Walking in the shade of the trees by the river in summer is a very pleasant thing. The bright sunshine, fresh air, and sweet birdsong make you feel sad when you are in it. Throw it behind.

It would be better if there was not a mother-in-law of Altria around her who was chattering about the black history of the big brothers.

Especially Elizabeth had lived with Altria for a long time before. It is estimated that this is because Victoria wants her daughter to learn from Altria's integrity.

This makes Altria know a lot of the dark history of Elizabeth when she was a child, and now these dark histories have been flooded into Charles' head.

Now Charles feels that in Elizabeth's long years of loli, Victoria put her daughter in Abyss City to live in fact to clean up herself, let her daughter go to harm the demon race, and let go of the spirit race.

As we get closer and closer to the city of Florence, there are more people by the river.

In addition to those who go out to play, there are also many people who are sketching from life with sketchpads.

Among these people are youngsters who are vigorous and there are also elderly people who enjoy life like retired cadres.

Some of them are honing their painting skills, and some are picking up paintbrushes out of hobby.

Some people are obviously here to pan for gold. They stand behind those who paint from time to time, studying the level of those paintings and whether they are worth acquiring.

Charles and Altria, like other tourists, walked two meters behind these people with very light steps, for fear that they would be disturbed by a little noise.


A long howl full of despair and unwillingness suddenly came from not far away, followed by a "pu pass", and then someone shouted "Not Good! Someone jumped into the river!!"

The original quiet and peaceful river bank suddenly exploded, eager to save people, and people watching the excitement moved towards the place where the sound came from.

The river is not deep, and it flows slowly. It takes minutes to catch someone up.

Not to mention that there is no shortage of powerful mage for walking. A human-shaped Water Element quickly threw the person who fell into the water on the bank of the river.

The middle age person with a big beard didn't need to be rescued at all. He was thrown up without even drinking two sips of water.

An old man wearing a blue robe from the Temple of Flowing Water rushed to his side to check his body for any problems.

Several elderly people are standing next to an easel. This is the easel of the diving man. The paint tray and paintbrush fell on the ground, and a landscape painting on the easel is nearing the end.

Charles leaned over and took a look, then shook his head like everyone else and left.

After walking away, he shook his head and said to Altria: "That person's drawing skills...well...not even as good as when my sister was twelve years old."

Charles and Mira’s mother has a very high level of drawing. Mira inherited the mother’s innate talent. When she was four years old, she followed her mother to learn to paint. At the beginning, she used the fat face of the younger brother as a canvas for practice.

Poor painting skills means that the paintings cannot be sold.

If you can’t sell it, it means that the artist has no income.

Just like writing novels, there are street writers, so there are street painters in the painting industry.

This painter obviously flew to the street so much that he couldn't do it anymore. Today, he finally couldn't resist the pressure and collapsed and jumped into the river.

If a person who is underachievers can help, but the other person does not have the corresponding talent, then there is no way.

At noon, the two came to the end of the small river, which connects a wide river that flows from north to south. On this side of the river is a large area of ​​houses without walls, and the opposite is the main city of Florence.

The shape of the city of Florence is quite interesting. It has a "(" to form a river on the west, and a ")" on the east, so the city wall of this city has an olive shape with two pointed ends and a wide middle.

There were many small boats along the river, and Altria took Charles to the other side by boat.

As soon as he disembarked, Altria asked Charles: "Are you hungry?"

Charles nodded, he took Modley to the City of Knowledge last night Dee took over and didn't eat dinner. He just ate some dry food on the giant dragon flight. It was not easy to let go of his stomach and eat at breakfast. It was already afternoon.

Altria said to him: "Let’s go and see if the old shops are still there."

As soon as he entered the city, Charles felt the city Unique style.

"This is the art capital of continent." Altria said, "Even in the Spirit Tree Sea, etc., there is no place with such a strong artistic atmosphere."

Charles nodded agree.

The houses on both sides of the street are decorated with stone sculptures carved into various patterns. These stone sculptures have different styles, some have a long history, and some are the most popular nowadays.

Charles even saw the lightning-like pattern of Maxwell’s Kingdom, a style that has been around for two thousand years.

The most on the roadside here are small galleries that display and sell various paintings and sculptures. These galleries have their own distinct themes. From the subject matter alone, there are small galleries that sell landscapes, figures, still lifes, etc. gallery.

It's just that the works in these galleries are purchased and sold on consignment, and the level is not very high.

Paint artists are the same as in other industries, third-rate artists will sell their works in these galleries, second-rate painters have their own galleries, first-class painters are guests of noble family, super first-class painters He is the royal painter of various countries.

As for those rateless, either make another living or jump into the river. If it doesn't work, just get a moustache.

In addition to painting and sculpture, there are also a large number of shops selling glass and gold and silver jewelry in the city. The products here are obviously more unique and artistic.

"Huh?" Charles seemed to have discovered a new continent, and led Altria into a gallery.

It hasn't been two years since this gallery was newly opened. Insiders can see that most of the paintings here are made by one person, and they are still promising newcomers.

The most conspicuous place in the gallery hangs a portrait over one meter high. This oil painting seems to have been completed in the past two years. The picture shows a five or six-year-old boy.

This pink and lovely male child is wearing deep red clothes with lace drawn out of gold threads. He is standing in front of a desk on which there are neatly arranged thick Stack of books.

Altria glanced at the portrait, then at Charles again, then lightly poked Charles in the calf with the parasol.

Charles lightly nodded, he recognized the people and places in the painting, but he couldn't figure out why the portrait of himself when he was a child would hang here.

It looks like this is how he looked when he was six years old, but his appearance has changed a lot in the past few years, especially the change of temperament, Heaven and Earth turning upside down, and the appearance in the painting is not small. If it weren't for Altria and he had known each other for a long time, she couldn't recognize it.

There is a waiter in the store. She quietly appeared behind the two at first, waiting for their consultation.

She thought that these two guests were interested in the painting, so she respectfully said: "Two guests, I'm sorry, this painting is not for sale."

Charles said "So that's how it is, which master’s custom made it."

The waiter replied: "This is our teacher’s benefactor. If it wasn’t for the kind Count Megadon funding back then, our teacher would also I'm not sure about today's achievement."

Charles left with Altria after laughed. It seems that he helped the gallery boss in order to avoid a mustache and give people money.

Next, Charles followed Altria through the streets, looking for several centuries-old shops in the city.

More than three hundred years have passed. Some stores have closed, and some have moved places and changed their names. This makes it easy for the two of them to find them.

Finally, Altria finally found a shop that he patronized more than 300 years ago.

This is a huge vegetable market, and citizens will come here to buy daily food. This shop is located on the edge of the vegetable market.

"We didn't expect this vegetable market to move here. It used to be in the city center." Altria said.

Then she held up the menu and said to Boss: "Two copies of each of the above."

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