I think our Knight group only opened at the beginning.

There were only a dozen Knights and seven or eight girls.

——Sings from the opera "Hospital Knight Group"

In the summer of 2000, the weather was dark and the wind was getting stronger, but the house was still full of happy laughter and cheerful voices .

In the living room, an energetic old man sits on the sofa, watching the children lightly clean up the oil paintings hanging in the center of the wall with a feather duster.

The background of the oil painting is an old airplane. A group of people lined up and walked away from the airplane, talking and laughing.

The people in the painting are all famous people back then, but at this time, only the old man on the sofa is alone thinking about the era of surging forward with great momentum.

"grandfather, a guest is looking for you, it is a reporter." The granddaughter interrupted the old man's memory softly.

"Let them come." The old man straightened his clothes. After so many years, he has received more reporters than he has eliminated enemies.

It was a middle-aged female reporter who came over. She said to the old man: "I pay high tribute to you, the air hero Hartman."

Hartman sneered. After a while, he said, "I know you, Rita. They said you are the worst reporter to deal with in recent years. Sit down."

"This is my honour." Rita was aside. Sat down in his chair, took out the recorder and the visiting book.

Hartman asked the children to give her a glass of boiled water, and then asked: "Don't you go toss those who sit in the office, do you want to hear the story of the war when you come to me?"

Rita said with a faint smile: "I have a piece of history that I want to verify with you. It's about the Knights in the hospital."

Hartman took a sip from the teacup on the coffee table in front of him. Then he said: "My father's experience in the Knight regiment is written in his memoirs and correspondence collections. You know that I went to the Air Force later and got together with him less and more. I don't know more than others."

Rita said: "Sir Hartman is a respectable person. As the second commander of the Knight regiment of the hospital, he carried forward the spirit of the Knight regiment of'guarding the people and helping the suffering'. "

Hartman said a little displeased: "Although I am glad you praised my father, he is just a gardener. The most respectable is Charles Uncle, the first-generation head of the team. It is him. After the seeds are planted, there will be a big tree later!"

"You reporters, you have been digging into his lace news in recent years. According to the test of how many queens he slept with today, I guess there will be tomorrow Who is his illegal child, but ignores his merits, this is extremely irresponsible!!!"

"If you continue to mess around like this, be careful that someday there will be elves smashing stones at midnight every day. The window of your house, until you enter the coffin!!!"

Rita received Old Mister's ideological education in the next half an hour, and then seized the opportunity to drink tea to get into the topic.

The reporter said: "Your Excellency Hartman, I recently got a message."

"Not long ago, a large vase once collected by Ms. Yili was accidentally beaten. It was broken, and a notebook was found in the vase. It contained the records of the first year and two years of allowance receipts established by the Knights in the hospital."

"In the records of the first two months, except for your father, Sir Hartman In addition, you also received the allowance."

"You know, in all the memoirs and official records, the records when the Knight regiment was first established are blank, and there is no accurate date."


"Can you tell me the story of the day the Knight regiment was founded?"

"Did you also join the Knight regiment at that time?"

At this time A flash of lightning pierced the sky, and a pale light illuminated the somewhat gloomy room.

Hartman leaned on the back of the soft sofa, closed his eyes, and remembered what happened that day.

"That was 72 years ago." He said slowly, "I don't remember what the day was."

"You should know what happened at that time, My father was a military doctor at the time. He was ordered to go to the epidemic area to cooperate with Mira Aunt to participate in the rescue work. At that time, he was afraid that the epidemic would expand and I would suffer at home, so he took me there. At least I was by his side and he could see Live me."

"As written in the book, he asked me to dig out a lot of flowers and grass, and finally found bacteria in the water by staining."

"Later, Charles Uncle founded the Knight team of the hospital, and father took me to join."

"At that time...who knew that the Knight team would continue to this day, Charles Uncle, they all I think we will disband before the end of the year."

"If he had not established economic democracy when he established the Knight regiment, Yili Aunt would have never expected to keep accounts. That notebook would still be I'll help her get it from Meyer Uncle."

Rita, who was recording, blinked and asked: "Meyer Uncle..."

Ha Terman pointed to the oil painting on the wall and said, "It is Marshal Meyer. He was in charge of the temporary airport at the time. I fell in love with flying at that time."

Rita asked again: "So, you are also one of the first members of the Knight Corps of the hospital?"

"Haha, that's it, after all, I also have an allowance." Hartman said with a smile, "but I was also the first to withdraw from the group because I only worked for two months."

Rita asked with some harboring malicious intentions: "Then why did you withdraw from the group?"

Hartman said indifferently: "Because the summer vacation is over, I want to go back to school."

Rita, who was about to make a big news, froze for two seconds. This reason is too strong. No tricks at all.

She asked again: "Then why doesn't your name appear in the record?"

Hartman took a sip of tea and moisturized his throat, then laughed : "I was only eight years old at the time, and my daily task was to prepare food for everyone in the village. I was wearing the Knight regiment's vest in order to get the rations from the quartermaster. Otherwise, whoever is willing to wear more clothes in the hot weather?"

"Who would take me seriously at that time, I didn't take myself seriously."

"Later, when the democratic life meeting was held, Charles Uncle said that I Since I also participated in labor, I should have a position. At that time, I had nothing to say, I just said that the quartermaster’s ration was enough."

"Later, when father wrote his memoir, he also specialized I asked me, I said, how can a brat who cooks porridge and Uncle Aunt mention on equal terms, let’s forget it."

Rita shua~ shua~ shua~ and Hartman’s The narration was written verbatim in the notebook.

The reporter found out that she had just asked two questions, but Hartman only answered the last one, and nothing was mentioned about the day the Knight regiment was established.

She asked again: "Excuse me, what was the day when the Knight regiment was founded?"

At this time, the lightning and thunder outside the house continued, and the bean-like rain crashed. -The bang spilled.

Hartman turned his head and looked at the garden swaying in howling wind and torrential rain outside the window. Lightly said, "I have Alzheimer's disease, I don't remember."

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