Charles, who was chased by Dana on the rooftop, saw that Cullen was standing here and didn't know what he was thinking.

Charles is not very familiar with the nun of Thunder God Palace, only knows that she is a quiet girl when she is not armed.

After seeing Dana chasing Charles all the way to this place, Cullen said hello.

Dana's organizational relationship is hung under the Thunder God Palace. In front of her, Cullen is like meeting the grassroots employees of the senior leaders.

"What are you thinking about here?" Dana asked Cullen.

Cullen replied: "I'm wondering if I can plant some flowers and plants here."

"Yes." The landlord immediately replied, "I've seen it, the roof is too strong Now."

"First put a layer of slime waterproof mortar with a thickness of five centimeters on the floor and female wall, and then put 20 centimeters of pebbles, and put two or three layers of antiseptic on the pebbles. The linen produced in the slime basin of the country can be covered with half a meter of soil and then added with a circle of railings."

"Be careful not to block the drain, and it’s snowing. Remember to remove the snow in time."

Cullen was a swift and decisive girl when she was doing errands. After getting permission from the landlord, she immediately jumped from the rooftop to the Martial Practice Stage in the backyard. There.

Charles looked towards Dana and asked: "What do you think of them?"

Dana sat on the female wall on the rooftop and said: "They are all very potential People, especially Gennaro."

Charles asked again: "Have you ever wanted to train them?"

Dana turned her head to look at Charles for a long time. Then he said: "It was you who lifted my seal. According to the rules, you are my master."

"Why are you not interested in me or my body? You let me teach Gennaro and the others?"

"Want to hear the truth?" Charles walked not far from Dana, leaning on the female wall with both hands, looking at the scenery of Trapani, with music in the distance Academy.

"Yes!" Dana said.

"I lied just now," Charles said.

"en?!" Dana frowned looked at Charles, waiting for his next words.

Charles lifts the head looked towards the sky in the distance and said: "You are all beautiful girls. In fact, your appearance is still very attractive to me, and Ida is also."

"I don't think I'm a person with strong self-control ability. I'm afraid I can't control myself someday and I will be wild with you."

"That's it?" Dana moved towards Charles and threw it away. Charles didn't guard against the lightning flying knife, and the electricity it carried only made him feel a little numb.

"Is this not enough?" Charles said, "I have a life partner who will spend my life with her, and I will not do anything to be sorry for her."

" People are big and small." Dana moved towards Charles again and threw a few lightning flying knives. "You say that makes me very sad. Girl can't see other men in front of her saying that she can't compare to other women."

Then she continued to throw flying knives and said: "People without desire are terrifying. Your appearance makes me more scared than you can push me on the ground at any time."

"But you have one good point, that is, to think of us as human beings just like yourself. Compared to those who use us as tools or even slime cups, they can be regarded as Saints."

"I really don't know what to say about you." Dana stopped and threw the Lightning Throwing Knife. "I'm afraid that you will play tricks on us, and we will all fall into your trap in the end."

At this time, Charles felt that the sensation of being numbed by the electricity disappeared and his muscles relaxed for a while. Dana was giving him electrotherapy just now.

He rubbed his chin with his hand and said to Dana with a smirk: "Or I will change my mind and put you all in my harem, this will start with you."


Dana rolled the eyes towards Charles and said, "I'm afraid you will turn into bagasse in a few days."

Then she asked: "Are you hiding something in What’s in my heart?"

"I can feel your brainwaves and read your emotions."

"I heard about your family’s affairs. And worry?"

"Although you don't want me, I can't cold and ruthless. I can help you because you help me lift the seal."

"I heard that Allen has found Logue in his hands, which is the clue of Divine Sword of Raging Flames."

"When the time comes, you can hold my ontology as a guise, and let Ada and Freiya suddenly rushed up and beat them to death. Logue can't stop so many of our sisters."

"Of course, if you can find'Spear of Cold Ice' Skadi, she will be very happy. I helped you beat up Logue."

Charles' forehead was sweating coldly, and he asked, "You have hatred between you?"

Dana puts both hands on the female wall On, lifts the head and looked at the sky. After a long time, he said: "Logue is a very enthusiastic sister, but sometimes she will do things without going through her brain when she is too enthusiastic, but instead do bad things."

"Logue met her life partner a long time ago. Later...Forget it, don't say it, anyway, you know we all want to beat her."

Charles opened his mouth and didn't know what to do Tucao opened his head and suddenly disappeared the following bad behavior.

He asked: "What happened to Logue and her partner?"

