"I was born in the sea in the south, and I live with my father, mother, younger sister, and younger brother."

"Father goes fishing with Uncle uncles every day. The mother carried the younger brother on her back, and took me and younger sister to grow seaweed and sea grapes. We also went to pick kelp, dig shells, catch crabs..."

"Every year, we have more than half of us The harvest is handed over to Master Baron, and I have not eaten a full meal several times throughout the year."

"I want to ask Master Noble, and ask the King Your Majesty, what kind of delicacies you eat is not the result of our hard work. Which of the things you use is not made by us?"

"I want to ask you, did you feel sad when my father and uncles were dragged into the abyss by your pet squid? My mother Why did you laugh with the younger brother when you shared the food with the sharks that were driven by you as prey?"

"I want to ask you, when you gave us to the devil as a plaything to abuse, we are in your eyes What is it?"

"We are all people who have spent our lives for you to eat and use, not the slime in the sea!"

"Why do we feed you, provide you In the end, what I get is that I can’t eat enough, and I still want to be treated as something you can throw away at any time?"

Rachel’s roar resounded through the sky under the action of the loudspeaker array prepared for her confession. , Her voice can be heard throughout the island.

The mage in charge of the amplification magic array has a very high feudal political consciousness. He hurriedly shut down the magic array before ordering to prevent her reactionary speech from spreading, but he didn’t want to lose the magic array.了控制。 The control.

The pyre under the torture frame ignited quickly, and the flame quickly spread to the entire pyre, but this did not prevent Rachel’s roar from spreading out of the raging flames.

"I also want to ask the god of the sea, how pious we were once, we have never missed every day of worship, and the sacrifices of every moment are not short, but when we are suffering When you prayed, did you ever show us a hint of mercy and rescue us from the Sea of ​​Bitterness?"

"What do you give us this abundant and good food? What do you say to prepare this abundant and beautiful food for us? Love Banquet, you are not like those kings and nobles in the end, you used to sip blood on those of us who created wealth with our own hands, and discard us like tatters if they are useless..."

At this time, the flames had spread to Rachel's feet, and the frantic flames moved towards her body and licked.

The linen prison uniform burned quickly, turning into fly ash in a moment, and even the rope that bound the prisoner burned, causing her to appear one after another ring of fire.

The sound in the square was chaotic. Some people were meditating, some were cursing her, and some cheered because of the arrival of the wonderful show, and more people did not respond much.

"pa! pa! pa! pa!!!!"

A burst of applause suddenly sounded under the torture frame, and the sound became louder and louder until the entire square could be heard.

"What gods,

all bullshit.

What kings,

all rascals.

What noble,

It’s all waste.

What we eat,

I have blood and sweat.

I'm a beast,


You are here to pick it for nothing.

I don’t work,

You're done.


A man who was singing a reactionary song with a beat in his hand suddenly appeared in front of the torture frame and immediately attracted the attention of the audience.

After singing, he still sighed: "What a brave girl."

A golden light shot out from the trial stand. It was the judge waving his hand. The golden hammer launched a full strength attack on that man!

┗(⌒ω⌒)┛੭ ㅤㅤ˟

With only one punch, the burst of shock waves stunned the people around, and the judge who had reached the Sovereign level was also beaten Fly, and become a star in the sky, without even a single line.

The people on the square were so shocked by the sudden change that they didn't react for a long time.

No one knows who this man in a black cloak is. He can only tell through the buffalo-like horns on his head that he probably seems to be the devil from hell.

Charles' eyes widened, and the devil at the stake was Ludenberg who had dealt with him many years ago.

The first ones who came here anyway were the big guys. It was politically correct to kill the devil in this world. Victoria and the others next moment moved towards the fire frame and launched an attack.

It’s just that a group of demons wearing black cloaks suddenly appeared in the air. Some of them are majestic, some of them have beards that grow to the waist, and there is a young devil girl with facial features that grow fast and clumped together. The same paper.

The power of these demons is extremely strong. Arnold’s long sword was caught, the hammer of Wo Dou Dagger was kicked away, Victoria was also entangled by the opponent’s magic, and the popes’ attacks all returned without success. .

Charles looked awkwardly at the ugly girl with a mosaic on her face, and used a whip to drive the laborless Auston I far away because of the horns on her head. Out of the ordinary.

The other devil’s horns are


and her horns are

┕(▓) ┙

The ends of her double horns are not original, but are connected to the pair of horns Charles sold to Ludenberg.

The devil girl suddenly turned her head slightly, saw Charles, and a scary expression appeared on her face.

The scene suddenly became extremely weird. The experts confronted the devil. One side did not dare to act rashly, and the other side was delaying time. The ordinary person wanted to run but his body did not follow his orders, and the whole person stayed in place.

At this time, Ludenberg stepped onto the torture frame, and when he stepped forward, the flames in front of him quickly dwarfed and turned into a ladder.

At the end of the flame ladder, is Rachel who is still chained to the pillar.

Although she was burned by the flames, she was unconscious at the moment, but there were no signs of burns on her body, and even her long hair was intact.

Ludenberg walked to her, took off the cloak and wrapped her around her, took her off the shackles and hugged her across his hands, stepping on the flame ladder and slowly walking down the torture frame.

Under the fire, he fervently said to the people on the square-even the entire island: "You are the masters of this world, not the lambs waiting to be slaughtered! One day, you will Like this girl, if she was slaughtered and eaten by a robber butcher, the little scum left over will become a delicacy for the shepherds!!"

"Wild dogs, you can discredit us as much as you want. Whitewash yourself, but you can’t answer why people who are creating everything with their hands are being knocked out by those parasites!!!"

"We left today, but one day we will come back. We will eliminate those robbers, kill those running dogs, and regain everything that belongs to us from them!!!"

After he finished speaking, the silhouettes of the demons gradually blurred, and finally took Rachel Disappeared in front of everyone.

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