The entrance of the cafeteria in the sunset is very lively. The students will discuss Professor Babbage's driving crazy in class these past two days. I don’t know how many students will talk about today’s buns. It's better than before.

According to fortune-telling, it may take two months to resume shipping on the island.

Two days ago, a large number of transport planes came to Bosnia and Herzegovina Airport to join the airlift. Some extra seasonings were transported in. In addition, the onion, ginger and garlic from the Southern Sea farm began to be harvested on a large scale, so steamed buns The taste of the buns in the bureau gradually returned to the level before the island was closed.

On the way back to the dormitory, Charles comforted Alvin: "Don’t be nervous in the wild card tonight, you have a great chance to advance to the next round."

Alvin Dejectedly said, "I hope so."

Charles can't say anything when he sees him like this.

It can only be said that Alvin is too unlucky. He can enter the top 100 level if he is not too lucky, but he was unlucky yesterday when he met Modred and was defeated gorgeously. .

He adjusted his mood and asked Charles in a low voice: "What do you think of the game tonight?"

Charles shrugged, said: "Just watched that, what else ."

In the past two days, Professor Babbage explained the reason for his victory, so someone planned to study, so Alvin was worried.

He is still happy that someone learns to learn well. In the future, he can save some pre-job training when he wants to open a new industry and recruit people.

He is now thinking about whether to take advantage of this opportunity to show off and summarize the simple co-ordination studies after the game is over.

In his last life, he read several related books in college, and he had some practice when he was engaged in engineering. It is not difficult to just create a new subject.

He believes that the people in this world are knowledgeable. Many people have a preliminary understanding of this subject, but they have not summarized it. When the time comes, he lays the foundation. Someone has contributed to this area.

Moreover, "Count Megadon" has been missing for so long. If you say you are concentrating on this book, it makes sense, lest those Yingyingyanyan always spread rumors that she just spent the Spring Festival with Count Megadon not long ago. Self-inflicted.

However, someone is still very lazy. He is too tired to write so many words with a pen. He has the time to watch the rumors. Dred is not well beaten.

As for finding a ghostwriter...

Charles looked at Alvin next to him. This old man used to write letters on his behalf, so he certainly wouldn't hate writing a bunch of words.

Alvin immediately flashed to the side when he saw Charles' unclear eyes, and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Charles smiled without saying a word.

At this moment, the two walked to the dormitory building. Alvin saw three acquaintances in the distance and said with a heartbreak: "People nowadays, with the opposite sex, there is no humanity."

Enrico, one of their three people group, is talking to Grace and Netini on the side of the road, but Enrico’s hands have been placed on the waists of the two blue-haired girls. superior.

Charles quipped Alvin: "You still have humanity because there are not enough opposite sexes around you."

As a result, Alvin shook his head hurriedly. "

Then he looked at Charles with a smirk and asked: "How many opposite sex are there around you, I heard that you once prepared a table that can rotate"

"You are so big on the table!" Charles gave Alvin a kick, but he stepped away.

There are some rumors that Charles is speechless, especially those who spread rumors for self-inflation, claiming to have played with him all kinds of strange things, that everyone is lying on a rotating table, After a few rounds of the table, whoever stops in front of someone will slap someone, and a few more rounds after the slap is still normal.

Alvin motioned to stay away from Enrico and the others, and after walking away, he asked Charles: "What do you think Enrico and the others will be like in the end, will it end in tragedy?"

Yes For him, Enrico was his first friend, and he didn't want Enrico to fall under the woman's hatchet.

Charles shrugged, said: "It depends on individual performance."

"Enrico is Knight, Grace is Knight’s daughter, and Netini is the daughter of a civilian businessman. The good ending is that Enrico and Grace get married, and Netini appears as a lover."

Alvin asked: "If the reverse is true, would Enrico and Netini appear? Marriage?"

"Impossible." Charles resolutely and decisively said, "Although Enrico is an illegal child, his father does not allow him to marry the civilian's daughter, and the lover counts separately."

In terms of marriage, there is an iron rule in the noble class, that is, noble can only marry noble.

Which noble dared to marry a commoner will be dismissed from the family and be demoted as a commoner. In severe cases, he will be hit by a carriage at home, or contract a sexually transmitted disease and die quickly, even the funeral will not be held. , In the name of fear of infecting others, in fact, the body is missing or even can't be found.

The Knight class is between commoners and genuine nobles. Commoners regard them as noble masters, and noble masters treat them as tools, so they can hook up noble widows and marry rich civilian daughters. , The rules are not so rigid.

However, Enrico’s situation is a bit exception. He is the illegal child of the Grand Duke of Milan, Gunnar Nodal, and the confidant trained by the current Grand Duke to work for the next generation.

In order to allow Enrico to work sincerely, the next Grand Duke of Milan will be named Baron after he succeeds, and he will officially enter the noble class.

If he had a Knight-class wife at that time, it would be nice to say that if he had a commoner wife, he would have to ask his wife to die first.

Alvin was stunned after listening to Charles' analysis. This was an area he had never touched.

At this moment they have entered the dormitory building, Charles wishes him good luck and everyone returns to their respective rooms.

The resurrection of the second round has begun, and Alvin is now in the ring, waiting for the tornado of the opponent to end.

He only wore a lightweight leather armor, a helmet, and a pair of metal arm armor gloves.

As a boxing master, his weapons are his hands, as well as the gloves and arm armors on his hands.

His opponent appeared, and both of them froze for a while.

Christian didn't expect to meet Alvin in the wild card match.

Alvin was also speechless. He defeated Christian Enrico yesterday. He didn't expect to meet him today.

In yesterday's second round match, at first, Enrico and Christian rushed towards each other with swords.

Only when the two were about to collide, Enrico suddenly slid, and the whole person slipped over each other's body. At the same time, the long sword in his hand stabbed Christian's stomach. Put on.

The game started, Christie first moved towards Alvin with his sword.

He is taller than Alvin, aiming at the opponent's throat just right, so he speeds up with magic, and his body turns into a bolt of lightning.

Alvin stood back and forth with his feet in a pose, but judging from the expression on his face, he couldn't react to the opponent's piercing.

Just when Christian thought he was about to succeed, Alvin's body was slightly on the side, long sword cut a little skin on his neck, and passed it from the side.

In a flash, Alvin grabbed Christian's stab arm holding the sword, and slammed back with his momentum.

Christian’s head hit the ground, his neck twisted and hung up.

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