The atmosphere on the altar suddenly became tense, and everyone was paying attention to the devil's every move.

The black robed man who came out of the devil summon opened his hood. It was an old man who had passed away. He squatted down to the ground and said respectfully: "Great Your Majesty, Ludenburg, the king of the devil, please grant me the power of eternal life!"

The devil known as Ludenburg glanced at him and said softly, "Yes, what price do you have to pay? What about?"

The black robe old man said: "I offer to you..."

He stopped here, and all the sacrifices he prepared for immortality were sacrificed by Charles Threw it out.

He hesitated and said: "I will offer you a sweet soul."

Ludenberg patted his forehead and said helplessly: "I said, you humans Can’t you change something with new ideas, don’t always be Soul Spirit soul."

"Also, don’t always bring those virgins or virgins to come over, well, you humans brat We caused more damage than those heroes."

"A few years ago, before a business trip, I asked a new kid to be responsible for feeding the four eyes of my house, but the kid stripped himself and lay down. Inside the food bowl, when I come back, they are both hungry and dizzy."

"Please, my four eyes are vegetarian."

"Also, go on In the last month, I asked a new girl to take care of my second uncle. As a result, she stripped off the drill bed as soon as she arrived at my second uncle's house, which caused me to be taken aback by my second aunt..."

"I said, how do you humans promote us?"

"Although our conditions are a bit tougher, and my father, their tempers are a little bit irritable, they are also offended by you. But we also live in peace and stability."

"Clang Dang", Hakim's axe fell to the ground.

Ludenberg took a look at Hakim and said, "This brother, be careful, don't blame me for hurting yourself, I don't want to be ruined the first time I come out to do business. "

Hakim immediately picked up the axe and roared angrily: "Cunning devil, who is the brother with you?!"

Ludenberg shrugged and said: "I won't talk to you about historical issues. Anyway, I said you don't believe me. We were still studying the weapons of the butchering gods together." The axe dropped again, and he nervously said with a little guilty conscience: "You...Don't talk nonsense...We dwarves are all devout believers!" When Mary watched it and pretended not to hear anything, Charles just frowned.

The portrait of God Slaughter’s weapon is still hanging in the office of the Pope in the Forging Temple.

At this time, Ludenberg's business is important. He looked towards the black robe old man and said like a business manager to a big dog: "The soul is the soul, better than nothing."

"But your soul is so weak that it's almost finished. It's not enough to exchange for eternal life."

The black robe old man said: "The soul I prepared for you was released by a few of them. Go away, please..."

"Stop!" Ludenberg suddenly stopped the other party in a cold voice, "If you want me to beat some of them and help you get your soul back, then Forget it, do you treat me as a fool?"

"You have to be sincere in doing business. It makes me very embarrassed by you."

black robe old man lifts the head Looking at Ludenberg in a daze, he twitched a few times, speechless for a while.

Ludenberg shook his head and sighed, and said dejectedly: "It's really ominous."

At this time, Charles asked: "Your Excellency Ludenburg, may he still Your guest?"

Ludenburg said: "It depends on whether he can produce something that interests me."

The black robe old man said immediately: "I have money, and there are a lot of treasures I can dedicate to you!"

Ludenberg said: "Forget the money, show me any treasures."

black robe old man hurriedly took out a necklace from under his robe. This is a space equipment like a storage ring. The old man poured out the contents in a single brain.

Not everyone puts debris in storage equipment like Charles did. This old man is obviously a noble master with no low rank. What he took out were shields, magic wands, belts, and bracelets. Such Top Grade equipment, and two barrels of excellent wine.

It’s just that Ludenberg looked disappointed and said: “On this thing, I can only let you live a few more years.”

Then he waved his hand and everything on the ground Gone, he said: "Just as I opened the offer, let you live for ten years."

After Ludenberg finished talking, he threw a ball of light towards the old man, not long afterwards. The old man's face became ruddy and shiny.

At this time Charles asked: "Your Excellency Ludenburg, has your transaction been completed?"

Ludenburg said, "I think it should be completed. I can't get anything good."

So Charles immediately leg raised and kicked the black robe old man flying out, and tied him up after a punch and kick.

Ludenburg extended the hand and touched his chin, and said: "Interesting little fellow."

Charles is not afraid of this devil because of the backstage, and at the same time, he is also trying a little he.

Ludenberg asked Charles who was carrying a black robe old man: "Little fellow, meeting is fate, don’t you buy something?"

Charles took the black robe old man moved towards Hakim threw them at their feet, and then asked: "How do you sell the goods you just received?"

Ludenberg's face suddenly became full of boredom, and he said: "You Just pick up something interesting and change it with me."

Charles thought about it, then threw the wind turbine-powered tricycle from the storage ring.

Ludenberg was a little curious and went around the tricycle, and said: "This toy is really interesting. Let me give you all those things just now."

He finished. After that, everything I just received from the black robe old man fell in front of Charles in a "crash-bang" manner.

Then he said to Charles again with the smile of the salesman: "How about it? After asking the price, should I buy some big guys?"

"As long as you have If you pay enough, you can pick up power, wealth, and love at will!"

Charles said, "But there is no shortage of these three."

Ludenburg said:" Don’t you have a who’s goal?"

Charles lightly said: "My goal in life is to be a noble, make some money, marry my current girlfriend, have two children, first One is a daughter, and the second is a son. The eldest daughter gets married, and his son retires after independence. He wanders around leisurely every day, and then dies earlier than his wife."

Ludenberg heard Charles say he was After noble, his eyes lit up and he said, "Don't you want to raise your title by one level and have more territory?"

Charles spread out both hands and said: "I am the heir to the throne. And I’m still so young, I’ll be the king if I die in front of me."

Ludenburg was a bit unwilling, and said, "Why don’t you ascend to the throne sooner?"

Charles continued to shook his head and said: "Not good, won't it be okay for me to succeed after the battle?"

Ludenburg saw that this road was not working, and then said:" There are always places to spend money in life. Look, you need money for food, clothing, housing, transportation, and those who are injured or sick. You usually want money for gifts or other gifts to your girlfriends and lovers. Wait for you to have a child. If you want to raise a child, ask for money. From now on, your daughter’s dowry and son’s dowry will ask for money. There is no money these years. Unable to move a single step, why don’t you come and buy a way to make a lot of money with me?"

Charles Scratching the back of his head, he said: "Although it is a bit bragging, it is not considered a royal family on the continent. I say that I am the richest man and no one would object to it. If you don't believe me, you can ask them."

After a cry, he finally said: "Then I have a way for you to search for beautiful women from all over the world. Even the elf-like girl over there is rushing to climb onto your bed. You always need this, right?"

As a result, Charles shrugged, said: "No, my girlfriend is very beautiful, and I have no interest in finding other women."

"[Devil swearing]!" Ludenberg scolded. , "Are you a winner in life?"

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