Not far from the entrance of the hole, half a shallow shoe print stayed there alone.

This shoe print still has the heel part, and the front half is erased by the mud monster walking on the ground.

From the perspective of the direction, someone walked here from the direction of the nearby river for a while and left it on the way into the cave.

Judging from the size of the shoe print, the other party is likely to be a man. But the weight cannot be judged because the water content of the soil at that time is not known.

The traces left by the mud monsters on the ground are also quite suspicious. These mud monsters swarmed out of the cave and walked almost in a straight line after leaving the entrance of the cave. There were no traces of them staying around, as if inside the cave. What terrifying exists.

This discovery made the two of them lift their hearts instantly. It seems that this matter is indeed not simple.

There was a slight wind blowing from the entrance of the cave. They prepared the lamps, and then slowly walked into the cave.

It's just that all the clues on the ground and all around were erased by the mud monster when it came out, especially the king of mud monster, it can be seen that it was squeezed out from this narrow passage.

The dirt on the wall was still damp, so Charles took some samples in a small glass bottle and took them back.

The collapsed passage was more than 20 meters long, and the two soon came to the complete passage.

This main road can accommodate two carriages side by side, and the height is quite impressive.

They found a lamp bowl on the wall. The stone bowl was already full of soil. Through the spirit strength probe, there were many carbon traces left by the oil lamp on the top of the channel above.

"It's actually an oil lamp?!" Charles was surprised.

Because the lighting magic array has a very long history, most of the artificially constructed Underground City are illuminated by magic lights, unless the local magic power is scarce or the party who builds the Underground City is too poor.

There are two other possibilities. One is that the Underground City was built earlier than the invention of the magic lamp, and the other is that these oil lamps have a special function or religious purpose.

The two researched for a while without a clue, and then moved towards the depths.

Soon thereafter, two symmetrical doorways appeared on both sides of the passage. After some exploration, they were all rooms with a size of more than ten square meters. There was nothing in them except the traces of the life of the sludge monster.

The next discovery made Charles feel that the Party A of this Underground City had OCD, because the subsequent rooms on both sides of the passage were symmetrical, not only the size was the same, but also some suspected stone tables. The position of the stone of the chair is also the same.

Unfortunately, the environment here is quite humid, and there are mud monsters who have lived there. Nothing of value has been preserved along the way. Only some crude pottery bowls and pots and other utensil fragments were found. There are also the bones of animals that occasionally come in from outside.

"It's weird." Altria said, "There are too few magic elements here."

Charles nodded, the deeper you go, the more magical elements around you. Shao, he said: "Indeed, this is very abnormal. Something may be absorbing the magical elements around it."

"What do you think it is used for?"

Altolia thought for a moment, and said: "This main road leads directly to the underground. There are no turns and cannot be fortified. It should not be a military building."

"The rooms on both sides are like warehouses. There is no place like a kitchen for life."

The two continued to walk in, and after walking a section of the road, the rooms on both sides changed, and they began to appear that looked like two One-bedroom and three-bedroom suites.

Here, there are fewer and fewer magic elements around, and ordinary mage can't cast magic anymore.

Charles asked: "Is this the Forbidden Domain?"

Altria shook the head, she doesn't know everything, and currently there is no body Send out a warning.

They walked slowly for nearly an hour, and a stone gate that was half-downturned on the right side appeared in front of them.

"Hiss..." Charles sucked in a breath of cold air, "The magic element behind the door is too strong, it seems that the surrounding elements have gathered here."

Altria frowned and said, "Be prepared to go in again."

Charles nodded, he felt a slight wind blowing out of it, but he was wearing a gas mask and didn't know what the wind was like.

Altolia took the Ex curry stick and walked in front, and walked into the stone gate first. Charles is holding the black chicken leg stick, and all kinds of magic shields are brushed layer after layer.

Inside is a huge cavity with a diameter of thirty to fifty meters. There are several huge cavities on the ten-meter-high ceiling. It seems that fresh air flows in from there. In the middle lies an altar-like high platform with the strongest magic elements. The ground was muddy, full of traces of mud monster activity.

They left soon and found that there was a pile of ashes deep in the cavity, which looked very new.

Altolia flicked a few times with the sword, and turned out a little unburned plant at the bottom.

Charles carefully identified it, and coldly said: "I know a herb medicine recipe, which will give off an unbearable odor that makes people and devil beasts unbearable. Again, these kinds of herbs are one of the formulas."

Altolia asked: "You mean someone burned these herbs to drive the mud monsters out here?"

Charles nodded, said: "I speculate that this is the home of mud monsters. A mud monster living here has evolved into the king of mud monsters because of its strong magical elements."

"Someone not long ago When I came here, I don’t know why I drove all the mud monsters out."

Altria’s indifferent expression, she carefully checked the surrounding walls with a searchlight for anything useful. The clue is left.

Charles probed the ground with spirit strength, collecting some soil samples from time to time for analysis after returning.

However, there were no useful clues, as if the pile of ashes had emerged out of thin air.

But if the person coming in is flying, this is normal.

The last two people came to the stone platform, which is the most special place in this Underground City.

Altria's body suddenly moved, "There is a very strong energy underneath."

Charles used spirit strength to study the diameter of less than ten meters, more than one meter. The high stone platform said: "It is divided into three layers. The middle layer is a huge but ancient magic gathering array. The gathered magic power spreads to the underground. The top layer should be a protective layer."

"The most important thing is that there is an underground passage in its center, which can be seen by opening the stone slab."

Altria looked towards him and asked: "Would you like to go down? "

Charles nodded, he jumped onto the stone platform, removed the floating soil on the top and pried open the circular slab in the middle, and a hole more than one meter in diameter appeared in front of them.

Then he squatted next to the hole, took out a spherical magic lamp, lit it and threw it in.

There should be a slope inside the cave. After the magic lamp fell a few meters vertically, it rolled down, without the sound of Level 1 Level 1 falling on the stairs.

Then what was put down was a "terror spider" with a diameter of half a meter. The sound of "bang bang bang" footsteps changed from loud to loud, without any sound of fighting.

"It seems that the downside is safe." Charles sighed in relief, "What do you think will be downside?"

Dai Mao shook at a faster speed at this time. The carrier said: "There may be terrifying in it, so we must eliminate it, otherwise the damage will be more serious than the plague."

Charles stood up and replaced the gas mask with an oxygen tank. And the mask, and then jumped down.

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