Charles was walking around in the newly bought house. Gennaro and his girls exclaimed from the sidelines. It was the first time they saw the room so high and wide. The house, and the bed left in the room.

"The murloc is tall and tall, as tall as two Tilly." Charles explained to Gennaro and the others, "If it is a house where ordinary people live, murlocs will live. It’s very awkward."

At the same time, he had a conclusion about the house. It seems that Jenny had paid attention to the Spirit Race site early in the morning. Trapani is Osm’s fish. A place where people study and train in jungle warfare and mountain warfare.

He just inquired about the names of many murlocs who had lived here on the list of officers killed.

And the stuffed person has lived here for the longest time, and his status is also the highest. It seems to be the Chief-In-Charge here.

The reason why Jenny chose Trapani as his training base. Charles estimates that the surrounding terrain is similar on the one hand. On the other hand, salt is produced here, which makes it easy for fish people to soak salt water as sea water. .

The second point is not what Charles thought, because they are now in the bathroom, which is big enough for a giant dragon to take a bath.

Charles kicked Gennaro with a smirk and said, "Let’s take a long time in the bath. You have four years to be sixteen."

When the girls heard Charles' words, shuaa~ ran away.

Gnarro moved towards Charles rolled the eyes and said: "You are not the same."

He then asked Charles with a smirk: "Which one did you spend last night with? The girl?"

Charles replied calmly: "Valerie, that's the one with curly hair."

Gnarro's eyes lit up, "Tell me how you lived. Yes?"

Charles squinted at him and said, "I took her to my shop, I pulled out the account book from the safe, and pointed to the account book and said to the girl,'Take it up'!"

Gennaro continued to ask curiously: "Is she in front of the account, you are behind..."

Charles gave him a kick and said: "believing or Not I let you settle the accounts in front, and then let Meazza be behind you."

Gennaro's face suddenly became pale and pale, he hurriedly changed the subject and asked, "What about your store? You don’t care?"

Charles sighed, and said, "Where is the master doing things by himself?"

"Last night I asked Valerie to find the supervisor’s evidence, and then Let her report to the three temples of Life, Light, and Flame."

"The three temples took the benefit to help me manage the family property. I still have to contribute when I should contribute."

Gnarro nodded, Charles's hosting model has been studied by the merchants of Dukedom in Milan. The conclusion is that this choice can make the Megadon Family's business impossible, which is a more appropriate approach.

Charles and Gennaro talked while walking. In fact, the house is not beautiful. The furniture left is very rough, so it is strong and durable. Gennaro thought about changing here and there. .

The landlord ignored him, and just said to him: "I have this house under the name of that shop. You can leave it to Valerie when you pay the rent."

"In addition to leaving a room for me, other decorations it's up to you."

"You have to work hard next. If you can't pay the rent, the priests of the three temples will invite you Go out."

Gennaro said pitifully to Charles: "I really can't pay the rent. Can you give me some grace?"

Charles said "when the time comes, I am writing to ask your sister for money.” Gennaro dismissed the idea of ​​credit. If he has the handle to be caught by his sister, his sister will definitely let him wear a skirt on the street again.

After walking a few rooms, Gennaro said again: "When the house is cleaned up, I plan to try the water on the edge of the forest at this time before it snows."

Charles thought for a moment, and said, "You have to listen to Dana's opinion..."

"You also know how good elder sister I am!" Dana suddenly flew out from the side." If you want to ask me for help, just ask me, and I will help you with difficulty!"

Charles ignored her, but continued: "There is a treasure in the family, Dana’s mother-in-law’s After subtracting one thousand nine hundred years of age, the remaining fraction is more than the combined age of the two of us..."

"My old lady and you!" Dana rushed towards with electric lights all over his body. Charles, as a result, Charles pulled Gennaro over as a shield.

For a while, Dana said to the two of them: "I found Tilly has the potential to be a bow scout. She is in good physical condition and is suitable for becoming a speed-type warrior."

Charles thought for a moment, and said, "Let's see her own wishes."

Gennaro agreed with Charles's lecturer.

Dana left. Charles hit Gennaro with his elbow and asked in a low voice, "Dana is very cute. Do you have any thoughts about her?"

As a result, Gennaro looked at Charles in horror, his eyes were as if he saw someone who declared "My daughter is my daughter's daughter".

"Are you still a human?!" Gennaro cry out in surprise.

Charles said, "You can treat her as a human."

Gennaro was stunned suddenly.

Charles knew what he was thinking when he saw his reaction, so he said, "Do you always treat Dana like a knife, like the ancestral weapon hanging on the wall in your house? ?"

Gennaro nodded solemnly, and then waited for Charles to continue.

Charles then said seriously: "You can try to treat her as a grown-up, teacher, and friends like that. You can also treat her as a girl like Deborah and others. Anyway, just treat her as a living person. Just fine."

The expression on Gennaro's face calmed down, and he left after saying "I will go to the backyard to see".

Charles continued to wander around the house to see if the salted fish left anything valuable.

It’s just that he was very depressed to find that there was nothing left in this room except the big old furniture, and the furniture was made according to the murloc’s body shape and living habits. The tenants staying in are not friendly.

The furniture will be moved to the backyard and chopped up the firewood room later. In the afternoon, Valerie will bring the furniture dealers in the city to sell the furniture after finishing the shop.

Dana suddenly floated down from the ceiling, and said to Charles with a pouting mouth: "It's troublesome!"

Charl thought about it, and then she realized that she was talking about herself. What I said to Gennaro just now.

He laughed and said: "I like to watch comedies that laugh all the way to the end. I don't like to watch those twists and turns. Some things are broken, even if they are repaired, there will be cracks."

"Ouch..." Dana flew in front of Charles and squeezed his face, "Where is this kid who is learning from adults and elder sisters. I'm arrogant."

"Do you rely on it? With this mouth that can spit out flowers, I fooled my three sisters?"

Charles pushed Dana's hand away, then moved towards the top of the building, and he faced Dana who was following him Said: "I can't lie to your sisters, thank God if you don't lie."

"I have been thinking about it for a long time since I learned about Ada that day."

"To be honest, I don’t know much about your existence. I want to help Ada and I don’t know how to help."

"Sigh..." Dana sighed, "I can hear you." You are not lying, you are a good person."

"The three of them are pitiful and easy to be targeted by greedy people. Now they are a good home in your hands, even if this A little time is only temporary for us."

Charles looked at Dana and said, "You also have to be careful..."

Dana gave Charles a contemptuous look, and then Said: "I don't worry about other people, I have a solution. The only person I worry about is you, I am afraid that one day you will beastly to me."

Charles was taken aback and didn't understand Dana. What do the words mean.

While going up the stairs, Charles, who finally understood Dana's meaning, almost fell over and fell.

Charles remembered a book he read in his previous life. A certain gun sister would discharge something when he was excited... And considering that Dana and the others, the Artifact Spirit of the Divine Item element would be charged, and would be discharged Fire or they basically don’t have to worry about others except for someone. If you dare to come in and try, the high-voltage power will make you electric.

"You can rest assured!" Charles solemnly said to the white-haired peak double ponytail loli in front of him, "I don't like your little girl figure..."

"I'm fighting with you!" A ball of lightning emerged from Dana's hand, and the ball of lightning formed a long sword moved towards Charles.

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