Warning" this chapter has. violence and abuse in it.

It takes me and Jones to get the chains off of her and carry her to my torture room. Once there we lay her down on the table and tie her back up with the chains. I bolted everything up and stand her upright, right above it I have a giant hook hanging from the selling. So I can change her around it and hang them up I love my torture room it so much fun !!!!!

I think to myself what to do first. I know I want her awake to feel the pain it's all ways more fun when they scream out. But now the question is should I give her the antidote to wake her up or should I wake her up with the pain I inflict on her?

I look over to Jones and say," what do you think I should do"?

Jones says," wake her up. It will be more fun to see the horror on her face. That and I want to hear this bitch scream. Especially when she knows what's coming for her and there no way to Escape".

I look at Jones with a new appreciation. I decide to go ahead and give her the antidote. When she wakes up she looks at me and says," why are you doing this to me"?

I say," you are mine and in till you learn that I will break you. By the time I am done, you will never disobey me or leave me.

I tell Jones to go ahead and hook up an IV on the side of her neck. I can't have her pass out on me now.

I love the way my scalpel in my hand it feels so smooth I lightly run it down the side of Nikki's body. I can't mess up her pretty little face. So I start at the base of her neck going around in a circular motion lightly fileting the skin off. Nikki screams please stop this Zek I haven't done anything to you. Let me go, please!!!!

I laughed at her. "HAHAHA" I shake my head no. I then start on her arm and just work my way down. I repeat the process a couple more times. This is a very long process it takes several hours to complete. Once I'm done skinning her. I take my scalpel and sliced the bottom of her feet open to the Bone. I then place clamps in between the cuts to hold them open. In order to prevent them from healing. Once I am finished with her feet I moved to her hands and repeat the process again.

I have Jones help me pick up all of her skin to bag it up with some ice then box it up. I then have Jones take it and deliver it to Eric's territory. So he can find it with the videotape I made of me skinning this bitch alive. I am such a genius hahaha!!!

After all of that is finished. I have my witch Jessie come in to do a spell on Nikki to slow the healing process down. I also have her put up a ward to keep every one of my land.

Once Jessie done I have her leave. I then have Jones help me hang Nikki up by her arms. Once we have her hanging on the hook. I get my whip the handle is made out of thick leather and the rest is made of silver. The first crack of the whip sounds like Thunder as it lands across her back it cuts right through the skin to exposed the muscles on her back all the way down to her bone.

The scram that leaves her mouth brings chills to my body of pure pleasure. I continue to do this to her back till its no more than a bloody mess of nothing but shredded meat. You can't even tell what it is anymore.

Board of is this I come up with a new game. I have Jones help me take her down and we put her in a clear Aquarium type container that goes up to her neck. when I seal the lid around her it is so tight it cuts into her throat. I fill it up with some wolfsbane, revane and a little bit of bleach and salt for the fun of it. I leave her in there for about 2 hours. While she is soaking I go upstairs and do some paperwork. Once I'm finished I come back down so we can play some more games. I'm barely getting started.

I start setting up for our next game. I bolt two Steel posts into the ground side by side. They're about 2 inches apart. The posts are only 4 feet tall. So I can have better access to her for all my games.

Once that's done I placed some chains on the walls. I have one on top and on one the bottom of each wall, I then hang a chain for the ceiling. After I am done we get Nikki out of the Aquarium and we carry her to the posts. We left her up and position her so the posts will exit out the sides of her neck on each side.

Once we have her impaled. I drill some hooks in her wrist and ankles. I then hook up the chains to them and warp the chain around her neck. I then start tightening the chains up. Her arms are straight out and so are her legs she looks like she's doing the splits on the posts. I have her neck so extended that it will break if I put any more pressure on the chains.

Satisfied with her position. I get my daggers out for some playtime. I use one of the Japanese daggers. It is smooth and sharp on one side and on the other has deep Jagged edges. It's about 6 inches long. I take the jagged Edge of the dagger and run it across Nikki's thigh pulling some of her muscles off the bone I repeat this throughout her body. The only places I didn't touch is her face her stomach and lower back that way I did not kill her.

After a while I have to stop there just isn't enough of her left to play with. So we take her down and put her back in her cell. Throughout the whole ordeal, Nikki never stops screaming. There were a couple of times she passed out from the pain.

I had to wake her back up and give her enough blood so she could take more. It will take a couple of hours for her to heal enough to play again. So in the meantime, I will have to find a new plaything.

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