
The black suit version of Altria, praise!

Mei Ayun, who was sitting behind her desk looking at the financial statements, couldn't help but lifts the head from time to time. She came to look at the desk of the personal secretary. Anyway, there were only two of them in the office.

Then it was the other person's white eyes.

Since some guy was kidnapped again, Altria drove the broken carriage behind for a day or two, and even took the broken carriage to Milan by water. NS.

You need to have your own right-hand man to work, so Mei Ayu hired a carrot to get her in.

At this time, Altria is reading the laws and regulations of Milan dukedom and the rules and regulations of the Black Hawk Chamber of Commerce. She has served as the Supreme Attorney General of the Kingdom of Rurik for more than three hundred years. This kind of copywriting work To her, she is even more familiar than on the battlefield, and she only has to glance at it to know the key.

After reading the financial summary for the first half of the year and one of the sub-volumes, Mei Ayu sneered twice, and then asked: "What should I do with people who defraud public funds by setting up false projects?"


Altolia immediately replied: "Chamber of Commerce expelled the person and sued the Milan City Court. If convicted, the property will be confiscated and sentenced, and the confiscated property will be compensated ten times the Chamber of Commerce loss Chamber of Commerce, more part is confiscated."

"Some Chamber of Commerce will handle it privately. The specific processing method depends on Chamber of Commerce's own."

The merchant is in Milan Dukedom occupies an extremely important part of the political landscape. Dukedom pillars like Facchetti naturally hate those who dig their own corners, so they will never be soft on that moth. This concept is directly reflected in their operation. in the law of dukedom.

Mei Ayun threw the report fascicle in his hand directly to Altria, and said: "I was still thinking about how to stand up, but as soon as I went to work, someone washed my neck and stretched it out. ."

Altria raised her hand and borrowed the report fascicle, and then looked at it carefully.

After reading, she smiled and asked: "Isn’t this your problem?"

Mei Ayu shook his head and said: "Impossible, this kind of money and things In my house until now, it’s in the public account, and when things are in the public account, the other five companies will definitely know, and what they know will definitely appear on the first quarter report. At worst I called Alfe to come over and confront them, and write a note. He received the things."

"There is also your side, so what do you say?"

Altolia did not answer, but just sneered twice.

"Could it be that Mordred took someone else's things privately?" The thought of this possibility made Charles' eyes sharpened.

Altria turned her head and stared at Charles fiercely, and said, "You give her the most things."

Charles said silently: "I am not an outsider. What's wrong with giving her something?"

"Furthermore, girl wants to be rich, otherwise what should I do if someone cheats her away with a chicken leg?"

" Now I just love to eat snacks. It’s normal for girls to eat snacks..."

The first day these two people went to work, they crooked the building to educate Mordred, but it’s their business. Did not forget.

Chamber of Commerce naturally has to give gifts to all parties to manage the relationship each year, which is considered a reasonable expenditure.

This management relationship is also a matter of learning. Who is in charge of himself, who is related to interests, who is familiar with each other, and which level these people belong to, and how many different people have to give Be particular.

In recent years, Count Megadon's reputation has risen, and the legendary "Knight King" has returned to the world. The Black Hawk Chamber of Commerce, which is motivated by the Chamber of Commerce, naturally wants to be familiar with them.

That's why it is not surprising that Facchetti had trouble with his younger brother and Yunou that day. He thought it was his courtesy that he put his name on Yunou.

There are a lot of Chamber of Commerce giving gifts like this. The tradition of Megadon Family means that you mean it and I want to mean it too. Therefore, we will give back souvenirs such as maple syrup and maple syrup wine of almost the same value. I know what you mean, so let’s say something in return.

However, the Black Hawk Chamber of Commerce’s account stated that in January of this year, the Megadon Family was meant to be given to the Megadon Family in the name of the New Year, and Alfe had previously sent Charles’s family’s financial statements for the first quarter of this year. Without this income, the Black Hawk Chamber of Commerce's account did not receive any rewards.

Altolia until now refuses all these meanings. Modred is not confused about the major event. Although she is often deducted from pocket money, she will only receive money from Charles. , The people who want to think can't even turn around.

The report fascicle stated that Altria also received a gift from the Black Hawk Chamber of Commerce in January.

Perhaps because this kind of gift is difficult to review, some people are moved by it.

Although these gifts that are just for getting familiar with each other are not of high value, in addition to problems, they can cause serious consequences in some cases.

Some people will feel disgusted when meeting people who you think are very familiar with me, but in fact I don’t know you.

If someone you did not meet Meazza, the people from the Black Hawk Chamber of Commerce went to him and said something close to him, and he didn’t know anything about this Chamber of Commerce. It was unpleasant.

And these two items have problems, can you guarantee that the others will not have problems?

The most important thing is that the person who pointed out this problem is still the person involved, which puts Facchetti's face, not to mention that he is still thinking about establishing a long-term cooperative relationship with the Megadon Family.

If the Black Hawk Chamber of Commerce regularly sends its own products to King Auston I, Lord Linda and Duke Randtjin through Count Megadon, the advertising effect is immeasurable.

If the product can appear on the Victoria Queen and Elizabeth Princess, Facchetti grabs the younger brother and turns it into a younger sister by magic, and then sends it to Count Megadon as the lover, and will not frown.

In order to show that he is a reliable partner, I believe Facchetti doesn't mind cleaning the house, even if the guests have already come in.

As for what Facchetti was going to do, Mei Ayun couldn’t control anymore. He took a parchment note and wrote “We did not receive the gift” and then inserted it into the booklet that records the income and expenditure of gifts. Inside, let Altria take all the reports to Facchetti.

After Altria returned, Mei Ayu took her away from the Chamber of Commerce, on the grounds that she went to lunch, and then went out of town to visit her great-grandmother.

He won't return to the Chamber of Commerce until Facchetti is cleaned up. The suspicions that should be avoided are still to be avoided. If you get involved, it won't be fun.

The reason to go out of the city to visit my great-grandmother is just right. It is in line with such is human nature and Meazza's character. It is the first choice for absenteeism. Others can't find anything to say.

Charles feels irritated by this kind of things that go to work for less than half a day, get into trouble and then run away.

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