In the morning of August, the sun was particularly dazzling, and the temperature was slowly rising by the evening sea breeze.

Just after seven o'clock, many people came to the square in front of the court building.

On the roof of a small building by the square, two people sat looking at the high platform in front of the court building.

This high platform is more than one meter high, and the area is about the size of a basketball court. The white silk curtain hanging behind is embroidered with a balance with gold thread.

Ji Shijun stuffed the oil lamp that he had just bought at a large price into his pocket, and closed the lid regardless of the protest sound from inside.

The Auston I next to him touched the chin and said: "Unexpectedly you are so rich."

Ji Shijun shrugged and said: "That is what I saved for so many years. My wife, I’ve been smashed out this time."

Oston I patted his shoulder and said, "It doesn’t matter, anyway, your wife will only be born next year, so you can save it slowly."


Ji Shijun doesn't want to take this issue anymore, now everyone in the slime guard group who comes to destroy the undead knows about it.

He took out the smoking gun, lit the tobacco, took a sip, and said, "Unexpectedly, Charles would give this oil lamp to someone casually."

Alston I also took it. He got out of the pipe and said: "When people are in extreme emotions, they will do things that others seem to be unable to understand. He still has a trace of reason without going to jail."

Ji Shijun turned his head. Came to look at him and asked, "What would you do if Charles were to rob prison?"

Alston I smirked twice.

Ji Shijun vomited a smoke ring and said to himself: "Last night I looked at a idiot in Batman clothes hiding in the corner of the vicinity. I thought it was you. "

Alston I gave him a slanted look and replied: "I saw a sand sculpture dressed like Zorro last night. Have you seen it?"

next moment , These two guys are very tacitly no longer mentioning this one.

Ji Shijun sighed: "I can't imagine that a person like Charles would be helpless in this matter."

"Inevitable." Auston I was very serious. He said: "He is still too floating, he didn't sink his body into this world."

"They are like a child, knowing that boiling water is very hot, they even scalded the ants with boiling water, but they hold the water Shishui has always been in the thermos cup, and he has never been scalded by boiling water, so when the pot of boiling water is poured on their heads, they will let them know what is boiling water."

Nodded Ji Shijun, Ao Kingston I knew Charles for longer, had more contact with them, and understood them better.

As King Auston I said, Charles knows that there are class contradictions in this world, but he has always been on the beneficiary side in his life, and he is protected by a group of bigwigs. Elizabeth protects him, and has not personally experienced the taste of this poisonous whip being mounted on the engine and constantly beating on her body.

"They should be able to pass this level, right?" Ji Shijun asked.

Alston I took two cigarettes and replied: "They are not easy to admit defeat."

"It can make them aware of the stubbornness of old ideas and the difficulty of changing customs, then The girl named Rachel has contributed a lot."

Ji Shijun knocked off the soot from the smoker, moved towards him, winked, and received a positive response.

The sun climbed higher and higher, there were more and more people in the square, and the fire frame was also erected in the center of the square.

Five minutes to eight o’clock, a team of warriors in white armor walked out of the court building and quickly blocked the high platform, the torture frame, and the passage between them.

Many experts occupy the roof of the surrounding buildings like Ji Shijun and others. Victoria personally took Charles and Diana in the vicinity to settle down on the roof.

Ji Shijun glanced over there, and saw that the two of them were ashamed, so he stopped saying hello.

At this time, the judge who looked a lot like Sean Connery came out. He wore a robe that was whiter than snow, and walked to the bench of aloof and remote on the high platform to take his seat. The secretary Officials and the others also took their positions.


The golden hammer hit the table, the golden balance on the screen gave out a faint light, and the entire square suddenly silenced.

"Open the court, bring the defendant!"

The judge's voice can be heard throughout the square.

Rachel was soon taken up. She was dressed in a gray linen robe, and her wrists and ankles were wearing shackles that could not be magical. The expression on her face was calm. Let people in the square feel terrifying.

She stood in the dock, her waist straight up like a harpoon used by a murloc.

Behind her, a warrior who was in charge of taking care of her saluted the judge and said: "Report to the Lord Justice, the defendant has been brought here to verify his identity."

The judge slammed the table with a golden hammer and asked: "Civilian Rachel, you assassinated the Crown Prince Jenny of the Osm Kingdom yesterday. Can you plead guilty?"

Rachel was very angry. His voice reached every corner of the square: "I killed him, I..."

"dong! dong!"

The judge interrupted with two hammers. After listening to the defendant’s words, he stood up and announced loudly: "The prisoner has pleaded guilty and is witnessed by the God of the verdict. I sentenced civilian Rachel to death and put it to fire in time!"

After the judge finished speaking After hammering the table three times with a golden hammer, the golden balance on the curtain behind him, which represents the god of judgment, emitted a dazzling golden light, which was brighter than the sun in the sky.

No one in the square questioned why the defendant failed to defend himself, and no one questioned that the judge completed the trial in a blink of an eye, because the judgment was approved by the God of Judgment.

Two hands were placed on Charles and Diana's shoulders, and Victoria was afraid that they would act irrationally.

"Go back." The queen whispered to them.

It's just that they didn't respond, just like two wooden stakes.

The sound of sighs resounded across the square. Some people shook their heads, some wiped the corners of their eyes, and some people looked forward to their faces.

The story of the murloc girl has spread throughout the island last night. This morning’s "Daily Report" used almost all the pages to publish the story told by Charles last night.

People sympathized with the girl's tragic experience and appreciated her brave revenge.

Rachel didn't let the warrior who was behind her back to hold her back, and in a sigh in the square, she stepped forward and moved towards the torture frame.

The road from the high platform of the trial to the torture frame is not far away. Her steps are not fast, but she is determined, calm, and without hesitation, just like walking on the small road home.

"Salute to your courage for revenge!"

A young Knight standing next to the torture frame saluted her.

Rachel just glanced at Knight without any indication.

The firewood was piled up with specially dried firewood and sprinkled with oily fish oil.

The burning grease was so slippery that Rachel almost fell when she climbed up.

The two warriors tied her firmly to a solid cylinder, and then jumped out of the fire frame.

At this time, an ocean temple priest wearing a blue robe came to the fire. He was also a murloc, and the murlocs were all believers of the god of the ocean.

The priest held a small incense burner in his hand, and a quiet smoke came out of it.

He walked around the torture frame and sang songs of sinners confessing to the gods:

I was once extremely pious

The joyous daughter in the ocean


Meng my God’s mercy and gifts

Grow up happily in the waves

But commit unforgivable evil deeds

Why is it so thinking? Nowhere!

Everyone has weaknesses in their hearts

If you alienate my god, you will be captured.

Sin induces people to leave the shelter

Finally, let her destroy!

My god! I ask you to forgive

Forgive this lost child too despising your grace

Please forgive her for seeing this now

You are our strength The root of it!

My god! She is struggling in the abyss of pain

Please come back to her side

Save the child who is on the wrong path!


The priest completed the ceremony, he came to Rachel’s body and said: "My child, you repent!"

" Pray for the tolerance of my gods, and the soul can enter the paradise of the gods!"

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