Little girl, get up early in the morning...

Qiao Fanna is heart startled, because after a long time she has not slept so comfortably, after she stretched her waist, she realized that she was not what she used to be Sleeping on the hard wooden bed in the dormitory, underneath her is a soft and comfortable mattress, covered with a duvet, her coat is gone, and only personal clothing is left.

She sighed in relief after a flustered check, and she didn't lose her light money bag or her virginity.

Through the curtains, we can see that the sky outside has reached noon. Giovanna hurriedly put on her coat and skirt and rushed out of the hotel.

The advantage of the Yi family’s store is that there will be working meals in the morning and evening. This is the most attractive place for Giovanna.

The streets of Trapani are as lively as ever. Under the music accompaniment of street artists, adventurers carrying weapons, merchants thinking about where to dig out a small copper plate for profit, walking in a hurry The delivery man...all kinds of people together create a dynamic movement.

Qiao Fanna suddenly appeared in the movement like a fast-paced melody. She carried her skirt and trot all the way. Although she was a little late, she had to rush to the store as soon as possible.

Although the restaurant is in charge of working meals, it has nothing to do with people who are late or absent from work. If you rush over now, you may be able to get a little bit of the rest. Can't miss it.

Suddenly, this melody slows down, gradually, it becomes deep.

Qiao Fanna remembered what happened last night, and her cheeks suddenly became hot.

Immediately after her complexion changed, she suddenly became pale.

She and Marlena have known each other for more than half a year. Although they are both academy students, they first met during the time when Marlena came to work in the store.

Recalling this period of time, Malena sometimes spent money like water and sometimes flew tightly. Her explanation was that the money was sent irregularly at home.

When changing shifts yesterday afternoon, Marlena suddenly approached herself and Valerie, and said that the store had been taken advantage of and could kill him for a meal in the evening.

Campus legends about taking students to dinner and then something happened are not unfamiliar to me. At that time, I didn't think much about it. There are more campus legends about students who are full and find excuses to run away.

The hesitation and wandering outside the school and downstairs of the hotel after dinner is another matter.

Now thinking about it, is Malena planning to sell herself and Valerie a good price?

Valerie has an Eldest Young Lady temperament cultivated by a large family. In order to sell herself at a good price, her family has used many private tutors such as etiquette.

According to campus legends, it seems like you and Valerie are hot sellers?


Several cages drove past Giovanna in a row. Giovanna could not find the answer to this question, because Malian Na was in the last cage, and she was still wearing the dress from last night.

The convoy transporting the slaves moved towards the unknown front, and Qiao Fanna suddenly found that she could not find the way forward.

There are only a few copper plates left in the money bag. The next meal and the rent for the dormitory next month have become problems. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to take that step out last night.

Qiao Fanna touched her short hair, which was almost shoulder-length, and now she regrets it a bit.

It's not that I regret severing the relationship with my family, but I regret that I cut my long hair.

Street performers?

Forget it, the location on the street is rented in lieu of tax. It is rented once a month, and the locations before the cold winter are all rented out.

A burst of noise made Giovanna come back to his senses, and she found herself subconsciously walking to the shop where she worked. At this time, there was a crowd of onlookers.

Qiao Fanna heart startled, is there something wrong in the store?

She quickened her pace and walked a few steps, and saw the crowd parted a way. The shopkeeper Rhubarb was caught by a Paladin from the Radiant Shrine, a priest from the Flame God Palace, and an elf from the Temple of Life. The priest was taken away.


"Don't he deserve it..."

"tsk tsk, if you die, you will die..."


Qiao Fanna ignored the discussion of the people around her. She squeezed through the crowd and hurriedly moved towards the store. If the store closed down and was sealed, she would have to bring back a textbook she left in the store yesterday.

When she walked into the store, she found that the situation was different from what she thought.

Everyone in the shop is here, except for the late self, the slave who has become a slave, and the manager who has just been taken away.

Qiao Fanna saw Valerie standing in front of everyone at a glance. Her eye circles were a bit dark, and she obviously didn't sleep last night.

Then Giovanna was surprised, she saw the director's sign pinned to Valerie's round chest.

Valerie saw Giovanni coming in, and hurriedly waved to her, "Giovanna, come here!"

Giovanni walked through her colleagues restlessly to Valerie's. She didn't know how the new store manager would punish herself for being late, and her hands trembled with tension for a while.

I saw Valerie pulling up Giovanna’s right hand and squeezing a heavy money bag into her hand, saying: "This is your wages that Rhubarb has deducted for no reason in the past year. Now I On behalf of the Red Maple Chamber of Commerce, the money will be returned to you."

Before Giovanni could react, Valerie took Giovanni's left hand and stuffed another heavy money bag. In her hands.

Valerie said to her: "This is Chamber of Commerce's compensation for the unfair treatment you have suffered over the past year."

After she finished speaking, she looked a little nervously. Looking at Giovanna, fearing that she would give birth to full.

She just inquired about the fact that Rhubarb threatened Giovanna to some people, but everyone just couldn't tell.

This time Valerie suffered. As an eyeliner, Rhubarb’s fraudulent accounts were forgivable because she was not at a high level and didn’t come into contact with it, but this kind of serious problem happened around her. She didn't notice, and Charles had nothing to say when Charles hung her up and beat her up.

If this incident spreads, it will damage the reputation of Chamber of Commerce of Count Megadon... Valerie shuddered at the time. When the time comes Charles, Master’s punishment might not It's that simple to hang up and fight by yourself.

All Valerie can think of now is to comfort Giovanna. The rhubarb has been taken away by the temple and cleaned up. This matter will be fine as long as Giovana is no longer held accountable.

The heavy weight on her hand made Giovanna quickly came back to his senses. From experience, it can be estimated that there is a lot of money in the bag. She asked in surprise: "Valerie, what's the matter?"

Valerie quietly made a playful face at Giovanna, and said: "I said I can talk to Master count Speaking of which, these all are done according to the adult's will."

In Giovanna's eyes, Valerie suddenly became profound mystery.

At the same moment, the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, a real estate agency in Trapani, and the officer in charge of the notary office of the city hall left a slightly old property. Such a small business was not necessary. The two of them led the way, but they both wanted to see whose head was so iron and wanted to buy this murderous house in the eyes of everyone.

Now these two people have left contentedly, and they all have the latest and hottest talk in the afternoon Sand Dragon and evening cocktail party-the one who bought the murder house killed the house on the battlefield Count Megadon from the previous owner, along with him, there is also a child who looks as beautiful as a girl, and several girls.

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