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The weather in summer will change as soon as it changes. A rain with hail will fall as soon as it comes. The child fell into the mud and water.

Charles is very depressed. Just now, everyone was talking and laughing and preparing to hang up the red and white maple flags of the Knight regiment, and then held a ceremony. As a result, a large group of dark clouds brought rain and hail. Rushed over.

When a person is unlucky alone, he feels very depressed.

But when I see a group of people around me unlucky together, it becomes a very happy thing.

In the barn where the supplies are temporarily stored, there is a group of gangsters. Look at me, I look at you, and then laugh together.

Charles nodded helplessly, he said: "Everyone stand up, I will wash everyone."

After he said, he raised his hand and cast a "hot spring technique" with great skill. ", a large group of warm Water Element soaked everyone's body below the neck and washed away the rain, cement and soil on the body and clothes.

"Stop it! My son is drowning!!"


Charles did not notice Sir Hartman in the crowd Erich Hartmann’s child, the elemental hot springs that wrapped the adult’s body almost drowned him.

Fortunately, the Water Element dissipated immediately. Erich sat on the ground and panted, his face a little pale.

Someone in the crowd complained: "Did I join some evil organization? The first thing I joined was to take a bath together and bring a child to sacrifice?"

Sir Hartman also laughed and spit out: "My son is too naughty, not a good sacrifice."

The spy girl from a certain country is depressed and spit out: "If others knew me and so many men After taking a shower together, I can’t get married..."

Charles simply hung a red and white maple flag on the wall of the barn. Attracted.

He said: "Okay, the establishment of the hospital Knight group ceremony will begin now."

"I am very happy that everyone can agree to join the hospital Knight group, and I am also very upset. , Because this Knight regiment was established due to the plague, how I hope it will never exist."

"Now that the plague has occurred, then all we have to do is to strangle it and let more People survive."

"There is no shortage of similar plagues spreading on a large scale in history. After each plague, corpses everywhere across the field. If we try to eliminate it in this area, it will save the entire The continent's...fuck!"

It turned out that the scattered hail of beans suddenly became the size of an egg, and the ice that could break the windshield of the car smashed through the straw roof of the barn. Smashed on Charles' head.

The village has been in a panic, and many thatched huts have been smashed.

"Go and save someone!" Charles yelled, ran to the side, picked up an iron pot and buckled it on his head, and went to the collapsed house.

Fortunately, many beds were prepared in the village for the construction of a temporary hospital. Now these beds have become shields. Although the roof fell and there were a lot of wounded, no one was smashed due to everyone’s efforts. die.

In the afternoon, the wind and rain finally dissipated, and the rainbow hung on the horizon. Then everyone went back to the barn to continue the hot spring surgery and then had a meeting. By the way, they also carried a few broken rooms. Liang and others go back to be chairs.

"This is a test from heaven." Charles sighed as he sat on the wooden stakes used as chairs. Seeing the rainbow, no one can succeed casually."

His rhetoric really convinced everyone. The gods played "Apocalypse" from time to time, and it was written in the book.

Charles adjusted his mentality, and then said seriously: "The main purpose of the Knight regiment of our hospital to'guard the people and aid the suffering' and the concept of equality within the regiment have all heard me say, and everyone agrees with this. I joined with a theme and philosophy."

"Now let me talk about some of the rules and regulations in the Knight regiment, let’s discuss it."

"First of all, political democracy, economic democracy, Military democracy, this is the principle of the establishment of the Knight regiment."

"Political democracy means that all members of the Knight regiment are politically equal and are the masters of the Knight regiment. There is only difference in position and division of labor, and no personality. The officers must respect the personality of the soldiers, respect the rights of the soldiers, and consciously accept the supervision of the masses. Soldiers actively participate in the management of the Knight regiment, starting from strengthening the construction of the Knight regiment, criticizing and making reasonable suggestions."

" Economic democracy means that the members of the Knight regiment supervise the economic expenditure within the regiment, maintain the financial system, prevent corruption and waste, encroach on the interests of members, and violate laws and ethics, so that the funds of the Knight regiment can be used where they should be used."

"Our Knight regiment is also carrying out military missions, but our enemies are diseases and natural disasters. Military democracy is to mobilize all members to offer suggestions when the military is in action, solve various difficulties, and discuss how to complete combat missions. "

"Dawarisi, what do you think of these three principles? Any comments and suggestions can be put forward and then revised, and then collectively voted, and everyone must abide by it."

A group of people sitting in a circle with Charles. Look at me, I look at you, don’t know what to say.

They are all soldiers, some from the Kingdom of Rerik, some from the Kingdom of Biberach, plus spies from other countries that do not want to disclose, they are considered experienced and knowledgeable, but This rule is unheard-of.

Everyone was ordered to form a team to fight against the epidemic. When they were done, they went back to their respective homes. During the period, they listened to the legendary Count Megadon order and they were all done, but he didn't expect so many things.

"That..." Erich raised his hand, "Can I ask a question?"

Charles didn't expect the first person to speak, he said with a faint smile: "Yes, what's the problem with you?"

Erich tilted his head and asked curiously: "Charles Uncle, will you hide under the bed like a father? As written in the painting book written in this book, I want the Aunts to accompany you to fall on the bed with you...Ah!"

Sir Hartman pulled his son to his knees and slapped him. Just now, the raindrops were slapped on my son's ass with intensive frequency.

Amidst the cries of the children, a group of people suffocated and laughed.

Charles came back to his senses after a while, he said hurriedly: "Sir Hartman, he is still a child, don't break him!"

Hart Sir Mann shouted angrily: "I am a doctor, I will heal him after the fight!"

Charles pinched his brows helplessly. He didn't look at it, so he turned his head and looked towards the girls .

Some of Yili and the others are holding back a smile, some are a little shy, after Charles saw it, someone moved towards him and raised his eyebrows.

Charles said in a cry, "In fact, he asked this question very well, very representative."

Then his expression became serious, "Just now I said that everyone in the Knight regiment is equal, but the division of duties is different. It is absolutely not allowed to intimidate others with power and status."

Of these people who make up the Knight regiment of the hospital, except Charles , Sir Hartman sent by the Kingdom of Rerik and the Captain of the squad that assisted him is Knight, the officer finally sent by the Biberach Kingdom is Baron, the doctor and party leader are also Knight, and the other soldiers of the two countries Both Erich and Erich who are being beaten are civilians, and the spy girls are civilians on the surface.

They behaved differently after hearing what Charles said. The Baron and Knight were just laughed, and it was a bit strange to them to be on the same level as ordinary people.

But they only joined temporarily, and they have heard that other Knight groups have their own strange rules. For example, some require a specific hair style, some only gay people can join, etc. Now this This kind of rules is not a big deal. The Knight group, which calls each other brother internally, is very common.

The soldiers and the spy girls are a little overwhelmed. They are on an equal footing with Master Noble. It's too illusory, and the novel doesn't dare to write it like that.

Charles saw that there was no objection, so he was completely sighed in relief. He was most afraid of a moth from inside.

He continued to say solemnly: "The situation we are facing now is very serious. If we are not careful, the plague spreads throughout the continent, and we are likely to fall ill."

"So I hope that we can really twist the rope and kill this plague in the seedling stage, maybe our name will be recorded in history."

Except for the one who just got beaten up Erich, everyone is aware of the seriousness of the matter, and there have been too many dead people recently, and they are solemnly nodded.

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