The village is not quiet in the middle of the night. When walking on the road, I can hear the painful groans of the patients from time to time.

In the downwind outside the village, the flames are soaring, the priests of Flame God Palace are burning the patient's excrement to avoid re-contamination.

Every summer is a period of high incidence of dysentery. When the infectious disease was at first, everyone thought it was just ordinary dysentery. Unexpectedly, the disease broke out in the crowd and livestock within two days. Come.

The grassroots priests of several local temples immediately responded to their superiors after seeing that the patients in the village died of diarrhea in a short time. Pope Simon of Radiant Shrine immediately ordered Mira to take the report. People rushed to the affected area to carry out treatment work. Similarly, King Auston I, who received the report, sent people to assist her in carrying out her work in the Kingdom of Rerik.

Mira collected a large number of cases after coming to this area. After statistically analyzing the cases, she discovered a very shocking and terrifying thing-boiling the river water before drinking it. Will get sick.

Moreover, the rivers here extend in all directions, constantly branching out tributaries, and constantly converging in twos. The water flow with pathogens continues to spread, and the disease is rapidly spreading downstream.

Fortunately, the well water is safe, otherwise this disease is simply insoluble.

Mira soon followed the little boy to the warehouse of the village, where several Guard troops from the Kingdom of Rerik were stationed, and there was a row of stoves cooking a pot on the open space outside. Potion.

Can't determine the cause, only let the patient try various medicine recipes to see which works well.

The warehouse has long been requisitioned by the Guard army. There is a carbon stove outside the door with a pot of slime paste on it.

Mira took out a pig-mouth mask from her pocket before entering the door and put it on. This mask is made of leather. The "pig nose" is filled with cotton and activated carbon that has only appeared in the past two years.

Then she took her white coat from the hanger outside the door and put it on. This white coat made of cotton cloth impregnated with slime glue is waterproof, but because it is not breathable, Very uncomfortable in this season.

Finally, she put her hands in the slime paste that was a little hot and soaked for a while, raised her hands and shook. After a while, the paste cooled and became a tight layer. Slime rubber gloves attached to the skin.

This warehouse was confiscated to search for and research pathogens. There are a large number of samples in it, so you can't be careful.

Guard military physician Sir Hartman, who lives in the vicinity, originally took his son Erich back to his hometown nearby to visit relatives when he was on vacation, but he did not expect to encounter the epidemic.

At this time, Sir Hartman was attentively observing the specimen with a Microscope, and then drawing a picture on the paper.

Mira walked to the side quietly, waited until he finished drawing a picture, and then asked loudly: "What have you noticed?"

The soundproofing effect of this pig mouth mask is a bit good. Speaking less loudly, the other party can't hear clearly.

Hartmann turned around and loudly shouted after seeing Mira: "I always suspected that there were pathogens in the water that we could not see, so I asked Erich to go during the day. I picked some flowers and plants that could be dyed, and found out."

He stepped aside and asked Mira to come to the Microscope to observe the specimen.

Microscope is expensive. Crystal polished lenses, thin slides, and cover sheets account for the bulk of the cost. The average doctor has never seen a real object once in a lifetime.

Mira used one as a toy when she was a child, so it was easy to see the situation in the sample.

In the pale red liquid, a few small moving objects stained with red are swimming around.

They look like eggplants, and there seem to be a few whip-like hairs behind them. They swim by the thrust generated by the shaking of these flagella.

Mira asked: "Are you sure it is them?"

Hartman replied solemnly: "It can only be them. This specimen is water that has boiled for five minutes."

"Their bodies are transparent. If they are not dyed, they are really invisible. I have found them in samples that I haven't found before."

The military doctor The more he talked, the more excited he became. He hadn't slept for several days in order to find the pathogen, and now he became a little mentally abnormal after making a major discovery.

His bloodshot eyes became redder and red, and at the same time he shouted: "This will be easy, we can quickly find Fang Chao who killed them..."

Outside the door, Erich, who was helping to cook the potion by burning the fire, turned his head when he heard the voice of father, and then saw the gentle and kind-hearted Saintess elder in the warehouse when the others pushed the door and walked into the warehouse. The sister stunned her father with a hand knife.

Little Erich shrank his neck and hurriedly continued to fill the stove with firewood.

After identifying the pathogen, there is still a lot of work to be done, but Hartman's body and spirit have reached the limit, and it is not enough to get a good rest without getting a good night's sleep.

Mira returned to the village chief’s house. She picked up the paper and began to write a document to inform the epidemic prevention personnel in other villages.

The first task for the next step is to find a way to kill this pathogen efficiently and cheaply. The second is to determine the source of the pathogen in the river, and see if they are naturally mutated from the river, or from Wherever it appears, if it is the latter, you must clean up the possible sources of pollution.

Things are very complicated. After Mira finished writing the documents, she asked the priest on duty tonight to send it out. Then she picked up the oatmeal that Chaxi had just sent and drank it.

"Why is it a little sour?" She noticed that the oatmeal tasted wrong.

Sitting next to the cabinet, Chaxi was a clever nap. She rubbed her eyes and said, "I saw that our medicine is effective in curing diseases, so I added a little bit to prevent it. Right."

Mira is just nodded. She is very familiar with this kind of antiseptic and antiseptic agent extracted from maple syrup. This agent is probably not the most effective medicine ingredient that can be found so far, but It should be the one with high output and extremely low cost.

She drank the oatmeal in the bowl in a few mouthfuls, and the sour taste made her tremble.

At present, her task is mainly to command and coordinate the epidemic prevention work of the entire area. This kind of thing belongs to the business of Radiant Shrine, and other shrines have expressed that they will cooperate with the facts.

There are still a lot of things to do now, so only the procurement and transportation of medicine is a very troublesome thing.

For the first time carrying such a heavy burden, Mira felt a lot of pressure. This kind of pressure for thousands of people to die because of their own negligence was never felt for her. Over.

She drank the oatmeal and sat back at the table. After yawning, she suddenly lay down on the table with a "boom", her eyes were dark and she didn't know anything. .

To drug Saintess is something that only the villain of the demon race in the novel will do.

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