Charles was discharged from the hospital early on the second day. When he came to the entrance of the cafeteria, he saw Vichy and a group of students from the Student Union walking into the cafeteria.

This group of students in the student union yawned one by one, and it looked like they had been all night last night.

"Please have breakfast..." After seeing Charles, Vichy went up and held his hand, "I'm trapped to death."

After she finished speaking, she hit yawn.

Charles was speechless, and in the shocked eyes of a crowd of students, he brought the school babe and the same yawning student union guys to the third floor of the cafeteria.

The breakfast on the third floor of the cafeteria is very rich. It is a buffet style with a wide range of varieties, well-made, and naturally expensive.

Charles took out all his meal tickets to cover the breakfast money for these guys.

"Get me something to eat..." Vichy said to Charles, sitting weakly in the chair.

Charles was speechless. He took two bowls and a large dish by the long table beside him. In the bowl, he poured a few tablespoons of steamed, roasted, and crushed instant oatmeal. He took in half a bowl of hot milk, and put small bread, fried eggs and grilled sausage on the plate before returning to the table.

At this time, Vichy was walking in the dining room, giving out a few meal tickets to the students in the student union.

The fatigue of those guys who got the meal tickets was swept away, and the smiles on their faces were particularly bright.

Principal arresting them to work overtime will naturally make a difference. It is not surprising to have breakfast on the third floor.

Vichy is back. She drank oatmeal and fiercely said to Charles fiercely: "It's all your fault, I was hit by a car into the river!"

" The person who hit you came from another school. Last night, the Principal decided to ban non-school personnel from entering the school overnight, which caused us to get a lot of pass cards overnight."

Charles was there with a spoon. Can this be blamed on yourself?

Vichy continued to eat breakfast and said: "You are not the one who attracts bees and butterflies. It attracts a bunch of girls from other schools and makes the school restless."

Charles blinked, it's really a big pot of heaven.

Vichy's appetite seems to be quite large. She ate a few small breads and two omelettes after drinking a bowl of oatmeal, but she didn't touch the sausage.

She spit out Charles while she finished breakfast quickly, and then went back to sleep.

Charles came to the classroom after eating breakfast. The first day of the day was math class. Before class, Enrico took a bag to distribute cards to everyone.

This card is made of copper. It contains information such as the student's name, gender, student number, and dormitory number. In addition, there is also a metal mud with fingerprints.

Students have to fill in their own information and leave their fingerprints. After the monitor has completed the statistics, it will become effective.

Starting from tomorrow morning, all students will enter and exit the school with a card. Non-students of the school will be prohibited from entering unless they have a letter of introduction issued by other schools.

There are a lot of pheasant academies on the island, and they also occupy a great name for the school site, and you can go there with money. The so-called professors are all senior students from other good academies in the past. It is purely for the gilding of those who are ignorant and incompetent, as long as the students "male do not die, and female students are not in the dormitory" the school does not care.

This method of Principal is good. At this time, the students from outside the Academy who have been soaking in horses and fishing for triumphs cannot enter the Shield Bridge Academy.

At the second day, Charles walked around the campus and no one came up to talk.

He has to sigh how fragile crafty plots and machinations are in the face of administrative power.

"What the hell is your school doing?" Elizabeth was speechless. She was stopped when she came to see Charles tonight, so she wrote herself a letter of introduction on the spot, and then came in.

Charles didn't answer, he was doing squats with the barbell, and he was discouraged when he opened his mouth.

Elizabeth just caught Alvin and found it here. She was very pleased to see that the discipline was training hard, but she frowned when she saw Tarantula and Vichy on the dining room table. Wrinkled.

After Charles finished a set of exercises, she asked: "What's the matter with those two in the restaurant?"

Charles gasped, and said, "The two of them It's my discipline..."

Elizabeth is speechless, and she is just a few hundred years old, and she is just such a three-day-to-two discipline. I don't know how many disciplines there are anymore.

"How many disciplines did you receive?" she asked.

Charles counted with his fingers, and said, "Cuihua, you know, the situation was special at the time, but she was a clever child, and she would be very accomplished with my help."

"Ari, Xili and A Wei followed me to learn how to cook, and now they have become famous."

"Vichy is a poor girl. If she wants revenge, I will help her. Tarantula is purely buy one get one free."

Elizabeth was speechless, she said for a while: "You grow up, I don't bother to care about you, don't divide the inheritance when they fight Just get up, I won’t take care of this for you."

