The Truth Within me book one

11 I am Going to Die

Warning" this chapter has. violence and abuse in it.

I wake up again to see Zek standing there I asked him why are doing this to me?

Zek says," you are mine and in till you learn. I will break you and you will never disobey me or leave me.

Zek tells Jones to start an IV in the side of my neck. Zek then takes the scalpel and runs it lightly down my body. I guess he doesn't know where to start.

I start to shake from the terror. I know what's coming there's absolutely nothing I can do. He then proceeded to take the scalpel and make a cut around the basis of my neck in a circular motion. I'm screaming and I'm crying out in pain.

I tell Zeke please stop this. Let me go, please!!!

He just laughed at me and shakes his head no and then keeps ongoing.

I feel like I'm going to pass out. I know I'm going to die and there's not a damn thing I can do to save myself. Right now I start feeling really light-headed. I hear a swishing sound in my ears.

The skinning process takes hours very slow and very painful at one point Zek give me an adrenaline shot and hangs another bag of blood. Nothing I do will let me pass out from the pain or Escape this Horror Show.

After hours of torture, Zek then hangs me up by my wrist from a hook and takes the scalpel and makes deep Cuts in the bottom of my feet till he hits the bone. He then places something in between the cuts to keep it from healing properly. He then precedes to repeat the processes in my hands.

Once he is satisfied he calls his witch to come down to cast a spell on me to keep me from healing. Also to put up wards around his land. After that, she leaves. Zek and Jones then pack up all my skin and a videotape they record to send it to my mate. Poor Eric he is going to lose his dame mind when he sees this.

But at this point, I am still convinced that I going to die very soon.

Zek walks up to me and holds up a whip and says," are you ready to play some more"?

I know it's coming and I'm so terrified. I've never been hit with a whip without any skin on my body. I bet it's going to be excruciating.

Zek walks behind me and I can hear the whip slapping against the cement floor. I hear it coming before it snaps across my back it sounds like thunder on a stormy night. I scream so loud it hurts my own ears. Tears are running down my face. When the second on hits my back it's so excruciating I lose my breath and I actually passed out from the pain.

I wake up to the whip going across the back of my legs. It feels like it goes on for hours. I know that death is right around the corner. I swear it waiting to come and grab me and pull me down to hell. I am convinced I already die and I am really in hell already anyways.

Once he's bored he puts me in a clear aquarium and fills it up with wolfsbane and revane and just for the fun of it he adds a little bit of bleach and some salt. This dame lid is so tight that it cutting into my neck. As it fills up and hits my body and it feels like I am on fire it so intense that I black the fuck out again. But of course, Zek is there to wake me up fucking ass hole!!!!

I don't really know how long he left me in here before he came back with a new game as this sick fucker says.

So all I know is when they impaled me I blacked out and don't even remember what really happened. I JUST KNOW THAT ALL I WANT WAS TO DIE and I was in some much pain that it was so unreal I don't even know how to describe it.

1 year 11 months 3 weeks and 2 days later.

I am still here in Zek's dungeon. The first 6 months I was here I got tortured every single day. It was 3 times a day. But it's not so bad no more nobody torches me at least. I'm still locked in the dungeon though. But now I have a little dirty mattress on the floor. I even have a thin little blanket. I'm even allowed to have two books to read.

I still have some chains on me. But only the one around my neck. I can still move around pretty good and the chain not to heavy for me. So in 5 days is my birthday. I will finely be 21 I can't wait. I'll be able to get out of here once and for all.

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