Charles did not accept Big Uncle's kind invitation to stay for dinner, and hurriedly left after the matter was settled.

There was only one person when he came, and he left with a carriage maid and a big bag of Big Uncle donations to Mira.

Gilbert watched his nephew leave, then stepped down from the observation deck and into the dining room.

The curtains all around the restaurant are all closed, looking extremely dim.

The long table is still empty, and there are traces of vegetable juice and wine on the exquisite tablecloth.

At the end of the table, there was a person sitting, motionless there.

Gilbert came to the man and said, "Royal Father, Charles has left."

If Charles was here, he would be surprised by his grandfather Giuseppe The third generation will come to this place in secret.

Giuseppe III kept thinking about the problem in the sense of motionless. After a long time, he asked: "You said that we will seal this land to Charles on the condition that he helps us build a few airports. Do you think Will he agree?"

Gilbert had already sat down in a chair beside him, thinking for a moment, and said: "I think it is feasible. If those planes can let us leave the Biberach in the north. The two countries with Rerik, to open up our business ties with Northern Wasteland, it is worth the price of this piece of land that has been fought twice in three days."

"Only in this way, he has one in the country. There are two territories in the east and the west."

Giuseppe III pondered for a while, and said: "The place in Bosnia and Herzegovina to the east was sealed to Winnie in the name, so this place In the name of Old Fourth, his descendants must have the surname Randtjin to inherit these two Fiefdoms."

When it comes to Old Fourth in the family, both Giuseppe III and Gilbert fell silent.

Gilbert’s youngest brother died just after he entered the battlefield. There is no descendant left. This is one of the deepest pains in the hearts of the family.

"Okay." Gilbert sighed, "I have a chance to talk to him."

Giuseppe III thought for a while and asked: "Do you think Charles is a What kind of person?"

Gilbert thought for a while, replied: "I'm glad he is my nephew, he is the most terrifying child I have ever seen."

Giuseppe III solemnly asked: "Where is he terrifying?"

"Sober and self-disciplined." Gilbert said seriously, "He knows what he is going to do. In the previous conversation, he did not I strayed from the subject. When we said that we could help him ascend to the throne, he could turn the subject back to this plague."

"His self-discipline is what I have seen The most terrifying among youngsters, it’s normal for a youngster like him to have a dozen lovers, and that guy had a lot of lovers before he met Winnie. But currently Charles is only the Diana alone, which is very rare. "

" Like him, there are many youngsters who have the unique youngster's mind full of new ideas and the daring to break through the routine, but few people have a clear plan and strong power like him. Mobility, coupled with his wealth, these factors make him a great achievement at this age."

Giuseppe III was silent for a moment, and said: "He has come from suffering. I was tempered in my childhood. Recently I was thinking, if I died on the battlefield when you were young, would you achieve half of his achievements."

Gilbert curl one's lip, said "I think you are more likely to be killed by your mother than on the battlefield."

"hahahaha..." Giuseppe III hurriedly changed the subject, "What request did Charles make this time?"

Gilbert pretended that nothing happened, and said: "What kind of'hospital Knight regiment' did he set up. They were all military doctors from the two countries and a few men and women in order to make it easier to cross the border. Some, I agree that they can move around as they please."

Then he reiterated Charles' idea of ​​the "Hospital Knight Corps".

"Let it be with him." Giuseppe III is a bit whimsical of a speechless grandson.

He then asked: "Is there any difficulties in this migration?"

Gilbert shook the head, replied: "The local lords are fine, those The farmer wanted to run faster. This time the plague came really fast and violently, and it might be difficult to end. They all wanted to leave soon."

Giuseppe III was slightly sighed in relief, he ordered Said: "Look at it, don't let the plague spread first, and don't make trouble."

"If City of Knowledge can't stand it anymore, we are the front line here, I don't want to Enemy on the stomach and back."

"I see..." Gilbert was a little disapproved.

Giuseppe III didn't care about his attitude either. This is really not a problem with eldest son, but it is too serious and he has to go there in person.

"Let's have dinner," he said.

Gilbert patted the palm of his hand, the door of the restaurant is opened, and the first is to wash the tableware...

At this time, Charles asked the driver to take the car’s maid halfway. Sent to the village where Mira is, call one of the maids, and use a motorcycle to drive her one step ahead.

At this time, the small river under the shade of the trees was a good place to talk, but now there are deadly pathogens in the river.

Fortunately, on the top of many sheep-herding hillsides, big trees are planted to shelter the sheepdogs from the rain. It is good to talk here, as long as you ignore the sheep dung eggs in the grass.

Under the big tree, there is a large long rock that has been smoothed by how many shepherd dogs sit on it. Charles washed it clean with a Waterball Technique.

The maid sat down on one end of the stone and said shyly: "Master, do you want me to be a pillow for you?"

Charles just waved his hand, Sat down next to him, and asked: "I remember your name is Yili?"

Ili was obviously moved. She said, "Thank you, master, for remembering me for so many years."

Charles laughed. When he first saw the maid, he felt a little familiar. After thinking for a while, he remembered that this was the little elder sister who sent her home on the ship in Chapter 600.

He asked: "I remember you said that your house is in the east, why did you come here to be a maid?"

Ellie stroked her ear. Said: "I used to live with my parents in the hotel in Saray City when I returned home, but Baron, who was here not long ago, fell in love with me when he was staying in the hotel and said that if I didn't go with him, he would Smashed my hotel."

Charles' face turned black when he heard it. Saray is the main city of Bosnia and Herzegovina, his territory.

But he teased: "He has a good vision, but I don't know if he knows that you are actually a spy for Milan dukedom."

Eli suddenly became look pale, forehead It's all sweaty.


At dusk, the carriage holding the maids stopped on a small road one kilometer away from the village. Charles, who stopped the car, stood by the roadside. Yili stood behind her obediently.

The carriage husband was sent back, and there were six maids standing in front of the new master with luggage, a little not knowing what to do.

"cough cough..." Charles cleared his throat, quietly cast a halo of fear, and said, "I have something I want to tell you first."

"Yes You should all know the matter, and there may be people who don’t know, then I’ll talk about it."

"Your spy identity has been discovered by the Kingdom of Randtjin, so you were packaged and sent to me. "

"If you want to go, I will pay for the travel expenses. I am not embarrassed. After all, what you did before is my shit."

"If you don't leave, you can stay I work here. Although you are impossible to take care of the confidential work, the salary I pay is high enough and the benefits are good. It is better than working in other places. And you can also ask your old boss for credit, after all, you can come to my spy. It’s never done, you’re the first batch."

He’s finished. These spy girls are already so frightened that their legs are weakened, and the remaining two are still standing strong. His legs trembled.

Fortunately, they are all well-trained, at least they are not scared to pee.

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