"When the temple of life prays the next year, you can bring Tarantula and Vichy to Greentown."

"I heard Mafia talk about the child Tarantula. I am afraid that Spring of Life cannot completely cure her poisoned repercussions. Some internal organ injuries are not visible now, and they will not be cured after more than ten years. Now."

"Vichy's words...From her walking and movements, we can see that her body has been seriously injured, and there is still some problem. Since she is your discipline, I will help her heal it. "

Charles solemnly nodded. Elizabeth has more experience in medical treatment than herself. It shouldn't be wrong.

Elizabeth continued: "Spring of Life is not omnipotent. It can repair the body, but the crooked area will be repaired along the way. It is good to treat general wounds, but it is often necessary to treat the whole body. A lot of preparatory work."

Charles scratched his head. "There is such a thing. I have never heard you say it before."

Elizabeth gave him a look, "You Did you blame me for not reading the manual?"

This guy remembered that there was a manual, but there were too many professional names on it, so I just threw it aside.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of something and said: "Elder sister, I found that you are the only one in the first order in my inheritance."

Press Traditionally, in addition to political aspects such as titles and territories, the first order of inheritance in terms of property is spouse, children and parents.

In terms of laws and regulations, Charles is not married and has no children, and the disciplines do not have his political inheritance rights. They are in second order with the brother sisters, and Elizabeth and him have the Spirit King room because of their spirit. The level of political relations is the same as that of his own mother in inheritance.

"Yes!" Elizabeth patted her thigh, "If you don't tell me, I really didn't find it!"

"Now I choke you to death, your money It’s my money!"

"Come here, let me see how your neck feels when you pinch it."

Master and disciple are over, and Elizabeth begins to enter the topic. , She asked: "What's the matter with your navy, who is that Kalashnikov and who pretends to be you again?"

"You mean them." Charles had already thought of an excuse. "This has something to do with the God of Soul and Dreamland. You know that He has been covering me and let me take them in for a while."

Elizabeth nodded, and then said seriously: "You are at this level, too. You have to remember that there is nothing trivial about matters involving the army. Although I don’t know what Nicholas thinks, you must consider the whole thing when making decisions, otherwise it will be a major event."

Then she took out a few thick notebooks from the storage ring and threw them to Charles.

Charles took the notebook and turned it a few times. The paper and handwriting were very new, and it smelled of ink. The handwriting seemed to be handwritten by Elizabeth.

The content... he was surprised to see it.

Elizabeth solemnly said to the discipline: "These are hundreds of thousands of years of case analysis of how kings, nobles, and businessmen have solved problems. These books are First Volumes. I originally planned to wait. Your experience is enough to teach you after you are twenty. I thought about it yesterday and should let you understand it earlier."

Charles suddenly felt that these notebooks in his hands were heavy. This is the legend. "Imperial Doctrine", I have learned to be at least a king and noble above the passing line.

More importantly, this is written by Elizabeth. She has received a complete elven orthodox king's education. There is no idiot in the Spirit King's room. The complete set of written words can be exchanged. A territory of count.

For thousands of years, this type of knowledge has been passed down within each family. The heirs in the family learn half of it, and the non-heirs learn a little. Only when they inherit the position can they learn the whole.

If Charles is not Elizabeth's discipline, she would not write this to him herself.

"Thank you master!" He moved towards elven princess and bowed ninety degrees. This generous gift was extremely important to him.

Elizabeth sighed and said: "From what happened yesterday, you can see that someone is dealing with you. This has to be solved by yourself. At worst, you got rid of those girls and gave birth to a few more children. It’s not bad for me to take it for fun. Mother is always talking about taking her grandson. You can do your best to let me take her grandson one step ahead."

Charles' cheeks twitched, it seems that she was forced to marry him. On the verge of being driven mad.

Elizabeth's words did not stop: "I suggest you and Diana be less popular in the coming days, and your substitute is the same."

"There is something about you. I just told you, don’t talk nonsense—be careful with your relatives."

Charles is frowned after hearing this. The elves’ intelligence system is extremely powerful, and there must be something wrong with one of his relatives. sign.


"Elder sister, did you make me be careful about you?"

He really can’t think of any relatives worthy of being careful .

"You should be careful about my mother." Elizabeth said very seriously, "recently you had better meet her."

Charles counted and said seriously. :"It seems that Aunt is also in menopause..."



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