With a wave of Bis's hand, a fully armed company sitting on the ground and the accompanying communications and medical soldiers set off immediately, and the standard bearer held the bright red company flag moved towards the front line. go.

The battalion that this company belongs to immediately opened the rucksack and rushed to the front line after taking out all the weapons and ammunition.

The other female soldiers also made their own preparations. The combatants began to check the ammunition ready to go, and the non-combatants continued to build the barracks.

Bismiao said to Charles: "Let’s go ahead and see."

Charles was gladly nodded, he hadn’t seen how these female soldiers fought.

Actually, Bismeows have no idea about the battle strength of these little sisters.

Everyone has been sealed for so many years, and the energy is severely lacking. I don't know how strong it is now.

In this context, it is necessary to come out to fight a battle to find out.

At the same time, the navy was also afraid of some mistakes in the opening of the first battle, so the Old Masters of the nursing home launched a network of contacts and "borrowed" a large number of individual soldiers that could be exposed in a short period of time. This team.

At this time, the situation on the front line is severe. Just now a large number of Death Spirit Skull soldiers appeared in the Transmission Gate. The preliminary estimate is that there are four thousand infantry, two thousand archer, five hundred mage and two thousand cavalry. The total force is more than two thousand. Nearly ten thousand.

This 10,000-person team has a rigorous formation. The infantry holding long spears and round shields lined up in four rows, and the archer and mage are behind them. The cavalry is cruising on the two wings. After they are finished, they rise up like ink. Magic shield, moved towards the south and pressed.

Those Paladins who were stationed on the temporary line of defense swallowed their saliva, and the only one who could deal with the army was the army. Most of the outstanding students who collaborated with them were terrified, and a battle of this size was not something anyone could encounter.

Several skeleton cavalry Hundred Men Squad broke away from the main force and began to launch a tentative attack on the defense line.

The scorching sun and psychological pressure caused the people on the defense line to sweat a lot, so that some people slipped their arms to the ground because of the sweat.

In the telescope, Charles on the roof saw that one of the cavalrymen moved towards his position rushed towards him. The speed was faster than the cavalrymen who had been burned to ashes just now, and their weapons were more sophisticated. .

Bismiao gave an order to the company commander beside him: "You can do it yourself."

The company commander immediately issued a series of orders.

When the enemy was 100 meters away from him, the company commander raised his right hand and opened his six fingers.

The Necromancer Knight immediately noticed this. After all, even the eldest sister is behind the conspicuous company flag, so it's hard not to pay attention.

The dead spirits immediately turned their horses and ran up a small "S"-shaped route, sacrificing some speed to avoid the opponent's upcoming long-range attack.

But the bows and arrows they expected did not appear, and there was no movement in the very quiet opposite.

Just when Charles was telling the eldest sister to give herself an extra finger in order to send a signal, the cavalry entered a distance of sixty meters.

As the company commander's eldest sister slammed down her right hand, densely packed gunshots rang out from the surrounding roofs and windows, as if firecrackers were set off on the night of the previous year's 30th.

In the blink of an eye, the dense barrage poured on the necromancers and horses. In less than a second, the necromancer’s magic shield collapsed due to overload.

The bullet hit them with a piece of white flower bone meal, especially the small caliber Gatling of the fire support unit. After scanning, you can see a bunch of white flowers blooming in the cavalry team.

In less than one minute, the necromancer was beaten up and down, and all the necromantic horses fell to the ground. Most of the necromantic cavalry died again, and the ones who survived were missing arms. Legged.

At this moment, the intensive gunfire suddenly stopped, and the battle became quiet for an instant.

Charles who watched the game hadn't figured out the situation yet, and the sudden silence made him feel a little hairy.

Followed by a sound of "weng", the next second a sound of "weng" sounded, and the chain saw on the chain saw gun started.

The standard-bearer and bugler standing behind Charles and them blew the Charge horn, and the loud horn floated over the battlefield.

The girls holding chainsaw guns jumped out of the simple fortifications, chanting slogans that no one understood, moved towards the enemy and launched a charge.

The company's eldest sister rushed to the forefront, and a necroman without his right arm was kicked down by her, and the extremely fast-rotating chain saw slashed the necroman's skull.

First, the steel helmet was cut open and a burst of orange fire star emerged. After a while, the white mist of bone dust spurted out. Within two seconds, the skull of the undead was cut in half along with the helmet.

The other soldiers worked in groups of three, and the two were responsible for unloading the arms and legs of the undead.

Over there, Kalashnikov, played by Bismiao, wielded two huge chainsaw swords and launched a charge together, meeting the two cavalry Hundred Men Squad that the enemy came to reinforce.

When Charles saw this, he also rushed over with a black chicken leg stick. He first smashed the head of a necromancer with a stick, and then a ring of fire spread out from his feet.

This ring of fire only burns the bones of the dead, leaving the girls unscathed.

This is the first time he has used special magic on the battlefield. In order to prevent the undead from exploding again, burn these bones first.

After dealing with this bone, he and Bismiao confronted the enemy's reinforcements together.

The precision rifles, light machine guns, and Gatling behind have poured bullets on the reinforcements. When Charles arrived, the magic shields on the necromancers were about to collapse.

Charles is too late to grow peas, and they are not easy to use in melee and melee, and they will accidentally hurt their own people.

At this time, the fire support behind him began to extend backwards, and the chain saw sword in Bismiao's hand completed the final blow against the enemy Human Demon's magic shield.

A ball of flame emerged from the top of the black chicken leg, Charles swept it, and a huge blade of flame slashed towards the cavalry ahead.

This time the blade of the fire was extremely sharp, and the legs of the Necromancer were chopped off one after another, and a flame was ignited at the incision.

Taking advantage of these cavalry falling to the ground, Charles wielded the Wuji Yanyue Flame Knife and slammed into the group of skeletons.

There was no general under his sword, and the undead who tried to resist was smashed to pieces by a knife with a weapon and a body.

A platoon of female soldiers in the Marine Corps followed behind him and cut open the skulls of dead souls that had shattered their bodies.

On the other side, Bismiao’s chain saw sword was more than beat the children. He killed the enemy in three or two strokes, and cut down the leaders of the two cavalry teams by the way.

At this time, there was a low roar from the enemy's army. Fortunately, a dozen or so necromancers who made dumplings immediately turned and ran, but the next moment was all headed by the fire.

Then the army began to adjust the direction of attack, preparing to use the Marine Corps defense area as the main direction of attack.

Charles set fire again and burned the bones on the ground. Against the background of the raging fire, he and the girls returned to the defense line together.

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