Charles can say that he has lived for two lifetimes and has never seen such a dreamlike scene in this Underground Palace.

The light spots condensed by various magic elements are flying around like a firefly, and all kinds of light illuminate the broad hall.

On the walls and the ground, the newly grown magic crystals are like wild vegetables in the spring field, one cluster here and one cluster there.

The quality of the magic crystal is proportional to the density of the magic elements it contains. If a magic crystal the size of a quail egg is only crystal clear and near-transparent, it will only be one or two Ole gold coins When the magic elements contained in it are so high that there is a little starlight, a thousand Ole gold coins will be sold in minutes.

But the magic crystals here are no longer as simple as starlight. They can even emit a slight fluorescence. The size of a quail egg can make Altria eat a full meal every day for two years.

Charles felt that if he sold all these magic crystals on the market, he would definitely be assassinated by the magic crystal merchants, and he would not disrupt the market order so much.

But it’s okay to take one or two away, because there is a huge stone pillar in the center of the palace, which is engraved with a variety of very old characters, although the general writing and the demon race writing are because of the age. The grammar of the font has evolved and I can’t understand it, but the elves can still be understood: "Travelers passing by here, you can take away the treasures you can hold, but absolutely cannot break the crystal bottle and release the monster that destroys the world. ! Remember!"

Then the ground next to the stone pillar was scattered with sparkling crystal shards, which looked like they could be put together into a big bottle.

"It seems that the monster has been released." Charles said, "This should be a special Land of Sealing."

Altria checked the crystal shards on the ground. Said: "Judging from the dust above, this bottle has been broken for a long time. I am afraid that the monster has already left. Maybe it has been wiped out."

A voice suddenly sounded:" I'm sorry, I'm still here."

This voice sounds non-male, non-female, it seems far and near, very misty.

Altolia immediately raised her sword to make a defense, but she did not find the enemy's position, and Mao Mao was turning clockwise like a radar.

At this time, Charles said helplessly: "We are careless, now we are inside it."

The voice sounded again: "Very smart little fellow."


A faint white mist appeared in the Underground Palace, covering every inch of space.

The Ex curry stick in Altria's hand gave out a golden light, but no matter how she swiped it, there was no effect at all.

Charles shook his head and said: "Give up, so many magic elements fly around all around without hindrance. Obviously magic attacks are not effective on it."

"If the physical attack is effective , It won't cover us."

Altolia tried a few more in vain, and finally had to give up and stand there with a sword.

The voice sounded again: "So smart, Interesting."

Charles asked: "Who are you?"

"You guys Humans call me Nightmare King!" The opponent replied.

"What?!" Charles exclaimed, "You are the legendary Nightmare King?"

Nightmare King's voiceless voice asked: " Do you know me?"

Charles replied seriously: "According to legend, a long, long time ago, there were twelve demonesses of dark elves who sacrificed a girl to summon you. But during the ceremony, Demoness found that The energy provided by only one girl’s life is not enough. In order to prevent the magic from failing and being backlashed, the Demoness killed each other, and finally only the sacrifice girl on the altar survived. The summon ceremony was successfully launched, but the sacrifice girl was dying, so The girl entered into a contract with you who appeared, agreeing that you will resurrect the girl at the price of 13 years later that the girl will give her body to you forever. After 13 years, your deeds that occupied the girl’s body are written into a book, and this book is circulated. So far, it’s called "Black Elf Bible.""

"Hmm..." Nightmare King's voice seemed to have some emotion in it, and it sounded very satisfied, "What do you humans record about me? Deeds?"

Charles continued: "It's mostly stories like you inducing the sister-in-law to seduce the younger brother and instigate the son to possess the stepmother."

"hmph..." Nightmare King was a bit dissatisfied, "Isn't there a story about me killing the king?"

Charles shook the head, there is really nothing in the book.

"I knew it." Nightmare King said: "After they sealed me, they would definitely slander me and cover up that I killed one of the three kings on the continent at the time."

"Bring me the book you mentioned, during which your woman stayed here as a hostage."

Charles came back to his senses for two seconds before he came back to his senses. It said Aalto. Liya hurriedly defended: "She is just my friend, not my woman."

"Humans just like duplicity!" Nightmare King said, "I can feel that you are in her dream. It has appeared many times inside."

Charles looked towards Altria in surprise, there are such things? !

More importantly, is it not involved in Reimu’s business?

He is not afraid to think of this. It's strange that Reimu's personality conflicts with him in business and can't help to kill him.

Altria just stood there with a sword, wearing an oxygen mask on her face, her expression unclear, and her body motionless on top of her head.

Nightmare King continued: "I have seen a lot of human beings like you. I clearly think of each other when I dream. When I wake up, my mouth is very alienated. I don’t want to admit my heart. All I do is let Those human beings are only facing the deepest desires in their hearts."

