As soon as a white light appeared in the eastern sky, Mei Ayu woke up from the soft bed and stretched out comfortably.

He put on the cotton sportswear folded by the bed, poured himself a glass of water from the table in the bedroom, and then went to the grass in the garden.

Facchetti lived in a mansion in Milan when he was working. Only the rest days and holidays of every tenth of each month would he go to live in the manor outside the city and visit his great-grandmother, Mei Ayu. Naturally, I have to keep in step with him and also live in this place.

Mei Ayun has lived here for three days. The reason is that he returned from a trip for a few days to rest. In fact, it was Facchetti who explained the affairs of Milan dukedom and Meazza clearly to him, so as not to show off.

And today is his first day at work.

Mei Ayun on the grass did some warm-up exercises and stretching exercises, and then started the morning exercise.

Until now, he didn't give up the exercise, he will hurry up as long as he has the opportunity.

When the maids and aunts saw such a diligent Mei Ayou, they all sighed that the young Master became more sensible after coming back a few years after going out.

Different from the young and beautiful maid elder sister in the Chamber of Commerce office building, the maids in Facchetti’s family are all family members in Chamber of Commerce, and they have the same skills as the maids in Charles’s family. It's just that she is not as good at raising children as Aunt Pomegranate.

Facchetti, who is in his twenties, is still a bachelor and has no lover. He is the best man in Milan and the best platinum king.

However, Mei Acha’s comment on this is: "My brother is just boring. He obviously has a woman he likes, but he is like a wood."

More than an hour later, a A maid maid came to the garden and said to Mei Ayun who was practicing the basic skills of the sword technique: "Little Young Master, breakfast is ready." After exercising the quota, I took a shower and then went to the restaurant.

Facchetti was sitting at the dining table at this time while flipping through a book, while eating slices of bread smeared with jam.

Mei Ayun sat opposite him and curiously asked: "What book are you reading?"

"The Wealth of Nations." Facchetti said, "Recently Have you ever read a book popular with dukedom in Milan?"

Mei Ayou is just laughed, he has not only read this book, and he has a part in the compilation of this book.

Diana naturally impossible to memorize the entire "The Wealth of Nations", she only remembers the main ideas.

The book "The Wealth of Nations" that appeared in the world recently was actually written by her core content, and then worked with Charles to continuously improve and modify it based on the characteristics of this world.

Facchetti’s eyes never left the page. He went on to say: “This book now occupies most of Sand Dragon’s time. If you don’t want to be treated as breathing furniture on Sand Dragon , Then you have to read it."

"Even if you don’t understand, I have to think about Alice’s true identity."

Mei Ayun said "um" , And then began to eat breakfast.

His breakfast is fragrant fried sausages with pepper, bread slices spread with jam, sliced ​​boiled eggs, boiled carrot sticks and a large glass of milk.

At this time, Facchetti turned a page, and then asked: "Are you experienced and knowledgeable outside, do you know this Alice?"

Plum eating carrot sticks A Yun said: "I haven't seen her."

This book used to release the ghost of capitalism is naturally impossible to write the names of him and Diana, so he wrote the author of the book as "Aili Si Margatoloyd".

At the time, Diana looked at this guy with a very strange look, and the guy said: "If you have a daughter, I will name her Alice."

Then it was a beat. .

"That's it." Facchetti was a little regretful. "It would be nice if I could listen to her teachings in person."

Mei Ayun continued to laugh, and then ate fried sausages. .

There will be more books written by this Alice in the future. Montesquieu, Voltaire and Rousseau have not yet appeared. These will be released gradually depending on the development of the situation.

Facchetti seems to be a very learning person. He even spends some time reading a book while sitting in the carriage to the Chamber of Commerce. His concentration is comparable to that of a man with his head down holding a mobile phone.

After arriving at the office building of Chamber of Commerce, Facchetti walked into the door with May Ayu, and then the whole hall was silent.

This world has its own clothing development context, but it does not exclude clothing from the foreign world.

The tuxedo is steward's professional wear, and suits that look similar are also accepted.

However, Mei Ayun, dressed as a black super special police officer, is a little half a meter ahead of the forefront of the trend.

When the tailor of Chamber of Commerce came to prepare clothes for him the day before yesterday, this guy with good art skills drew a concept map on the spot.

Fortunately, dukedom in Milan has a free atmosphere, as long as it is not too unreasonable and no one cares about you, and the Black Hawk Chamber of Commerce is a clothing design, which has a higher level of acceptance of clothing.

Moreover, the advanced style is also in line with the naughty personality of the original Meachana. The youngster in the rebellious period always likes to boldly innovate in clothing.

Well, Facchetti likes to keep his face cold when he is working. He used to face his naughty younger brother with a cold face, so Mei Ayun also kept his face cold. stand up.

In this way, Mei Ayou's aura is strong enough.

This is also the effect he wants. He doesn't think that the Old Guy in the Chamber of Commerce is easy to deal with, so he uses some small means to make the first impression in the imposing manner.

Of course, there are side effects. It’s August, and it’s getting hot.

Fortunately, the Black Hawk Chamber of Commerce is rich and experienced, weaving a cooling magic array into the shirt of the young Master. The energy source is the buttons made by the magic crystal.

When Facchetti walked into the elevator with May Ayu, the little girl driving the elevator was obviously frightened.

The elevator stopped on the fifth floor, and Facchetti took Me Ayu to an office. There were only essential office supplies in the office, without those individual decorations.

"This is your office." Facchetti said coldly and left, just like talking to the younger brother before.

Mei Ayun turned on the air conditioner on the wall and walked to her desk, put the sunglasses made of black liquid crystal on the bridge of her nose and sat down. The chair is very comfortable and the height is just right. .

The left hand side of his position is the window, where is the meeting area, and there is another relatively simple desk next to the right hand, which is the position of the personal secretary, which is still vacant.

Behind the secretary's desk is the door leading to the pantry.

Mancini was sent by Facchetti to temporarily assist May Ayou, and when he came in, May Ayou put a parchment note that had just been written on the desk and pushed it forward. Said: "This is my personal secretary's recruitment conditions. I will hang out now."

Mancini didn't say anything. He picked up the note and left without looking at it.

At this time, a staff member brought a stack of documents and said respectfully: "Vice-President, this is the financial statement of the Chamber of Commerce for the first half of the year you want to review."

Mei Ayun nodded, signaled that he could leave.

The financial situation of Chamber of Commerce from January to June was completed in July, and it was released in early August.

He took the top list and read it. Before halfway through reading Mancini, he walked in with a beautiful woman with a speechless expression on his face.

Mancini said to Mei Ayou: "Vice-President, this is the lady who applied for your personal secretary."

Meayou lifts the head to take a look at Manchi Altria, wearing a black suit behind Ni, said, "You take her to sign the contract."

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