At night, with horseshoes, the hunting team left the farmland and moved towards the wasteland further south.

A group of deer was startled and ran away. This kind of deer is not big, so it's meaningless to fight.

Little Huihui has already found a few big guys, and is now moving towards the first target.

In the distance, a huge black shadow is slowly rising.

"It's a mammoth!" Little Huihui hurriedly shouted.

The light from the searchlight is very snapshot to the target. This big guy with long brown hair should have been sleeping on his back. Now he was awakened by the sound of horseshoes. The nearly ten-ton body is turning here. On the side, the huge pair of ivory looked more and more white under the light.

Before Little Huihui's order, he rode out quickly.

Under the light, the fiery red cloak fluttered in the wind, like the beating flame.

Rose rode a horse to sprint, and soon came to a place less than two hundred meters away from the mammoth.

She shoots arrows with a bow, and two arrows shining with blue and white light shoot straight into the face of the mammoth.

The whistling north wind did not affect the trajectory of the arrow at all. Two sharp arrows hit a pair of elephant eyes at the same time.

The huge mammoth wailed deafeningly, its long nose waved around, stood up with its hind feet, and tried to trample on the enemy who no longer knew where it was with its front legs.

Before it stood up completely, it fell heavily to the ground because its brain was frozen into ice.

In this world, there have been a series of mature methods to deal with such large devil beasts, one of which is to directly attack the brain through their eyes.

Little Huihui and his men looked dumbfounded, is this done?

It’s not to blame them. There are always strong winds on the snowy field, and the effect of bows and arrows is not good. Few people use bows and arrows as their main weapons. Their long-range physical output mainly relies on heavy javelins. One or two arrows to solve the battle case.

Charles is knowledgeable, he can see Rose’s arrow technique is above him.

The kingdom of Biberach is famous for its magical archer, and the arrow technique can be used to break the wrist with the elves.

Little Huihui took her hands and walked around, Rose said proudly to him: "This is a good prey, you will really pick it."

It’s just that Little Huihui is not too embarrassed to say this. The mammoth accidentally appeared on his route, and there was no such big guy in their target.

This hunting is based on the prey brought back. How can such a big guy move back?

Charles thought of this and said: "I will let the giant dragon come and move it back. The freight is not expensive at this point."

Little Huihui can only be nodded. With this mammoth as the base, it is very difficult for them to lose.

The giant dragon on duty in the vicinity was quickly called by Charles, and Charles told her to pack the night tonight and help them move their prey at any time.

The team soon embarked on the journey again, moved towards the originally planned first goal and continued to set off.

Recently, there was a Snow Mountain bear wandering around a small hot spring, preying on prey that came to drink water to store energy, and soon it would return to the mountain to find a cave to hibernate.

This bear has no fixed abode. Little Huihui ordered everyone to stop at the small hot spring first, and then moved towards four directions with Charles, Rose, and Nasrdin.

Less than half an hour later, a bear roar came from Nasrdine.

Charles was the first to arrive. He saw a giant bear weighing almost a ton lying on the ground. It had no wounds on its body and no blood smell.

Nasrdin gently stroked the bear skin and said, "The quality of this fur is very good."

Charles said to him: "When you get married, I will personally hit a bigger one, and when the time comes, I will give you a bearskin rug."

"How did you kill it?"

He pays attention When he arrived, Nasrdin did not use weapons.

"I gave it a few punches and it died." Nasrdin said nonchalantly.

Charles shrunk his neck and said, "If you are not satisfied with the treatment in the future, just say it, don’t hold it in your heart. Seeing that you are going to get married, next year, the company will be assigned a house. I'll give it to you."

Nasrdin asked him curiously: "Where will you live?"

Charles replied: "I'm going to live in the navy compound. "

Little Huihui and they came soon. Several people moved the Snow Mountain bear, which had a comminuted fracture of both arms and a broken rib into the heart, to the carriage. As a result, the carriage was not big enough, the bear. The leg drooped to the ground.

The giant dragon who was enrolled in the night came over, and she transported the bear to the rear.

Charles asked Little Huihui: "How many hunting did you win in previous years?"

Little Huihui replied: "It mainly depends on the strength of the prey. This time a bear."

Charles nodded, asked: "So we try to catch those ferocious devil beasts as much as possible, right?"

"That's it." Little Huihui affirmed.

Charles asked again: "What about a large group of snow wolves, if the carcass is not complete?"

Little Huihui replied: "In this case, you can just take their Bring your head back."

"That's good." Charles said to him seriously: "Then prepare a defensive handle, because a large group of snow wolves are on their way."

Little Huihui was taken aback, "What's the matter?"

Charles pointed to his subordinates and said, "Did you not notice that your person suddenly lost one? He seemed to have fallen on the ground just now. , And then ran away."

Little Huihui's cold face suddenly became colder. He did have plans to pour wild sheep's urine on the ground to attract snow wolves, but that It was carried out in the ambush circle that had already been set up, not in this all around empty and uncovered place.

He all around took a look, and sure enough, the person responsible for bringing the wild goat urine was gone.

Without waiting for him to think about it, the person in charge of the searchlight warning shouted: "Wolves! Many wolves!!" News.

There were a lot of wolves coming this time, about five-six hundred, they roared towards the sky after seeing the light shining on them.

Little Huihui hurriedly asked his men to circle the carriage, and the horses were pulled in the middle and tied up.

Charles saw that many people were so nervous that they were too weak, he shouted: "Don’t be afraid, now is the time for the prey to be delivered! If the situation is critical, don’t forget to help. The giant dragon we transported the prey, she was able to scared these wolves to scared witless with a Dragon's Might and run away with their tails sandwiched!"

Those people were taken aback, yes, why didn’t they forget the bears just now? The giant dragon sent back.

In an instant, everyone became relaxed, and the car formation was quickly set up.

The carriage that is one meter high can't stop the wolf, but it gives people a little psychological comfort, and at the same time it can put the searchlight on it.

These wolves have obviously never seen a searchlight, and at the moment they are scared to approach by its light.

But the wolves of this world are very smart, I believe they will soon think of a way.

The four heads are gathering together to find a way. Little Huihui said worriedly: "The head wolves who can command such a large group of wolves should be very strong."

Said Rose "Let’s block for a while and wait for the wolf to come out before destroying it. I am confident that I will shoot it at a distance of 400 meters."

If the wolf is destroyed, the task of defeating the wolf pack will be counted. Half done.

Little Huihui said: "The wind will get stronger and stronger at night, and the shot will be missed."

Rose smiled and said: "Don't worry, young man, my arrow It can be unaffected by the wind."

Little Huihui's eyes straightened after hearing it.

At this time, there was a wailing of animals in the distance. A group of deer was rushed by the wolves, and the Snow Mountain wolves were hiding in the shadows.

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