"Alvin is going to be unlucky." Hayden said regretfully to the students around him, "He is only 7 stars, and his opponent, Wudaokou Academy's Danbo is 9 and a half stars."

Charles, who was watching the game with his classmates tonight, expressed an indifferent expression about this. He always felt that there should be something hidden in Alvin.

The star rating of purple cabbage is based on what the contestants show. For example, some people have always used weapons with the right hand, but sometimes the subconsciously movements of the left hand will reveal that this person can open the bow left and right.

But they can't help it with the one or two killing moves they hide from some people. For example, Charles hasn't figured out whether this Chu will be Avada or not.

Tonight’s 64 games are divided into four groups to be held at the same time, each with 16 games, and the longest game time is 15 minutes.

The schedule has come out. Alvin will face Danbo, one of the favorites to win the championship, and their game is on the first round.

Tanbo is a fatty with a height of two meters and a weight of more than 300 kilograms, and a flexible fatty.

His family has a family of Absolute Art, which can make the defensive power of the body terribly high, and it can also increase the agility of the user.

This kind of Absolute Art is most suitable for use on the battlefield. With its own powerful strength coupled with terrifying defensive power and appropriate dexterity, it can be used as a sharp knife to break through the enemy's defense line in the battlefield.

The fat on their bodies, combined with appropriate strengthening magic, can make up for their shortcomings in endurance, allowing them to fight for a long time on the battlefield.

The 15-minute time limit in the game is undoubtedly disadvantageous for him. If the time is extended, he can rely on defensive power and endurance to drag most of his opponents to death.

But he doesn't care about it, he believes more in the huge wolf fang club in his hands.

Alvin also realized that today's opponents are not easy to deal with, so he changed his strategy and exchanged almost all his points for a pair of good boots. Apart from this is a nice cotton dress.

"Are you going to give up the game?!" Danbo asked after seeing that his opponent hadn't got a weapon at all, and at the same time pretending that he didn't find the good shoes on his feet.

Alvin looked at the sledge hammer in Danbo's hand that was as heavy as his own. After swallowing the saliva, Alvin said, "Well... can I be lighter later? I'm afraid of pain."

Danbo rolled the eyes toward him and said: "Are you a nymph?"

Alvin patted his chest sighed in relief and said: "I'm afraid you won't even let go of the men It’s just as the saying goes that people are fat and short, I’m afraid you can’t satisfy the girl."

The fat on Danbo’s face is motionless, but he is more vigilant in his heart. This guy seems to be irritating himself ?

As a military family, Dan Bo has been taught since he was a child not to be irritated on the battlefield, but to keep a clear head at all times.

Since the opponent wants to irritate himself, let himself take the initiative to attack, it shows that he has a countermeasure.

Alvin saw that not only the expression on his face did not change, but his eyes did not fluctuate at all, he knew that his aggressive method had failed.

He said apologetically: "I'm sorry, what I said just now was just to irritate you, and I didn't mean to insult you."

After speaking, Alvin moved towards Danbo with a bow. bow.

At this moment, the sledge hammer in Danbo's hand smashed it while Alvin looked away from him.

The sledge hammer hit the back of Alvin's head at a very high speed, and then passed through.

At that moment, the falling sledge hammer suddenly stopped at the position of Alvin's chest and abdomen, and then stabbed forward like a long sword.

‎(ㅤ •'-'•)づ▬▉✷ㅤ+o

With a sound of "Boom", Alvin, who was using "Afterimages", was hit and flew by a giant hammer A long way out.

Fortunately, the skill "Remnant Shadow" returns to the original position after jumping back. He used the speed of jumping back to reduce the relative speed with the giant hammer, so he was not hit by a hammer into blood skin.

But he was not well. In order to prevent damage to his chest and abdomen, he blocked it with his left hand. At this time, his left hand was hanging there, which was obviously lost after a hammer.

Before he could stand still, Danbo chased him with a sledgehammer, moved towards his waist and swept across.

Alvin could only jump up with all his strength, and the whole person jumped to a height of three or four meters, and at the same time stretched the distance.

Danbo didn't give him a chance to regroup. The sledgehammer was thrown by him, and the target was where Alvin landed.

Alvin, who is falling, is suddenly in danger. If he doesn’t do anything to avoid it, he will be hit by a sledgehammer the moment he hits the ground

▂▄⣠⣾ ⣿


The giant hammer hit the ground heavily, and the hammer plunged into the ground, arousing huge smoke and dust.

All this happened in a flash, when Alvin’s classmates had time to exclaim.

Alvin's silhouette could not be seen in the smoke and dust, everyone was so nervous that they held their breath, and Agatha, who was sitting next to Charles, even grasped his arm tightly.

"You are a good classmate." Tilby House suddenly appeared in the seat on the other side of Charles, "This is a good one."

Charles nodded, He was not surprised by the appearance of Tilby House, Reimu opened the vest for them.

"Alvin is okay?" Agatha noticed this beautiful woman who appeared suddenly.

