In Kjerag, one of the entertainment activities of the people is to gather together to brag and chat. Some gossips spread throughout the city in a day or two.

Currently, the most discussed is that several powerful warriors of the Shivaash family have eaten their stomachs one after another, and have fainted due to diarrhea.

Many people in the city are tenant farmers of the Shivaash family. If something happens to the Boss family, they will naturally care about it.

In contrast, the topic of Charles sending vegetables and that the woman with Charles is actually a queen quickly diminished, and it was nowhere near the harvest festival, which was about to begin soon. That day was the day when the grain began to be harvested.

Shortly after the grain is harvested and put into storage, the long winter on the snowy field is coming.

Days pass day by day in the expectations of the people for the Harvest Festival.

At night, the city fell asleep early.

In the suite where Charles they stayed, Rose poured two glasses of wine she had brought, and gave Charles a glass.

Charles the past few days, who took over the glass, has become accustomed to Queen Your Majesty's practice of sleeping with the help of wine containing Ningshen medicine ingredient every night, lamenting that the work pressure of the king is not normal.

The liquor in the glass is golden, with a bit bitter taste in the mouth, and some sweetness afterwards.

Ross asked Charles while sipping her wine, "Are you ready for the hunt to start tomorrow night?"

Charles, feeling the sweetness in his mouth, said nonchalantly: "No It's hunting, you are believing or not, someone must have helped us prepare a plump prey."

Rose laughed and said, "I hope the prey here can make me enjoy it."

The harvest festival here is quite interesting. When the sun sets completely the day before the harvest festival, the warriors of each family begin to hunt in the wild. At sunrise, judge which family has the most prey.

In the morning, the priests led the crowd carrying the heads of the prey of each family in a parade around the fields of each family to pray. After the ceremony is over, they can start harvesting mature wheat.

The family with the most prey enjoys the honor of Saintess personally hosting the ceremony.

Other families are also sorted according to the number of prey. The more prey, the higher the level of priests who preside over the ceremony.

At night, the prey and the first batch of wheat harvested during the day will be used as sacrifices to tribute to the god of Great Snow Mountain. The highlight of the ceremony is the competition held by the warriors sent by the families.

From a political point of view, this is a ceremony to show the strength of each family and fight for the right to speak.

This year, Little Huihui and the Shiva Ash family were obviously targeted. Several powerful people in the family have been poisoned and diarrhea to collapse. If they can get out of bed on the Harvest Festival, it would be considered a physique.

But, now Little Huihui has three strong supporters from Charles, Rose and Nasrdin. I don’t know how the final result will be.

According to Little Huihui’s plan, Charles and Rose went back to the hotel before the festival started and pretended that they were no longer in contact with their home. Meet again.

Anyway, there are precedents in other families for asking for foreign aid. Charles and the others happily said that they would follow Little Huihui's command.

After drinking, Rose suddenly asked, "You disappeared for a while this afternoon, where did you go?"

Charles laughed and said nothing, he didn’t use this The opportunity to do something is impossible.

In order to do this, he spent a lot of money, for example, he bought a lot of canned food.

At dusk of the second day, Little Huihui brought nearly a hundred men to gather outside the mountain range south of Kjerag. They will go to the south to hunt after sunset. Those men have horses and carriages. The main task is Carry prey.

Three foreign aids have also arrived, but they all covered their faces.

Little Huihui wondered why Charles had to gather by himself at a certain well, and he had never heard of a well before.

When he saw a large cloud of water vapor coming out from a distance, he was surprised when the hot spring was dug out there?

He immediately thought of the previous Heaven's Grace, Sia and Charles had come here to play. Could it be Charles dug it out? It's just that Ensia said that he was uncomfortable today, so he would not participate in the hunt, so he couldn't ask.

When he came to the well, he saw that Charles and Rose had arrived.

The next scene made him wonder what to say.

"Everyone, have dinner first!"

Charles greeted everyone, while using dip nets to scoop out round bamboo tubes from the "Sun Well", which was almost 70℃. Come.

"The white rope is rice, the colored rope is vegetables, the spoon is inside the rice, and the long bamboo tube is soup."

"Today’s soup is only seaweed soup, but vegetables There are hot and sour fish balls, shredded pork with pickled peppers, garlic pork ribs, stewed chicken with mushrooms, chicken with tomato sauce, steamed pork with lotus leaves, mushroom boxes, bacon with red peppers and Red Braised Pork, a foreign world writer. You can eat whatever you get. Ah, don't be picky about eating!"

Charles continued to greet him there, and gave him a good comment just as he thought it was delicious.

Little Huihui walked over and asked: "What are you doing?"

Charles put two bamboo tubes in his hand and said: "This is the foreign world Wenhao Red Braised Pork can, you take it."

"Now, of course, eat first. The can has just been heated in the hot spring. Untie the rope, peel off the slime glue and open the lid to eat."

Then he whispered: "You don't want hundreds of people to have diarrhea in the wild, right."

Little Huihui narrowed his eyes and then nodded. This situation is very likely to happen.

When everyone started to eat, Nasrdin found an interesting place on the bamboo can.

He found Charles, pointed to the hot trademark on it and asked: "Boss, which Chamber of Commerce is this, haven’t you seen it?"

That trademark is a short-haired girl He has a round head with a hair bag on each side of his hair, and the common letters "A" and "C" are written on each bag.

Charles said: "This is the instant canned food produced by the chain restaurant'Axifan' opened by my disciple Ai Li and Xi Li. This meal Hall Master serves foreign world dishes. You can say that you also eat it. People who have passed the authentic foreign world cuisine."

Rose, who has been watching him busy today, looked at him with a bad face, and asked: "Where did you come from the discipline, and how do you know so much? I taught them foreign world dishes? Did you also travel through the foreign world?"

Where did Charles dare to answer truthfully? Rose was eleven years older than him. When he was seven years old when everyone went to the hot springs together Rose was already eighteen years old, and it would be strange if she didn't kick herself into the "sun well" next to her.

However, someone from Xi had already had an excuse. He said, "Didn’t the Ji Shijun ask me for food a few years ago? He didn’t have money, so he wrote a lot of recipes from his hometown. I’ll change my aid."

Ross recognized Charles’ explanation. Ji Shijun has always been the focus of the Intelligence Section of various countries. He had contacted Charles before and happened to know Auston I. knowledge.

She ate the garlic pork ribs, and said, "Let your discipline come to my palace to cook me a meal someday."

Charles shrugged and said, "It's late, they I'm ready to open a shop in City of Knowledge. I even found the shop."

Queen Your Majesty was helpless and could only chew a piece of cartilage "ga ga".

Everyone is full soon, and many people say they can eat a few more servings.

Charles waved his hand and each ate another carrot.

Everyone ate and drank enough, it just got dark, and the hunt began.

As a result, Charles stopped Little Huihui who asked to prepare some torch, and said, "I have something good for you to see."

I saw that he took out a similar The black guy with mushrooms pressed the switch to the front, a white beam of light pierced the darkness, illuminating the surroundings brightly.

"The latest portable searchlight produced by Shield Bridge Academy." Charles said triumphantly, "It will show you the way in the night."

The searchlight was sent out soon. With one hand, Charles also specially reminded them not to shoot in their own eyes, and to shoot the eyes of the prey if they want to.

Little Huihui hurriedly arranged the formation. People in different positions were responsible for illuminating the surroundings in different directions, so be sure not to be sneak attacked by the devil beast in the dark.

Get ready, and the hunt begins.

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