The Truth Within me book one

13 I win this round!

I am here with Jessie in her workroom, to be honest, it is unsettling down here. It has old cobblestone walls with shelves all along the walls. On one side of the room, there are what seems like thousands of Shelves with bones covering every single space. I can tell that some are human and that some are animals. But what really gets me is all the different kinds of Supernatural bones there are along the wall. But Like I said It's fucking creepy if you ask me.

So anyways one the other side of the room is all her spellbooks. On the opposite side of the room, she has a big ass fireplace In the middle of it is a big black cauldron and Across from that is her altar. It is a long table made out of cement it also has ancient writing all along the sides of it. But to really set off the creepy feeling there are candles lit all over the room.

Once I am done looking around the room. I walk up to Jessie and say," do you know what's going on with Nikki for her to not have gotten her power's yet"?

Jessie says," I do actually she has to have an elder guide her through the process of her transformation. She also has to drink the Divine potion in the moon goddess potion in order for her powers to properly come in".

What are the preparations you need in order to do the ritual".

Jessie says," the first step is to have her drink the moon goddess potion exactly at midnight underneath the full moon. Once that's done I will guide her through that process of her transformation. The second step is exactly the same the only difference is she will drink the Divine potion at 12 noon when the sun is the highest.

Jessie, how the hell do you plan on getting here outside? Also, how are going to keeping her from escaping"?

I am going to make a sleeping serum to get her outside. Once we're out there I will put wards around the altar to keep her from escaping".

I start to wonder why Jessie is even helping me with this. She is usually very adamant about not harming another witch. She has only ever attacked them if they attack her first. The more I think about the more I want to know. So I say, "Jessie way are you helping me"?

Jessie says," I had a vision that I am supposed to help you and Nikki. Not only that but when the witch goddess The great divine tells you to do something you better do it. So that is why I am helping you".

I tell Jessie thank you and go back to my office. After a while, I started to think back to the first time I had Nikki in my torture room. I also think Of how scared she was but also so Brave. The last time I had her in there I could see the defeat in her eyes. So after that, I let her have Simple Pleasures in life such as books and a bed. Things like that I also made sure she got 3 meals a day and a cup of blood. Nikki has been here for almost 2 years now. She doesn't really cause no problems anymore. So all she has to have to restrain her is a chain around her neck that's bolted to the wall it also dampens her powers.

After the ceremony is completed for her to get her powers we are going to get married. After the mating ceremony, her bond with Eric will be broken. Eric will go crazy with the loss of his mate, and he will eventually die from it. But due to my bond with Nikki, she will be safe from the same Destiny.

What I cannot figure out is why Jessie smells slightly of fear. When I was talking to her earlier, but I'm going to find out for sure if she is laying or not. Over the next week, I try to catch Jessie in a lie. I even start going through her room looking through everything she owns. But I never find anything to show she laying to or up to something.

2 days after the ceremony is over.

I go up to Jessie's room to thank her for everything. She has done a lot for me and is being very understanding about everything. When I walk in she standing by her desk bent overwriting something that looks like a letter. I clear my throat and say," Jessie I'm sorry for not trusting you this last week. I know I have been pushy. It is just that I am so nervous about everything. It is very important to me nothing goes wrong with the mating ceremony tomorrow. Also that it is completed on time".

Don't worry about it Zek I understand and I would not do anything to jeopardize your future for I have seen it and it is amazing"!

Jessie, what can you tell me about it?

Jessie just smiles at me and says," you are a great man and a great Alpha. You are going to be a loving father and a loving husband but that is all I can tell you now. I don't want to tempt fate.

After that, I leave and go back to my room and lay down the next thing I know it's two days later!!!!

When I wake up Jessie and Nikki are gone. I have looked everywhere for them. When I went to Jessie's room everything was gone. The only thing there was a letter from Jessie saying how much she loves me and hopes one day I'll forgive her. She also gives me a choice on what path I would want to choose for my life. She begged me to choose my mate over my Pursuit for Nikki.

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