2 years later....

I have never given up looking for my mate. I am currently in my office looking over every single map I can find. But to no avail cannot find my mate anywhere.

I still remember the day I received that box with my mates fresh and the videotape of Zek skinning her alive. It was the most horrible thing I've ever seen. I couldn't even finish watching it before I lost complete control of myself and end up shifting into my wolf. I stayed like that for over a year before my godfather Rick came to help me.

But by the time it was all said and done. I had ready ravaged most of the werewolf pack population. I gained over 5,000 members in that year. I am now the second most ruthless Alpha. Due to my now ravishing High blood lust. I want everyone dead that can and will stand in my way to find Nikki. If it is the last thing I do. I will kill every single person on the face of this Earth until I find her. I have also become an expert in torture methods. I learn new ones every single day. I'm not shy from torturing anyone to get the information I need to bring her home safely.

As I am going over everything. I get a call on my cell phone from an unknown caller. I answered the phone hoping it might be Nikki. But of course not I could not be that lucky. Instead, there is some women on the phone.

She says, "Eric I know you don't know me. But I can help you find Nikki".

How do you know who I am? But more importantly, how do you know anything about Nikki?

My name is Lisa. I am Nikki's mom. I am half Faye. One of my gifts is I get flashes of the future.

In 3 days my daughter will be at the nightmare pack. At that time you can make the necessary arrangements. But please heed my warning Eric. Should you go before that time you will not find your mate. All you would do is start a war that you do not want".

The line goes dead. What the fuck!!!

I tried calling the number back to get more information. But it says error this number is no longer in service. I give up on this stupid ass shit. I mine linked everyone and tell them there will be a pack meeting in one hour to fill them in on the whereabouts of their Luna.

later that day.....

I was out for a run when I caught unfamiliar scents. I crouched down behind a tree blending in with the surrounding Forest. I stay low to the grand as I follow the scent. When I get about 6 feet from our packhouse.

I noticed someone trying to look in through one of the windows in the backyard. Before they have time to realize I'm there. I take off at a dead run and tackled him to the ground. I have my teeth around his throat and one of my paws on his chest to hold him down.

He is a freakishly large man his hands are almost as big as my paws and that's pretty dame big. Especially since he has one wrapped around my leg. He also has one pushing against my throat trying to get my off of him.

I mind link a couple of Warriors to come help me. Once they are there I tell them to put his big ass in the cells.

After I have time to shift back I make my way down to the lower level of the dungeon.

"Fuck" I keep forgetting how cold it is in here. We keep it at 20 degrees below zero at all times as a form of torture.

The deeper I get into the dungeon the eerier it becomes. Due to the lack of sound, I have found that if you lock someone in a dark and soundproof cell they will go crazy. Once they are in there long enough they'll tell you whatever you want to know to get the hell out of there. So last year I had custom cells made for just that purpose. But in addition to it all of that it's pitch black in here at all times.

As I come up to Jay one of my guards he says," what do you want to do boss man"?

I think about it for a few minutes before I ask did he hurt anyone"?

No, he didn't even give us any trouble either when we brought him down here".

Okay then let's go light on him for now. We'll see what information he's willing to give us. But if we have to we can all ways go with the heavier shit. If anything I can call Renee".

All you can hear is the metal pipe connecting to his right knee. He grants out in pain but doesn't say anything.

So I ask," What is your name"? I wait for a minute then say," why are you here"?

If looks could kill we all be dead.

He finally says," my name is Zayn.

I am here because I have information for you, but now I don't know if I want to tell you or not".

Why the hell not? You come all this way to tell me. So why not just say what you came here for"?

I don't know if you deserve to know now or not after your hospitality I'm still debating on it".

I yell my hospitality!!! You trespassed on our land. You didn't even walk to the front door to ask for the alpha. Did it even occur to you to get permission to be here? I bet it didn't did it. So instead you sneak around my land looking through windows like a fucking peeping Tom. What do you think an Alpha should do in a situation like that. You're lucky I didn't fucking kill you on the spot dumbass"!!!

Zayn color gets a little bit lighter before he says," I was not trying to be a peeping Tom first of all. secondly, I was trying to observe whether or not you're a good Alpha to your people. Instead of the ruthless cruel Alpha, you are known to be.

Ok, so what does that have to do with anything"?

Actually it has everything to do with the information I have. Do you have a witch you trust with your life that you can call to come here"?

Yes, why?

Then I will tell you everything once you call your witch. Ask her to make a truth serum for two people in the same bottle, but know this I will not be the first to drink. You have to drink it first, so when I ask you for your word to help me and to also set me free I know you're telling me the truth"

45 minutes later.....


I now have the truth serum in my hands and about to drink it.

As soon as it hits my mouth I get instant gag reflex. I can't believe how nasty this shit is, but I finished it quickly. I then look up at Zayn and say, "what is it you would like to know"?

One promise you won't hurt me anymore and when I done answering your questions you're letting me go. Also, I would like to hang out for a while to see if maybe I like to be a part of this pack if you'll accept me".

I will not hurt you anymore and I will let you go. Depending on what you tell me, also with the exception that if you ever try to hurt me or my pack I will kill you.

That's Fair. I will drink the potion now give it to me".

I hand him the serum and he quickly downs it and then says," I really did come here to warn you. In 3 days a group of Rogues are planning on attacking Rick's pack as soon as your mate gets there. They going to try to execute her quickly. I know this information because I was once a part of there pack. They have a witch with them that gets visions. She told them about Nikki being of great power. I have met Nikki one time she was very kind to me also she saved my life and for that, I owe her this favor. It is also why I'm asking if you will accept me into your pack. I swear I never meant any harm to you or your pack".

Will dame I know he's tilling me truth because of that stupid serum "fuck "

What choice do I have now but to believe what he's telling me and accept him into my pack?

Okay fine I believe you and you can stay, but once you're here and you're part of this pack the only way to leave is death. So do you really want that"?

Yes I really do"

I said okay then and I tell the guards to release him. Once they're done we all go back upstairs to come up with a game plan.

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