Dana shook the head, and said: "Later that man became old and died. Logue was at the grave. I kept it for a hundred years."

Charles was silent after hearing this. The story of "lifespan theory" that he had only seen in the Eastern fan books in his previous life is really happening in this world. .

Dana stretched out and said: "It's been a long time since I told anyone about the sisters' previous things. If you are interested, you can talk to you later when you have the opportunity."

"You are leaving tomorrow. Is there anything I can help you on the road?"

Charles thought for a while and said, "There are two things you might really be able to help."

After he finished speaking, he took out his big knife and handed it to Dana, saying, "There should be room on it. Just look at it and engrave a magic array in it."

Dana took the big knife and said with disgust after inspection: "The texture is too complicated, the efficiency is too low, and the function is single. I will help you change it."

The hair-like electric current penetrated into the position where the electric magic array was originally inscribed in the sword.

After a few minutes, Charles took over the steaming knife. He tried it, and the effect of the magic array modified by Dana was really extraordinary.

Dana asked him: "What else is there?"

Charles scratched his head, and then talked about the electromagnetic coil to Dana...

Dana's face The more I listened, the darker and darker he said, "Where did you find this thing from the old paper? Do you think the foreign world's electromagnetic gun is so easy to restore it by magic?"

"Someone asked me the same request before, but it didn't work in the end."

"There are some magic arrays that can achieve this effect in theory. Two magic arrays work together to achieve the function, but this kind of compound magic composed of multiple magic arrays will be extremely demanding for users if it is used by people."

"First of all, there are so many magic arrays. To be engraved in the soul, the amount of Soul Power is not enough!"

"Secondly, the spirit strength required to activate these magic arrays is too large!"

"The third is The activation and coordination of each magic array must be precise. If there is a mistake, it will crash and backlash!"

Charles asked: "Can't it be made into a magic array that can be cast by injecting magic power?"

Dana's face is getting darker and darker. She waved her hand, countless electric currents appeared in the air, and then formed an extremely complicated three-dimensional magic array the size of a double-door refrigerator.

The textures that make up the magic array are as complicated and regular as a root. You can see that there is a cylinder composed of coils in the middle.

She moved towards Charles and roared: "Can't you understand me? Is such a huge array of demons that your soul can withstand? This is just a semifinished product!"

Charles scratched his head and asked: "Is there really no way?"

Dana replied coldly: "There is only one way."

"What is it?" Charles asked in surprise.

Dana continued to say in a cold tone like liquid nitrogen: "You got on me, gained my power, and at the same time the soul is connected with me, so that I can use this large-scale compound with my help. Magic. If you want to achieve the latter level, you have to make up your waist."

Charles was stunned, shook his head after a moment and said, "Forget it."

He understands the reason for Dana's change of face. He just vowed to say those things right now, but in a few minutes, he was suspected of overturning what he said. Dana didn't beat him.

Then Charles thought for a while and said, "This magic array must not be engraved in the soul, it can be made into a magic item."

Dana felt what Charles just said. "Forget it" isn't a lie, his face has only improved a bit.

But Charles is whimsical again, her face is dark again, she points to the array of demon floating in front of her and said displeasedly: "You can sculpt such a thin array of demon like hair Is it possible to engrave one or two lines? Can you make sure that there is nothing wrong with so many engravings?"

Charles lowered his head in thought there.

Dana's anger didn't disappear, the magic array turned into a small arrow moved towards Charles.

Charles was shocked by the electricity, and then he released a water shield to block Dana's attack.

"Can you do me a favor?" Charles walked to Dana's side, and a lollipop that I had just bought this morning appeared in his hand.

Dana grabbed the lollipop that was handed in front of him, and then "crack crack" a few bites and ate it.

The icing was eaten, the cannonballs were prepared, fists made of lightning appeared around Charles, Dana said: "If it is an excessive request, I will beat you."

Charles said seriously: "Help me perfect this magic, you can sacrifice a little performance, try to make it small, simple, reliable, and best modular."

Dana glared at Charles angrily. At a glance, he said: "Do you really want a way to go to the dark?"

Charles waved his hand, a dozen gold coins appeared in front of him, and then said: "This is the first phase of research and development. Cost, now I can only get so much, it’s not enough. You go to my store and contact Valerie."

"Buy whatever materials you need, usually eat more delicious food, don’t I’m tired."

"Don’t rush to get it right in one step, try and improve, run in small steps, every first stage has reliable progress, the best."

Dana holds it in both hands. Looking at the nagging Charles with the dozen gold coins, he didn't speak for a long time.

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