common people is to serve the king with everything, so what about giving their lives?"

"As long as the protection magic on the stone gate is broken, I will gain the power left by the demon race and serve me better than letting them pay a lifetime tax!"

Henil looked at Juan’s eyes As if he had just met this childhood playmate, he said: "Your Majesty, do you remember what you said the night before ascending the throne?"

"For this country, more The people of this land..."

Juan slightly shook the head, and then interrupted Henier. He said in a low voice: "She died, she died in my arms. Here. If I had enough power at the time, she would not leave me."

Henier looked at Juan dumbly. He knew what “she” Juan was talking about was The late queen.

Then he closed his eyes in pain, took off the Quan Ring on the fourth finger of the right hand, and threw the count Quan Ring under Juan's feet with all his strength.

Hu An calmly looked at Quan Jie in the shadow of the flames in front of his feet, and said nothing for a long time.

"You are too naive until now." Juan shook his head and said.

At this moment, Henir sitting on the ground suddenly picked up a long sword dropped by other adventurers at hand, and at the same time a burst of golden light appeared on his body, and then jumped up suddenly moved towards Juan 刺去.

Just when the long sword was about to pierce Juan’s chest, a black robed man behind Juan suddenly made a move. He stretched out his right hand wearing iron gloves and grabbed the long sword. The black robed man on one side hit Genil's head in a circle, flying him ten meters away.

Juan looked at Henir who was rolling on the ground, sighed for a long time, and then turned to leave.

At this time, another voice said: "If I help you crack the magic on the door, can you let Charles and the children go?"

Juan turned his head around , I saw that it was Suzuki Gaofeng who spoke. He asked with interest: "Can you guarantee that you can crack the magic on the door?" Suzuki Gaofeng stood up with Katana with difficulty, and said, "I have the ability to eliminate magic."

Hu An thought for a while, and then said to a black robed man behind him. The black robed man dragged the stunned Henir back, and then swiped it with a sword. His neck.

The opening in Henir's neck is not big, but the blood keeps flowing out. If he is not treated in time, he will lose too much blood and die soon.

Hu An said to Gao Feng Suzuki: "Don't play tricks, or I will kill all the people here."

Then he beckoned, the two black robed man in front of the stone gate Come over and take Suzuki Gaofeng to the stone gate.

Juan sneered, then looked towards Zamora and Allen lying on the ground, and said: "It is fortunate to invite two bishops as sacrifices. I believe Demon God will be very satisfied. "

Alan rolled the eyes to Juan and said: "Fool."

Zamora looked at Juan and said: "The gods will punish you. "

Juan shook the head with a smile and said: "The war is about to begin. I believe that the demon race will be interested in a country that extends a hand of friendship to them."

Alan lay on the ground and shook the head again, and said again: "Fool."

Juan ignored Allen, and continued to say to Zamora: "I want to know, when a demon race When the army rushed from Southwest to various countries, the expressions on those people's faces would be surprised."

Zamora looked at Juan dumbfounded, then shook his head, sighed and stopped talking.

At this moment, the sound of "rumbling" resounded throughout the cave, and a rotten, dull air current swept across.

Hu An turned his head and looked at the space behind the black hole behind the opened stone gate, suddenly ecstatic.

He hurried to the stone gate, and then shouted to the black robed man: "Quick! Quickly carry all the sacrifices in!"

"And those children, Also carry them in!"

At this time, Gao Feng Suzuki, who was holding Charles who had been put down, shouted: "This is different from what you promised me!"

Hu An squinted at him and asked: "Did I promise you something just now?" Suzuki Gao Feng was taken aback for a moment. Juan did not say just now that he helped open the door and let him go. Come.

What else did he want to say, the next moment was knocked out.

Hu An "tsk tsk" twice and said: "This time the offering is not only bishop, but also transmigrator, I believe Demon God will like it."

Those black The robed man began to pass the adventurers, and as they approached the adventurers, there was a sudden roar from the crowd.


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