Forests, grasslands, hills, rivers, castles, the sand table shows the battlefield that is about to start fighting today.

Eleanor standing on the edge of the sand table trembles with excitement, she loves this game, love this land full of passion and adventure, let the paintbrush and the piano die !

She thought that it was wrong for her family to send herself to Wisteria Academy to study. She should go to War God College. When the school year is over, no, when the competition is over, she will go through the transfer procedures. .

What excites her even more is that today's opponent's name is Charles Megadon.

Eleanor believes that he is not much worse than Charles, and he accumulated a giant dragon during the first round, and at the last moment, he counter-killed the enemy attacking under the castle.

During the second round, she heard about Charles' method of accumulating resources and tried it out. Finally, she accumulated a semi-giant dragon resource.

In the third round, after having the first two rounds of experience, she finally struggled with suffering untold hardships to accumulate the resources of four giant dragons, but she finally decided to recruit only one giant dragon to help out.

In the last two rounds, Charles encountered some difficulties.

Although the two games ended with Charles’s giant dragon riding face, the team that collected resources was harassed by the enemy. In the end, there were only four giant dragons, which was less than the first round. One.

And the teams that performed the harassment missions all went but never returned, causing the opponent to waste too many resources in vain.

When the giant dragon rode on the face, the worst man had less than four figures.

Eleanor specially asked for leave to study the two games carefully, and found that Charles’ resource extraction points were actually traps, waiting for the small group of commandos to deliver food.

She figured out Charles' combat routine, which is to consume the opponent with defense, while developing and strengthening herself, accumulating an absolute superior force and then rushing towards the opponent with a landslide and tsunami-like offensive.

Eleanor feels that he and Charles should have a common language, because they have similar routines.

She made a decision in the shortest possible time. Since the opponent will not attack at first, she will give up the defensive power construction and put all the starting resources into production.

Only a minimum of low-level troops are retained in the mid-term, reducing the investment in recruiting and daily attrition.

At the later stage, all resources are used to recruit giant dragons, and ordinary soldiers are not needed. This may be able to rely on differentiation to fight, even if it fails, the other party will pay a heavy price.

Maybe I sent one or two giant dragons to lurch in other places earlier, and sneak attack his castle when Charles was overwhelmed by the army, so he might win the game and advance to the top 128. .

Eleanor became busy after making up his mind.

The game started at sunrise. By noon, a number of farmlands had been built around Eleanor’s castle, and transporters in the distance had already transported the first batch of gold mines back.

The resources needed to recruit a giant dragon are food and gold, which she collects first.

The hunters are dealing with the prey that came back early in the morning. These prey will be food for everyone.

Eleanor walking in the field watched the wheat in the field with a very short growth period growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it would be harvested in the evening.

She was thinking about how far Charles on the other side has developed at this moment, and whether his level defense line has been built.

After patrolling her own territory for a while, Eleanor walked back to the castle, ready to start the next round of construction with the gold that was just shipped back.

Just then, a deep horn sounded from a distance.

Eleanor’s heart startled, this is the commander’s special horn, which can improve the morale of the surrounding army when it is sounded.

Under the sound of the horn, the sound of horseshoes and shouts are getting closer and closer.

A battallion cavalry rushed out of the forest in the distance.

It is not accurate to say that they are cavalry. It is a group of the cheapest farmers, riding the cheapest workhorses, and waving a shovel instead of a weapon.

Charles, wearing a temporary white mask, also rode on a white pack horse. He also wielded a shovel in his hand. One horse led the hundreds of "shovelers" behind him and rushed into his opponent. Inside the village.

the past few days he met many people who studied his own tactics, and someone in the class took him to study together because of his good math scores.

This game has been misled by someone, and everyone regards it as a business game.

So he didn't play the farming stream anymore, the same routine was used too much and it would be targeted, so he used all the resources to gather the people and played a wave of militia.

If it didn’t take a while to find here, he could call here earlier.

Standing behind the window of the castle, Eleanor watched Charles dumbfounded. First, he led someone to wipe out the hunter who was dealing with the prey, eliminating the greatest threat.

Then these "dancing shovel classes" spread out, in groups of three or four to eliminate the farmers in the fields.

Although the hoe in the farmer's hand can also be used as a weapon, the opponent's workhorse is also a horse. With the mount bonus, the farmer in the field has no power to fight back.

For a time, there were killings outside the castle, thick smoke billowing, and the mill on the edge of the field lit up a flame, and there was no way to recycle it.

Eleanor immediately recruited a team of lance soldiers with the gold that was just shipped back, the wood from the warehouse in the distant mine, and the prey processed before.

Several shovel cavalry near the castle didn't notice for a while, and they were stabbed by a well-trained lance soldier.

Charles yelled for a while after seeing, the shovel cavalry took advantage of speed to stay away from the lance soldiers, and went all around to hunt down the farmers who covered head and sneaked away like a rat and the miners who came back. went.

As a person with war experience, Charles will naturally leave a reserve team to deal with emergencies.

There were a dozen hunters on horseback beside him. These hunters were ordered to attack and use kite-flying tactics to contain the team of lance soldiers.

The farmer in the field was the first to be wiped out. The miners who came back from a distance were killed by a charge several times their own enemy. Finally, the shovel cavalry swarmed up and shoveled it to death. Team lance pawn.

Eleanor used his hands on the windowsill to ensure that he would not slump on the ground. At this time, the peasants with shovel surrounded the castle.

She has no resources, and even a farmer can't be recruited.

There is a reason why Charles asked these farmers to use shovel as a weapon. With a wave of his hand, the farmers began to dig the corner of the castle.

The gate of the castle opened, and Eleanor walked out firmly.

She held the only weapon she could find in the castle in her hand-the two legs of the sand table-shouted "Villingen will never surrender", and then rushed towards The enemy outside the castle.

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