The battle of the demon race army attracted the attention of countless people. Not long after the counterattack ended, a group of big men and reinforcements came behind their defense line.

This is the direction the enemy is about to attack. No one knows if it can be defended, so come and see.

The Marine Corps girls who have just returned from the front are trimming here, but the scene before them makes the expressions on everyone's faces strange.

Especially Diana who followed the team to support, she was watching with interest the girls taking turns holding Charles tightly and rubbing their faces.

The girls seem to have a lot of strength, Charles can't escape without hurting each other, and the skin on his face is almost torn.

Kalashnikko, played by Bismiao, walked over with a chain saw sword and said to everyone: "Don't worry about that side, they are Charles classmates who have accepted the battle together."

He said so, so everyone believes it, at least it seems that it won’t happen for now. They wash Charles and cut into pieces, put them in a casserole with water, wine, and ginger in a casserole for 40 minutes. , Then put the potato cubes, carrot cubes and salt and cook for another 20 minutes.

A lot of things on the battlefield can be simplified quickly. Queen Victoria asked directly: "What kind of assistance do you need in the next battle?"

Kalashnikov said: "We need reliable and firm wings. During the period, other ministries will harass or even surround the enemy's side and back. Logistics food and drinking water are indispensable. That's it for the time being."

"No problem, we will arrange it right away. "Victoria immediately agreed, "We need to be guarded here for at least one day to buy time for the main line of defense in the rear."

Kalashniko said seriously: "Don't worry, as long as there is no pig party member. We can hold it back if we drag it back."

Then everyone stopped talking nonsense and began to prepare for the next battle.

All three battalions of the Marine Corps were deployed, and the company flag was fluttering in the wind on the roof used as a fortification.

On the left wing, the teaching group of Auston I and the guard group of the slime basin also entered the position. The right wing is mainly composed of Paladin from the Temple of Life, and Diana and Altria also The deployment is there.

Kalashnikov sent a communicator with a communicator to the headquarters of the friendly forces on both sides to resolve communication and coordination issues.

Charles is sitting next to him, applying healing to his face.

"My skin is about to fall." He said, "Is this your custom."

As a result, Kalashniko asked him: "You know that slime is How do you breed?"

Charles was taken aback, but he had seen "slime Breeding Care Techniques", how could he not know.

When the weather is warm, the slime entering the breeding period will look for places such as ponds, streams, etc., and then stick together in pairs and squeeze each other to squeeze the unfertilized eggs and sperm in each other's body together. In water, slime's eggs are fertilized in the water.

"Wait?!" Charles suddenly thought of a terrifying thing, "They just crossed me by the equivalent to?"

Kalashnikko Said: "Whatever you think, this is their form of showing kindness and affection."

"We don't care what you want with them, as long as you don't threaten or force this method."


Charles was speechless. First, he released the leaf umbrella covering the entire defense area to block the arrows shot by the dead, and then said: "I really want to think about that. You thought it was tied up by the younger sister outside the bathroom. I can run away."

Then he thought of another question and asked: "So what, I'll just ask, you guys a long, long time ago, did that...have any descendants?"

Kalashnico squinted at him and said, "If you can finish our way, you will know the answer."

At this time, there are new changes on the front. The enemy's infantry stopped two hundred meters away, and the arrows shot by their longbows actually had good lethality at this distance.

In the fortifications, the soldiers hid under the leaf umbrellas and shrunk behind the walls, shooting at the enemy with sparse firepower.

The enemy saw the bow and arrow suppress the Marine Corps' actions, and the cavalry on both wings began to move towards the defense lines on the left and right sides began to attack.

Charles nibbled on the lunch buns and said, "They are suppressing the mid-road, the two-wing breakthrough, they want to surround us."

Kalashnikov said:" The enemy leader took a fancy to our battle strength and wanted to take us."

Charles curl one's lip, and then focused on the battle between the two wings.

On the left wing, gunshots and explosions are extremely dense.

