Hakim and the others quickly cleaned out the lizardmen outside, and then came to the inside of the stone building.

After hearing Charles talk about the magical elements in the secret passage, Mary said: "I'm afraid the underground is preparing large-scale magic."

"This forest is originally a place full of magical elements. , If the other party uses the magic power here to activate the magic array, even the simplest Fireball Technique may be enough to destroy the city of Catania."

Hakim said without the slightest hesitation:" I'll go down and see what's going on. You can move the rescuers."

Mary squatted at the entrance of the cave and continued to explore the magic power inside, and then said: "I’m afraid it’s too late. The magic power inside has already gathered. It’s a lot. I’m afraid it’s difficult to mobilize magic power to form magic.”

The frowned Charles said: “I’m afraid there is something in summon below. If you want to go down, let’s go down?”

After he finished speaking, he jumped into the secret path first.

The secret road is not spacious, at first is only enough for two people to pass.

The most speechless thing is that in front of the secret road is a flight of stairs, and then a large slope that is so steep that it can be used as a slide.

Charles kicked the two lizardmen on the ground who were planning to ambush and stunned to death by the shock bomb and kicked them onto the slope. The two hapless guys just rolled like this. Go down.

With two meat shields opening the way, Charles reached the bottom of the underground without any surprises.

Different from the heavy soldiers he expected, there was no one guarding the space after the slide went out. There was only a closed stone gate with luminous fine lines on the stone gate.

After a while, there was a voice coming from the slide, and Mary slipped down immediately.

This slide is a bit tricky. The exit is close to two meters from the ground. In order to climb up, the lizardmen also placed a staircase under the exit.

Charles borrowed Mary, who flew towards him. Don’t look at her father. Churchill was a fatty man. She was fattened the day after tomorrow. Mary was a standard "Plain Elf" and was quite light.

After he put Mary down, he lifted his foot and kicked the flying Hakim aside. Anyway, there was a lizardmen with the head on the ground, all right.

The next one who flew out was the red-haired Garrett. This guy flew a bit fast. Before Charles could realize it, he slammed into the stone gate with a "boom" and slammed into the door. opened.

Charles looked dumbfounded. He planned to open the door and rush in when everyone was there, but the door was unlocked.

As the stone gate was knocked through a gap, the dark red light shined through the gap, and people outside smelled a strong smell of sulfur.

Charles threw in the last two shock bombs and flash bombs he was carrying without saying a word.

He inferred from the restless space elements that someone might be doing something in summon, not to mention his and Diana’s hometown, this world can also open up the existence of several "subspaces" relatively simply.

If the other party is summon Charles, their fellow villagers are okay, but the lava-like dark red light line and the smell of sulfur, how do they look like the hell inhabited by the devil in the legend.

Devils basically only appear in storybooks, but every time they appear, they disturb the continent.

Therefore, the illegal summon devil has become the target of various forces' crackdown.

When the explosion and the strong light disappeared, Charles kicked the stone gate open and rushed in.

Behind the stone gate are two or three basketball courts. A stone statue is carved on the opposite stone wall, which only emits red light, making it difficult to see the appearance.

In the middle is a sunken circular altar. Several tied young men are tied up naked and thrown inside.

At the top of the altar, a dark red disc that looks like a space exudes the smell of sulfur, and the chaotic dark red light begins to become clear and transparent.

An old man wearing a black robe was lying not far from the door. The shock bomb that Charles had just thrown in just hit his forehead.

However, here is not only the black robe old man alone, but also five black robed men standing by the altar chanting the incantation that I don’t know what language they are and continue to hold the ceremony.

Charles and they didn't talk nonsense, Mary made a sword to the old man who had passed out on the ground, and then rushed to the black robed man nearest to her.

At this time, Olivia cry out in surprise: "Not good! The magic elements here cannot be controlled!!"

The surrounding magic elements cannot be controlled, which means the role of mage Equal to zero.

But there is a solution. A fist sized magic crystal appeared in Charles's hand. The rich Fire Element in the magic crystal makes its interior look like a starry sky.

The magic crystal flew in front of Olivia, and Olivia didn't say much. After catching the magic crystal, she started to call the magic power inside to cast spells.

When other people saw that magic was unavailable, they began to use divine force to fight.

Hakim raised the axe over there and shouted: "My God grant me strength!"

next moment, God of Forging’s red divine force is in Kazakhstan Kim's body appeared, and his originally muscular figure became stronger and stronger.

Mary put her hand into her pocket and took out a few pieces of vines and threw them at the black robed man. The vines that exude life divine force began to grow and grow in the air.

The black robed man didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. They didn't make any response to the attack, they just sang incantation like puppets.

At this time, Charles had already jumped onto the altar, and he threw those adventurers who were considered sacrifices to the stone gate.

Hakim chopped down a black robed man. The vine that Mary threw out entangled one, and then the electric current from the vine turned that man into a mature man, the wizard in Olivia’s hand. The cards floating on the book shot three flame javelins. Two black robed man were pierced, but the invisible shield in front of one of the black robed man blocked the flame spear attack.

Charles, who threw away all the captured adventurers, immediately waved the knife wrapped in Demon God's power and slashed it over.


Just when the big knife was about to hit the opponent, one hand grabbed the blade, huge The power made Charles unable to move.

Charles heart startled, and the one who caught him at Level 1 was a man with buffalo horns, who looked like a devil who was brought out by summon.

The devil said to Charles: "Fun little fellow, give me a face, don’t hurt my client now."

Charles can only withdraw his sword and retreat, and the devil does not have Embarrassing him, let go of his hand when he backed away.

This time the situation became more complicated. Hakim rushed over and stood in front of Charles with an axe in his hand.

Mary also came over. She wanted to be by Hakim's side, but Hakim pulled her behind.

Charles didn’t turn his head back, and said to Galette with sound transmission magic: "You, Olivia and Elsa, take those people out!"

Garrett bites After gritting his teeth, he turned around and walked out of the stone gate with the two wives, and first removed the adventurers who had been unconscious before coming back to help.

As the three of them walked out of the stone gate, Charles suddenly teleported himself behind the stone gate and closed the stone gate with one foot.

At the same time, he slapped the door. A magic that blocked the door was imposed on the stone gate by him, and he couldn't easily open it from inside or outside.

The devil ignored Charles and their little movements, but smiled and nodded to them.

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