Charles is speechless. Is this why it instigated the sister-in-law to seduce her brother-in-law?

Nightmare King seemed to feel that Charles was dissatisfied with what he said, and said: "hmph hum hum... I will show you how she gets along with you in her dream!"

The dull hair on Altria's head suddenly trembled violently, but it wilted after a moment.

The pale white mist all around suddenly changed, becoming a place of Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances.

In front of the two, the shadows of "Altria" and "Charles" in everyday clothes appeared.

Zhenzhen looked towards Zhenmao Wang, helplessly shook the head, and sighed deeply.

In the shadow, "Altria" was holding a leather whip in her hand, and drew it fiercely on "Charles" again and again.

And that "Charles" is holding a shovel, sweating and digging ditches on the ground.

At this time, a silhouette composed of a vague white mist appeared in front of Altria, and it asked curiously: "How did he offend you? As for this, you make me very embarrassed. Okay."

Charles' cold sweat broke out, and he hurriedly said: "If you are dissatisfied with me, please go out and talk, don't hold it in your heart."

Just Nightmare King coldly said: "Go out? Can't get out!"

"You only have one choice, that is, the two of you can only survive one, and then give your body to me!"

The sudden appearance of the villain's speech surprised the two. Charles' frowned said: "It looks like you can't get out now. This is a double seal. Although the crystal bottle is broken, this palace also has a seal."

"Your plan is that the life force of one person is energy, so that you can be attached to another person, so that you can break through the seal."

Nightmare King sighed : "What a clever little fellow, I'm a little bit reluctant to kill you."

After he finished speaking, the white mist around him suddenly thickened, which made the two feel tremendous pressure.

Charles took two steps, feeling like he was walking in mud.

Nightmare King said: "Let me see how long the air in that iron can lasts, and see which of you suffocates first!"

Charles "hehe" smiled and said: "Whatever, do you mind if I walk around?"

Nightmare King just sneered twice.

It's just that Charles didn't panic at all, and Altria was even more calm, which made it a bit strange.

"Call! SOS!" Charles called the god helpline while studying the magic crystals.

"What are you doing?" Reimu quickly replied.

"Do you know how to kill the Nightmare King?" Charles asked.

"Why did you encounter it? The crystal bottle broke or did it escape to the ground." Reimu asked.

Charles replied: "The crystal bottle fell from the stone pillar and broke, and it is still in the Underground Palace full of magical elements." Reimu said helplessly: "Press I said that it’s okay to use glue to stick the bottle firmly. Can you believe that such an important sealed bottle was shaken and broken by an earthquake? You can look for it next to the stone pillar, and when you are done, find a place to put it. That's it."

Charles dug out clusters of high-quality magic crystals on the ground in the increasingly viscous white fog, and maybe they will use it some time.

He walked slowly to the stone pillar and found that a cluster of magic crystals was a bit different. The other magic crystals were fluorescent, but it was a little starlight, and the quality was much worse.

Sure enough, there is a big hole under this cluster of magic crystals.

"Stop!" Nightmare King suddenly shouted, his voice full of panic.

Charles would not stop naturally, he held out a huge oil paper bag from the hole.

I don’t know how many years this oil paper bag has been stored here, but it looks the same as the new one.

"I think we can cooperate!" Nightmare King shouted, but the pressure of Bai Mist did not decrease, but increased.

Charles used all his strength and opened the oil paper bag as quickly as possible. Inside was a crystal bottle carved with intricate patterns.

"Stop it, or I will kill her!" Nightmare King threatened Charles with Altria's life.

It's just that Charles remains unmoved. He has already seen that the Nightmare King is strong in appearance but weak in reality, and there are not many ways to deal with them.

The lid of the crystal bottle was opened, and it suddenly turned into a vacuum cleaner. The huge suction force sucked in the surrounding white mist.

Nightmare King didn't even have time to say the last line, so he was sucked into the spare sealed bottle.

The thick white mist in the crystal bottle was tossing violently, seemingly restless, but unable to do anything.

Charles looked around. He didn't dare to put the sealed bottle on top of the stone pillar anymore. He had to change the place.

Just looking around, or the hole in the ground with the oil paper bag just now on the ground.

He re-wrapped the sealed bottle with greased paper, put it back in the hole, and took another measurement.

All around the cave are solid rocks. At this time, his teleportation technique comes in handy. Several spare long swords are embedded in the rock, forming two layers of "wells" around the oil paper bag. "Character.

In the end he disappeared for a while, and soon returned, bringing back a few packs of cement and a few buckets of water.

So Nightmare King has another physical seal.

After all this was done, Charles left with Altria, and by the way collapsed the passage leading to the Underground Palace in the middle of the altar, and then poured a lot of cement mortar.

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