The guns used by Alston I and Ji Shijun are the same model jointly developed by them. They have a long range, high precision, large caliber, and their warheads will explode. Thousands of cavalry rushed towards them. Suddenly, fire and bone meal exploded.

When the enemy approached a distance of almost a hundred meters, they took out a new guy.

Although the revolver-style grenade launcher only has six rounds of ammunition and is not fully automatic, it still produces a fire interception effect under the use of a skilled shooter.

A few of the shooters on the Ji Shijun side even shot six grenade shots at the same time.

Then there was a second new guy on the stage. How does that guy look like an RPG.

A rocket smashed into the middle of the enemy, and what was exploded inside were sticky Fire Elements. These Fire Elements burned violently when they touched the undead.

There are dead spirits who want to use magic to disperse these Fire Elements, but as soon as those dark elements come into contact with it, they immediately become fuel.

In this scene, Charles looked straight and nodded. The magic in this rocket was further improved after he invented the slimy flame magic. It was inspired by the magic of the "Black Widow" poisonous magic cast by the devil back then. Elements will nourish toxins to multiply, and this flame that can burn other magic elements has a miraculous effect against magic shields.

Later he sold this magic to Auston I and made a lot of money.

It seems that the left wing cannot be broken through, Charles looked towards the right wing.

The battle over there was quite satisfactory, arrows and magic were flying all over the sky, and Altria led people to countercharge from time to time.

At this time, Kalashnik said: "The cavalry on the two wings has sunk in, and we can move."

In the back of the building, where the dead cannot see, The corn cobs on the corn cannons slowly lifted, and then fired out at the same time.

When the undead saw these golden-bright and dazzling big guys flying over, they knew it was definitely not a good thing, so the undead mage strengthened the strength of the magic shield.

The same tactics reappeared, and the firepower suddenly poured out more fiercely than the previous one, and instantly broke the magic shields of the dead.

next moment, a huge corn fell into the dead archer and mage, blowing them up into the sky.

The position of the leader of the necromancer is specially taken care of, and several corn cobs cover that area specially.

After a violent explosion, there is no more complete bone in that place.

Next, the original defensive infantry soldiers became targets, and the bone meal exploded from them even turned into a white mist.

"Interesting." Charles was picking up a large-caliber sniper rifle and aiming on the ground. The crosshairs in the scope were facing the skull of a skeletal horse, and its eye sockets could be seen. The beating flames.

A gunshot sounded and the horse's head exploded in an instant.

"Let him run!" Charles said bitterly.

It’s just that there are too many obscurations, and you can’t see what’s on the ground.

He once again determined the approximate position of the enemy leader through the soul vision, and then said to Kalashniko: "Wait, I will mark the target with a flare."

"Target Very cunning, very keen intuition, as soon as I feel something wrong, I will run away."

"Notify all the heavy firepower, and wait for the signal to cover the position 50 meters east of the signal."

Kalashnikov immediately issued relevant orders.

They have limited ammunition, so they can save money at present.

If you want to charge, then the leader of the enemy must be dealt with. Attacking an army with a unified command is similar to suicide.

Now Charles is a little interested in the necromancer, he can keep moving.

After the previous corn cannon bombardment, he actually hid on a group of unowned skeleton horses. It would have been impossible for Charles to find him if it weren't for Charles's soul sight.

Charles aimed at him just now, but the eyes of both sides met. He had a bad instinct and slipped immediately, and now he is pretending to be dead in a fallen skeleton.

Now Charles can't find each other, but the Necromancer can observe Charles' every move through the gap, and his instinct says that this person can find himself.

Charles then killed two necromages, and then changed the bullets.

Very random, he moved towards the ground with a shot, and the bullet grazed the head of a necromancer archer and hit the ground.

An unprecedented dense rain of bullets instantly covered the location of the leader of the necromancer. Later, when cleaning the battlefield, someone found the colliding warheads here.

"Solved." Charles said to Kalashniko beside him.

next moment, the Charge rang again, and the Marine Corps warriors followed the bright red company flag amid the trumpets and launched a charge on the enemy who was still twice as many as their own.

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