Regarding the origins of Mordred's life experience, several of them basically believe that they are descendants of existences shaped like Altria.

It's just that Modred's memory of the past is extremely vague, everyone has no clues.

Of course, Charles had also doubted the Altria in front of him, but she was only skeptical. She said that it was not that it was definitely not, as evidenced by Ex Curry Stick and Sword in the Stone.

Later, Charles also figured it out. With so many transmigrators, it’s not surprising that one day you can suddenly make up a Dumbledore football team. When Reimu comes back, ask how many "heroes" they have created. "Just understand.

Charles extend the hand came to patted Altria's shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I can get rid of that stuff."

"Really?" Altria Ya was a little surprised. She asked Fillip about this back then, but Fillip didn't know anything about it.

But she immediately thought that Charles and Reimu have a very good relationship, maybe it's really feasible.

Charles thought of something, he asked Altria, "Can I check your soul for you?"

Altriya hesitated and said:" Okay."

Charles said "offended", and then extended the hand to press the back of her head, and a faint soul divide force poured into her head from the hand.

After a moment, Charles frowned, his face getting more and more ugly.

He asked: "Have you checked the soul before?"

Altria lightly shook the head, and then asked: "Is there any problem?"

Charles sighed, he suddenly took Altria’s hand and said: "I hope you will be strong."

Altria was taken aback, and then calmly asked: "I How long can you live?"

Charles said solemnly: "I think Elizabeth elder sister is dead and you can still be alive and kicking."

So Altria pushed Charles down. The top of the water tank was pumped a few times.

Charles got up, took two sips of milk tea that was almost splashed aside just now, and then said: "The three'pet contracts' in your soul are only damaged and temporarily frozen. If It can still be used after repair."

"An important issue is that your'master' passed away. Without the'master contract', these three contracts will not be awakened in theory."

"But it cannot be ruled out that someone can wake it up. It is like a lock with a lost key, which can still be opened by someone."

"The most important problem is that I just I can’t get rid of those three contracts because they are part of your soul at first. I can only repair them and activate them."

"Fortunately, they are all one-offs. It disappeared after using it once."

Altria turned her head and looked at Charles quietly. She knew what Charles meant.

If the three "pet contracts" are ignored, then they may be used by others in the future, or they may never be discovered.

If Charles is asked to repair the three "pet contracts", although this problem can be solved once and for all, it also gives Charles the opportunity to command himself three times, and he cannot resist.

Altolia's body suddenly shook, she remembered some unbearable to look at content in the "self" book she had seen back then.

Charles just sat there drinking milk tea without explanation, no explanation, no guarantee.

Everyone is not a fool. This kind of important decision in life is not something that can dispel the other's doubts in a few sentences. There are too many loopholes that can be drilled in language.

If Charles promises that he will not be on Altria on the front foot, but after repairing the "contract" on the back foot, Altria can be on himself. If this happens, you can let Alto Who does Liya go to to make sense?

This kind of problem is a test of human nature and trust of both parties.

Before he finished half of Charles' milk tea, Altria said to him: "You can do it."

"en. "Charles nodded, "Go back first. Room."

Charles and Altria returned to the room, and Diana and Awei, who eavesdropped on the two in the stairwell, went to the night market together, saying that they would not disturb them.

In the room, Charles asked Altria to sit on the sofa. He stood behind the sofa and stretched out his hands and lightly pressed them to the sides of Duan Mao.

On the other side, Diana took Awei and strolled down the streets of the town, like flying a kite.

However, after frightening the passing crowd and scrambling to escape, Awei floated on the ground and pretended to be walking in the footsteps of Diana.

At this time, A Wei asked: "Sir, why are we going out for a walk?"

"I am not your teacher now." Diana gave A Wei a knife. "We will only distract your master when we are there."

Then Diana just wanted to ask Awei if she wanted to resurrect and shape a body like Altria, but she immediately realized that there is no guarantee When the time comes, is the body and soul of Awei reborn or simply copying and pasting like Altoria, so I gave up, and waited until the question was clear.

At this moment, Diana saw an acquaintance, Gawain and the three of them were walking down the road dejectedly.

Diana thought for a moment, whispered a few words to A Wei, after A Wei nodded, grabbed her moved towards Gao Wen and threw it over.


The girl’s call from far and near attracted Gao Wen’s attention. He lifted the head and saw a cyan person under the dim moonlight. -The girl with green hair is flying towards herself in a standard parabola.

Gao Wen immediately opened his hands to catch the flying girl.

The girl was near, and Gao Wen moved towards her shoulder and stretched out his hand.

Then the girl passed through Gawain's hands without hindrance, followed by the body, and finally fell to the ground and sank into the stone pavement.

Gawain looked dumbfounded, Lancelot and Tristan also didn't figure out the situation, they looked at the road where A Wei disappeared for a long time without saying a word.

"Are we hell?" Lancelot said, there is no lack of ghost legends in the village.

"I think so." Tristan nodded, "In the past, a woman in our mountains fell into a river and drowned. Her ghost floated up, saying that her husband had an affair and killed him. To kill her."

At this time, A Wei poked his head out of the stone pavement, and asked with a puzzled look: "What is an affair?"

Terry Stan froze for a moment, and subconsciously said: "It is the husband staying in the house with other women while his wife is away." While watching the lively place fly away, he shouted: "Diana, it's not good! The master is having an affair with Aunt, and they are going to throw you into the river and drown!!"

Gao Wen and they were startled, as if they had heard something terrible, are they going to slip away?

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