A new day has arrived, and Charles stretched his waist when he got up, feeling that he didn't have much strength yet.

Last night before he went to watch the game, he had a large dose of exercise under the guidance of Ohm. Finally, he was too tired and could only rely on teleportation to transfer himself back to the bed in the dormitory, and then he entered the dream platform .

When he got up, he found that his body was changed into a clean pajamas, and his sweaty body was cleaned, but he did not know who did it.

Magehand took an unremarkable small box from the top of the closet in the air. It was a monitor that Diana helped him to make, which could record the scene in the room.

The 3D image from the aerial projection quickly reproduced the scene from last night. It turned out that Tilby’s house appeared in the dormitory, and then helped him deal with the smelly sweat on his body with a look of disgust. Help him change into pajamas again.

In the end, Tilby sat on the edge of the bed and poked his face with his finger, as if he was remembering something.

Charles remembered that they met a human long, long time ago, and the unfortunate crossing Old Brother came too early, becoming the only human on this planet.

Later, this man became friends with them, and they became what they are now according to the suggestion of this man.

Perhaps Tilby House is remembering that man.

Although they are similar to humans, they are different species from humans. I am afraid that from the perspective of Tilby House, they helped Charles clean his body last night and pulled away when the dog was dirty. Washing is the same.

Charles leaned on the back of the bed, thinking about the ones that were there or not.

There is no class he is going to take this morning. What he has to do now is to read all the books in the book list that Professor Kilby gave him a short time ago.

He borrowed these books from the library, and they are now on the desk. He plans to wait a while for the Artifact Spirit girl who lost the card game last night to bring them for breakfast, and then read them after breakfast.

Not long after, Charles was horrified to discover that Altria had jumped in from the balcony, then turned around and closed the door and closed the curtains.

"What's the situation?" Charles asked in surprise.

Altolia said sorryly: "I was dragged by them to play cards last night."

Charles is speechless, who is not a man of those girls who have lived for thousands of years. , It's strange to play cards with them without being pitted to death.

Altria put the breakfast on the desk, and then asked: "Who is the white-haired and golden-eyed man who recently lived in the farm?"

Charles I remembered that she knew something about the Navy, but didn't know the details.

Marshal Yun said: "She is one of our three navy generals, you have to get along with him."

This time it was Altria’s turn to be surprised. This year Few things can scare her.

"You mean, he is one of those...?"

Charles nodded, then came to the desk and ate breakfast.

His breakfast is very rich, it is no longer a bun.

The main dish is a large piece of steamed fish, without any seasonings, only shredded ginger and a little salt to add enough protein.

The side dish is carrot slices and its leaves, and some oily fish slices are steamed together with salt, so that vitamin and fat are not lacking.

Apart from this is two steamed buns, which are made by an automatic steamed bun machine at first glance.

Now the steaming buns bureau almost works three shifts a day, and it is okay to leave a spot in the steamer to steam three meals a day for him.

Last night Tilby’s house helped him clean the dirty clothes by the way, so Altria didn’t need to help him wash the clothes, so she sat aside and picked up the book on the desk and read it. .

"Ask you something." Charles suddenly thought of a question, "Does Mordred have a boyfriend?"

Altria tilted her head and asked "Why would you ask this?"

Charles was speechless. He said: "Please, think about how old your daughter is this year. She is 18 years old this year. A girl at this age has a boyfriend who Is it weird? It’s weird if it’s not."

Altolia was taken aback. She felt different about the ebbing of time from others. When managing the brats in Abyss City before, the brats were in ten. He graduated well at the age of two or three, so he really didn't notice that Modred is now a young girl in season.

She asked: "Then what do you say if she has a boyfriend?"

Charles glanced at her and said, "What else can I do, of course, check Let’s take a look at the other party’s details to see if the person has bought a house, has a car, and how much savings he has."

As a result, Daomao and Altria were seriously nodded together, apparently fully approving his words. .

"hey hey hey!" Charles became even more speechless, "I'm joking, can't you tell me? Is Mordred worried about money? The key is to look at the other person's character. , Is it sincere or just want to have fun."

Then Dumao and the carrier were nodded together again.

Altria thought for a while and asked, "How about arranging a blind date for her?"

Charles who was picking up a few slices of carrots with a fork suddenly stopped. He looked at Altria with incredible eyes, as if he had seen the devil.

"Please!" Charles was helpless, "Do you want her to run away from home?"

"She is only 18 years old, not 38 years old, and not like you ...... Hey...... put the sword away quickly, the dormitory can't stand the toss!"

"What should I do?" The dull hair on Altria's head was shaking Brown, apparently she was at this moment Kind of not knowing what to do.

"It depends." Charles shrugged, "The next time she arranges your blind date, she will ask her about this and see how she answers."

"I remember Gawain's mother would come to see Gawain occasionally, next time she comes back, you will ask her for advice."

"But you must not go to Queen Victoria, the elder sister will soon be caught She was forced to rebel."

After he finished speaking, he continued to eat breakfast. Altria meditated on the side, and the room suddenly became quiet.

Charles is glad he ate breakfast fast, otherwise he might choke to death early today.

Because he had just finished eating, Altria suddenly asked him: "How about you marry her?"

Charles took a deep breath and then extended the hand. Touched her forehead.

"No fever..." He said helplessly, "Do you think my feelings for her are the same as between me and Diana?"

Altria obviously It was her head that was messed up by the overload, and she didn't slap Charles' hand away.

So Charles said: "Why don't you give me another'meow', and I will help you solve this problem."

"Meow you!" Altria recovered It's normal. After hammering someone on the bed, I cleaned up the breakfast plates and ran away.

Charles shook the head, carrying the kettle to the boiling water room next to the dormitory to turn on the water.

There are many Master Young Master students living in the dormitory of Academy. The Academy allows their servants to go to the dormitory every night, Gang Lord, to clean up the room and wash clothes.

At this time, you can see unique maid outfits from different countries outside the boiling water room.

Although the maid outfits brought by transmigrators have been developed for so many years, the tone has not changed, but there are different developments in the details.

Just looking at it, Charles couldn't help thinking of Aunt Pomegranate who was far away in the territory.

Now Aunt Pomegranate is more than 50 years old, and she has a long life in the ordinary commoner of this world. Should she have a few assistants so that she can enjoy her old age?

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