Charles smiled and watched Ludenberg not speaking. He had something to buy, but he was impossible to show his eagerness.

Ludenberg quickly turned into a serious expression, and said: "Just say what you want, I'll give you the actual price."

Charles also said solemnly : "I want to open the method and principle of the Transmission Gate leading to the Water Element world, as well as the method to eliminate the curse of the law."

Ludenberg squinted his eyes and said: "Don't play the idea of ​​the law, We will not sell it."

"I can sell you the methods and principles leading to Transmission Gate in the Water Element world, but I need you to find something for me."

Charles asked: "What do you want me to help find?"

Ludenberg said: "I need a pair of demon race horns. A demon race with Imperial Family bloodline is better."

Charles nodded, and then a white mist enveloped him. After a while, the white mist dissipated, and he held a pair of fresh double horns in his hands.

Ludenberg took the double horns that Charles had thrown over and observed it carefully, with a surprised expression on his face.

He said: "It turned out to be the Crown Prince of the demon race. No wonder it was not moved by the vulgar."

"The value of this diagonal originally exceeded the value of what you were buying. We The devil always buys and sells fair, and I won’t let you suffer. I’ll give you a gift bag."

Charles thought for a while and said, "Don’t be tricky about the contents of the gift bag you gave me. , Don’t just give the beginning, if you want to use it, you will have to renew your fee."

Ludenberg looked at Charles with his eyes wide open, and then said after a while: "You are the devil!" How do we didn't expect this method?!"

"In the future, if you want to do business and continue to find me, I will give you a 10% discount."

He lifts suddenly after he finishes talking. The head came and looked towards the ceiling and said: "Tsk... came very fast."

Then Ludenburg moved towards Charles and threw a ball of light. When the ball of light hit Charles, he I felt a lot of stuff in my mind.

A red light suddenly crossed the place where Ludenberg was standing, and Ludenberg fled back to his own territory a moment earlier.

An extremely powerful existence appeared in front of Charles and the others, and said: "Run very fast!"

Then the door of the stone chamber was opened, Hakeem, Mary and that The black robe old man was thrown out by a gentle force.

Charles stared at the visitor dumbfounded, and extended the hand came and pinched his right cheek to check if he was dreaming.

When I tried hard, it hurt.

At this time, someone extends the hand to squeeze Charles's left cheek a little harder, and said, "You, it's really not worrying."

this time Charles Confirming that he was not dreaming, he recognized the other person just now, but how could he not think that his empress ancestor Ekaterina would actually appear in front of him.

Just when Charles's mind was messed up, Ekaterina rubbed his head, then pulled out a black hair-like filament from it.

As soon as Ekaterina tried hard, she pinched the filament into scattered ashes and smoke dispersed.

She said to Charles: "You, don't play tricks with the devil if you are a little clever, or you won't know when they will sell it."

Charles whispered at this time. Yelling: "Grandma?"

Ekaterina took Charles in her arms with one hand, patted Charles' head with the other, and said, "My child, you have suffered."

Charles stiffened and then relaxed again. He also extended the hand to hug Ekaterina and said, "I didn't suffer. Grandma and grandfather left me so much money. Victoria Aunt and Elizabeth elder sister treated me too. Very good."

Ekaterina let go of Charles, then took his hand, and said, "Let’s talk in another place."

Charles didn’t respond before he was caught by Ekaterina. Came to a forest with a teleportation technique.

Under the moonlight, the autumn maple leaves were blown by the wind to baring fangs and brandishing claws. The small lake on the side was sparkling, and you could see the mountains in the distance.

Charles heart startled, this place he will not admit wrong, this is a small lake downstream of the spring water in the hot spring courtyard in his territory, he has fished here before.

Ekaterina dragged him into a simple wood house, and he could be sure that this wood house did not exist before.

Ekaterina asked Charles to sit down on the rocks by the small lake, and then said: "Fillip lived here when he was a child, and most people couldn't get in."

She pointed to the hot spring again. In the direction of the other hospital, he said: "I heard that one night when Fillip was soaking in the hot springs there, it was possible to hold the breath underwater, and Victoria thought that no one there would jump down...hahahaha!"

Charles was sweating coldly in the laughter of the queen's ancestors, and decided that the left ear of this story went in and out of the right ear.

Ekaterina rubbed Charles' head and said with emotion: "Didn't expect, so many years have passed in a blink of an eye."

"I thought you could be happy generation after generation. Live happily, didn't expect...oh..."

Then she asked Charles: "Do you have Spring of Life?"

Charles nodded replied: "I Take it with you."

Ekaterina said: "You become like a demon race, and drink a portion to let your horns grow back."

"Really, you got it off When I had my own horn, I thought you were killed by someone again, so I hurried over."

Charles obediently switched to the demon race form. There are only a few places on his head that were originally horns. A fraction of a millimeter.

After he drank a small bottle of Spring of Life with the big finger, new horns began to grow on the small truncated corner.

At this time, Charles said: "I intend to use this to change the way to the Water Element world, and then use the water there to extinguish the flames of the'flaming hell'."

"You!" Ekaterina patted the back of Charles' head, not knowing what to say.

Charles had a lot of questions to ask the empress ancestor who suddenly appeared, but Ekaterina did not give him a chance.

The queen said: "You tell me how you and your elder sister have been during these years?"

Charles can only suppress the question in his heart, and then remove himself from I have said all the experiences since I was a child.

Ekaterina listened quietly, asking for details from time to time.

After Charles finished speaking, Ekaterina said solemnly: "It seems that someone is going to kill my children to the last one."

Charles sitting aside suddenly felt A murderous aura suddenly exploded beside him.

Ekaterina patted Charles and said: "You can only solve this matter by yourself."

Charles nodded said: "I will, Victoria Aunt, Uncle Nicholas And Auston I are helping me."

He took the opportunity to ask: "Grandma, what are you doing recently?"

Ekaterina pretended not to hear Charles’s question instead asked: "How is your relationship with Altria?"

Charles could only replied: "I have a good relationship with her."

Ekaterina suddenly smiled and said: "You grow up and marry her, I want to hear her call me grandma."

Charles hurriedly shook his head and said: "I just treat her as a good friend, never I've thought about that."

Ekaterina said a little panting with rage: "She caused me a lot of trouble before. Wouldn't you help me get revenge?"

Charles continued to shake his head.

Ekaterina hugged Charles at this time, and said: "Child, be careful with yourself in the future. I can't make it in time every time."

"Our horns are extremely It’s an important function. It’s one thing to scrape some powder and boil mung bean syrup to cool off the heat and reduce the fire. It’s another thing to break it."

Then she stretched out a hand, and the magical elements converged continuously on her In the hand, these elements gathered into a magic crystal, and there seemed to be some words in it.

She put the crystal in Charles's hand and said, "You learn this well, and you will use it for escape in the future."

"Let’s stop here today, don’t talk to other people Saying that I have appeared before, Victoria is not good, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble, we will have the opportunity to meet again in the future."

Charles hasn't reacted yet, saw a flash, and he was sent to him. Inside the stone chamber just now.

If he hadn't held the crystal in his hand, he would have thought he had a dream.

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