Tilby’s house ignored her, Charles said: "He’s okay, the hammer didn’t hurt him."

Only a few viewers with good angles and good eyes can see clearly What happened just now, Alvin first adjusted his figure and stretched out his leg to point on the flying giant hammer, and then the muscles on his body were relaxed. The whole person absorbed and used the force of the giant hammer to push the giant hammer. He flew a little distance.

Tanbo looked at the direction of the smoke and dust, and the sound of the sledge hammer landing was a bit different from what he expected. It must be the other party who is making a ghost.

He decided to be conservative and did not rush to retrieve the hammer.

Alvin in the smoke saw his opponent rush in without recklessly, so he picked up the hammer in front of him and threw it out of the ring.

He is not good at using this weapon, so he can't continue to use it for his opponent.

Then he checked his left hand and found that only the bones of the forearm were broken in several sections, which was not a big problem.

Danbo showed a surprised expression on his face when he saw Alvin rushing out of the smoke and attacking him, and he took two steps back in a panic.

In the eyes of the audience, Danbo thought that the flying hammer could defeat the opponent, but didn't expect that the opponent not only had the power to fight, but also threw his weapon out of the ring. This turned out to be embarrassing. .

It's just a few of Danbo's friends who got excited immediately, and they all sat up straight and looked at the ring, seeming to be expecting something.

Alvin's speed is extremely fast, but the injured left hand hangs there, obviously slowing the pace of the sprint.

Anyone who has read his profile knows that Alvin is a skilled boxer who has reached the top 128 with a sharp fist.

Danbo's size is huge, even if his agility has improved, he can't compare with Alvin.

He took Alvin several punches during the dodge, but it seemed that the tenacious skin and his own fat completely blocked the opponent's attack.

Alvin immediately changed his strategy. Instead of making a fist, his right hand pierced Danbo's fat with his fingers like a palm.

Danbo was in pain, and he couldn't help stepping back a few times, trying to slap Alvin away with his hands like driving flies, but every time he emptied himself.

The students around Charles were cheering excitedly, as if Alvin had already won the game.

Tilby House said: "Your classmate won, that fatty is dead."


ㅤ┣┛ ☜─┼┐



At this moment, Danbo raises his arms and prepares to block Alvin pierced his finger in his throat. When Alvin saw this, he aimed at the place where his chest and abdomen meet under his elbow.

Just when Alvin was about to succeed, the situation on the court suddenly changed.




┃ㅤㅤ│ ㅤㅤ﹨

Danbo suddenly raised his leg to make a high-level kick, and kicked Alvin fiercely in the face, kicking him all back.

Tanba was a little proud because he succeeded.

The sledgehammer at the beginning is just a prop to confuse the line of sight. In fact, he is a boxer like Alvin.

Tanbo’s ancestor was a transmigrator party member. He learned karate skills from transmigrator, and then continued to develop into a boxing method that fits his own reality.

Immediately after Tanbo showed a dexterity that was incompatible with his figure, taking the opportunity of Alvin's retreat, both fists slammed on him like raindrops.

Alvin quickly adjusted his state after taking a few punches. He saw his hands continue to move horizontally, and each blow hit the wrist of the opponent's fist, causing the fist to deviate from his body.

For the next thirty seconds, the two stood still with their feet motionless, but their three hands quickly attacked and defended, and they had become an afterimage.

Alvin suffered a great loss because he could not use his left hand, and he could only withstand Danba's fierce offensive.

After another thirty seconds, Alvin's disadvantage became more obvious. The sweat on his head became more and more. He had to take a step back to get out of the opponent's fist.

Tanbo is not impatient or impatient, keeping his own pace, he is confident that he will exhaust the opponent's strength before the end of the game, and then end the fight with a punch.

As a result, Alvin suffered a big loss. When he was a child, he couldn't keep up with his physique, and he had meat to eat after he met Enrico a year ago. Now he barely grows out of his body. Decent muscles, protracted battles are extremely disadvantageous for him.

He took advantage of Danbo's chance of a heavy punch, and the two punched each other, and then the whole person jumped out with this power, fell on the edge of the ring and almost fell out.

Danbo did not pursue, but walked towards Alvin step by step, lest he rushed over his head and rushed out of the ring.

When he was four steps away from Alvin, he suddenly sat on the ground and fanned himself with his right hand, as if he had already won.

Danbo is frowned, ready to take another step and stop.

It's just that he suddenly discovered that his legs are impossible to move.

Amid the exclamation of the audience, Danbo suddenly exploded into a spot of light and dissipated on the ring.

A light curtain floated down, showing that the winner was Alvin.

Tilby House, who was sitting next to Charles, whispered to him: "Didn't expect, this world has someone who can do this kind of boxing. Could it be that someone in that world has been here?"

Charles sucked in a breath of cold air, just now Danbo followed Alvin’s way when he was weak and beaten. Alvin’s boxing method is much better than his copy of "Big Dipper Yunquan", if not There is visual protection in the dream platform, otherwise everyone will be able to see the three-meter-diameter Danbo scattered on the ring at this time.

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