Elves with long ears have excellent hearing.

This afternoon, a new batch of supplies for the Elf Army arrived, and a lot of fresh fruits came with the ship. Elf Queen kindly brought a basket of fruits exclusively for Charles over to Charles, but she approached and discovered He was actually saying bad things about himself.

Of course the angry arrow didn't pierce Charles's skull, but the shaft of the arrow instantly turned into a long vine and tied the guy from the ceiling.

As for Elizabeth, when the first arrow shot in, she immediately jumped from the other side of the window and ran away skillfully. The second arrow that targeted her was knocked by her heel and flew directly. To the ground.

Vines turned into arrows without a target spread out like octopus, waiting for the prey to come.

Tarantula and Vichy, who were studying the magic of "shadow stealth" in the restaurant, heard that the sound from the gym was not right, but they rushed over and kicked. Stepped on the vine and hung upside down, and finally happy together under the action of gravitation, but immediately jumped out of the kitchen window.

The vines composed of divine force are extremely tenacious, and there is no way to burn them with a knife. Charles can only do a pendulum movement and wait for it to fail naturally.

However, how could Elf Queen let him go so easily, the vines began to discharge.


In a remote village, a beautiful elder sister suddenly had a feeling in the heart and turned her head and looked towards the direction of City of Knowledge.

"Your Excellency Saintess, what's the matter?"

The bald village head sitting next to Mira cautiously asked the great character in front of her, for fear that her poor service might cause her dissatisfaction. .

If you are not careful, let’s not talk about her Radiant Shrine Saintess, an extraordinary and refined identity. The rumor that she will become the queen after retirement is enough to kill her. Then she can do it by herself. A good end?

"It's okay." Mira just shook the head with a smile, wondering if Charles was dead again.

She picked up the water cup beside her and drank some herbal tea, moved the lamp on the table to the side, and then continued her work.

On the rough and uneven wooden tabletop, there is a simple map, barely marking the terrain and villages in a radius of a hundred miles so that people can understand it.

This is the place where the kingdoms of Biberach, Rerik and Randtjin meet. It was still a plain thousands of years ago.

But more than 700 years ago, a huge lake on the edge of the northern highlands was blasted out of a canal leading to the southern lowlands because of the battle between the powerhouses. A large amount of lake water poured down through it, eventually making The canal became a wide river channel, forcibly turning the southern plains into a land of fish and rice with interlaced water nets.

These three countries all want to completely occupy this place, but the skirmish has been playing for almost three hundred years, and in the end it is still the three profiting from somebody's misfortune, mutual backstabs, and back and forth see-saws.

Thirty years ago, Queen Rose’s aunt married his father Auston I. The relationship between the two countries has improved. In addition, the Duke of Randtjin at that time had to do his best to deal with the kingdom of Bischberg, this land Only then ushered in the longest peace in history.

It’s just that half a month has come recently, and the cloud of death has shrouded this land.

"Miss, let's eat something." The tall Chaxi had to lower her head to walk into the old village chief's house. She was holding a bowl of freshly cooked oatmeal in her hand.

Chasi was sent to Mira by Charles last month. She has been taking care of the former Eldest Young Lady recently.

Mira is still studying the map, she said without looking up: "Let it go first, and eat later."

Many villages and towns on the map are marked as number one. The approximate time of the second onset, as long as the information in various places is perfect, the source of the onset can be inferred.

She then asked: "How is the patient's condition?"

Chaxi put the oatmeal on the cabinet by the wall and took out the handkerchief from her pocket to cover it. On the mouth of the bowl, lest it turn into cockroach porridge.

She has experience, what Mira said "wait a minute" for at least two hours.

While doing all this, she replied: "Our medicine has some effects, and it has the least side effects among several effective medicines. Seriously ill patients will not get worse after drinking the medicine. It’s just that some people’s physique is too bad...oh..."

This is the only good news that Mira has heard these days.

She said: "You go to rest, go south tomorrow morning, and tell Duke Gilbert Randtjin about this."

"Also emphasize that you should not let the downstream People drink the water from the river and must dig wells far away from the river. Now it is preliminarily judged that the infectious disease was caused by drinking river water."

Chaxi hesitated for a while, and finally heard it in a low voice. : "Miss, can I not go?"

Mira lifts the head and looks at Chasi suspiciously with bloodshot eyes.

It is reasonable to say that she can't order Chaxi now. She came to help herself purely as Charles' order, but the affection from her childhood is still there, and she has never bargained with her own words.

Chaxi said in a lower voice: "First Prince...he always thinks about me..."

Mira is sighed in her heart, because she is a Big Uncle because of her lustful comments. No, I can only say: "You go to the west and tell Bud about this tomorrow."

Mira met Queen Rose’s younger brother Bud Biberach when she was at home. , Except that he often pranks on Charles, his style is decent, and there are no negative rumors.

Chaxi sighed in relief, the last time he went there to spread the word, he was almost pushed by Gilbert, who was in charge of handling the epidemic in the Randtjin Kingdom. Fortunately, he said he was Charles’ lover. Just took advantage of the other side's stunned time to escape.

She agreed, and then said: "Miss, you should go to bed. You haven't closed your eyes in the past few days."

Mira shook the head, this time The intestinal infectious diseases that suddenly appeared in this area came quickly and violently. Once the patients were infected, they began to have diarrhea, and then dehydrated until death.

She was sent here to support her urgently when she was going to the front line of City of Knowledge after sending away the last batch of murloc refugees. She can talk to all three.

There are still many kind, righteous and responsible people in this world. These days, she is not the only one who neglect sleep and forget about food in order to overcome illnesses.

"Saintess elder sister!" A seven or eight-year-old boy rushed into the house, "My father found out!"

"Really?" Mira said slightly She was surprised. The good news came so suddenly that she couldn't believe it.

"en!" The little boy nodded and said, "My father found a small insect that makes people sick!"

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