half a month Liang climbed up

Hey la la, climbed up

It was late at night, Charles was in the Big Tree Foot Hotel’s room Inside, there was a crash-bang sound in the bathroom, and Altria was sitting by the window looking towards the moon outside in a daze. Diana on the sofa was holding Awei and instilling some management knowledge about the catering industry.

With this time Charles accepted the opportunity of Ai Li and Xi Li as a discipline to teach them cooking, this small transmigrator group has made a lot of effort to promote Chinese cuisine. The discussion on the Dreamland platform is better than the original Shi Jun was still fierce when planning to guard the slime basin.

Alston I even used national intelligence forces to collect a large number of noble taste preferences on the continent, so that the intelligence chiefs of the Kingdom of Rerik thought that their king was preparing for a poisoned assassination. Especially last year there was a vicious incident in which the family of the King of the Bischberg Kingdom was poisoned.

Good management is essential if you want to make the catering boom.

A Wei can't touch objects, but it's okay to engage in management.

Diana even designed a typewriter that can be used by A Wei, but it will take some time to do it.

Not long after, Charles came out of the bathroom with a yawn, and he slammed himself on the sofa and sat down.

Collecting enough mushrooms for Altria is a hard work, and it can't be exhausted to fish, and some must be left to maintain ecological balance.

Charles drove Diana and Altria back early, and Altria stared at them like a mother, which made him a little unbearable, so he himself was busy in Underground City. long time.

After sitting for a while, he stood up and stretched, and said, "It's time to go to bed."

Diana hearing this also stood up, and Awei flew to Charles's He lay on his back behind him.

Altria glared at the two of them and said, "You still want to sleep together?"

Diana gave a "Oh" and then fell down on the sofa. And said: "You and Charles can sleep on the bed, I can sleep here by myself, it's okay."

After speaking, she fell asleep immediately after lying on the sofa.

A Wei also flew down from Charles' back and said "Good night to you", then floated above Diana, posing in the same posture as Diana.

Altria ignored the funny people and ghosts, but looked at Charles blankly.

Charles immediately took out the sleeping bag for outdoor use from the storage ring and said: "I can sleep on the floor."

Then spread the sleeping bag on the ground and got into it by himself .

Altria shook the head, tied two ropes to Charles’ sleeping bag, and tied Diana to the sofa, then walked into the bedroom, closed the door, and went to sleep that was soft and comfortable The big bed.

If Charles and Diana want to make a difference, she will stay with them to the end.

Although the big bed is very soft and the air conditioning in the bedroom keeps the temperature within a comfortable range, Altria has tossed and turned and has difficulty sleeping.

After a long time, when Yueshang climbed to the top of the canopy, Altria simply put on his clothes, climbed out of the window, and then jumped to the top of the building.

The roof of the hotel is a platform, usually used to dry the sheets and quilts, and there is a huge water tank on the side.

The top of the water tank is the commanding height of the town. Sitting here, under the not-so-bright moonlight, you can see the dark forest sea in the distance. For adventurers returning from the west gate of the town, the lights in the town are still In the tavern, there are people on the roof who are caught and raped on the bed and run away before putting on clothes, etc.

Sitting high also means that the wind is very strong, and the wind from the south blows from here into the basin surrounded by mountains on three sides.

On the hot summer night, the irritability that the wind blows in people's minds also disappeared a little.

Under the moonlight, a cup of ice-cold milk tea floated over and landed beside Altria.

Charles sat down on the other side of her, also holding a cup of milk tea in his hand.

Altria's heart moved, remembering the joke he had heard a long time ago, and said to Charles: "Should I call you Xiao Tiantian now?"

" hahahaha..."

A string of silver bell-like laughter rang behind them, and Diana, who was behind Charles, was already laughing so much that her stomach hurts.

"I can't do it..." Diana shook her head and said, "I'm going back and laughing for a while, and you guys continue to talk."

Altria looked confused. Diana was leaving, wondering why she was smiling so hard.

"What the hell is this?" Altria asked.

[Delete]Mrs. Niu[Delete] Charles explained to her the meaning of "Xiao Tiantian" and "Mrs. Niu" with a black line.

Altolia shook the head with a smile, then took the milk tea and drank it.

Charles asked: "You seem to have something on your mind today?"

Altolia silently nodded.

Charles continued: "If you don't mind, you can talk to us."

Altria said: "Nothing, just remembered the past."

"The thing that you were defeated?" Charles asked.

Altria was silent for a moment, and pointed to the back of her head and said: "Forget it, I was hurt by Fillip's sap at the time."

Charles extend the hand and think about it. Touching the back of his head, he said, "Does it still hurt?"

Altria glared at Charles and said, "believing or not, Diana and I said you touched me?"

"Letter." Charles said in a second.

Altria sighed and asked him: "Do you know the pet contract?"

Charles nodded, "I know."

He not only knew, but also There is still a pet contract engraved in the soul, but it hasn't been activated yet.

As a result, Altria’s next sentence made Charles almost jumped up and fell downstairs: "At that time, there were three pet contracts in my soul, which happened to be broken by Fillip."

Charles calmed down, he thought for a moment, and then was taken aback by how lazy a certain lazy god was.

He said: "Could it be said that Reimu used the pet contract to simulate the effect of the'spell'?"

Altolia silently nodded, she let Diana in the dreamland I have shown myself a full set of Fate series on the platform, even including "Magic Girl Ilia", so I know what "magic" means.

She then asked Charles: "Do you know the inheritance of the soul?"

"Understand a little." Charles said, and the gift bag that Reimu left him contained this content. He has studied.

The so-called "soul inheritance" means that some of the soul characteristics and abilities of the parents will be passed on to the offspring, and people often classify this inheritance on the soul to the inheritance of bloodline.

For example, Diana and their world's snake-like voice.

When Harry Potter was a double yolk egg, he was a snake-like voice, and he was not related to Lord Voldemort at the time. He acquired this ability because of the soul fragments of Lord Voldemort. It can be seen that This ability depends on the soul, not the bloodline.

In this way, it can be concluded that the heredity of Shelaoqiang is actually the heredity of the soul.

The example in this world is Aunt Marcy and her son Gawain. Aunt Marcy comes with a divine light ring, and this effect is now beginning to appear on Gawain.

At this time, Altria said worriedly: "I found that Mordred's soul also has a soul brand similar to mine before, I am afraid her parents inherited it."

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