Today is my birthday and I bet Zek doesn't give me a party if anything He will find a new game to play. As I thinking this I hear a lot of commotion going on outside my cell. My head snaps up towards the door when I hear it unlocking. Well, dame, it looks like I was right. About that time in walks Zek. When he gets into where I am he says," time to go" Then the mother fucker stabs me in my fucking neck again. Whatever he put in it this time takes all of like 5 seconds before I'm out cold.

The next thing I know is we're outside under the Moonlight. I am sitting on an altar. I look around and I asked what's going on? The witch just says," in Latin, I'm going to help you just have to trust me. But please don't let Zek know anything that's going on he's already suspicious". She then hands me a bottle of some kind of potion once I drink it she starts Channing a spell. The next thing I know my body is on fire I'm in so much pain I let out a blood-curdling scream and my body starts bending in all kinds of awkward ways. Then I fell my eyes roll in the back of my head. After that, I blacked out I have no fucking idea what happened.

Once again I wake up on the altar the only difference is this time the sun is out. I asked Jessie what did you do to me?

You are getting your powers in and I am going to be your Elder to help you through the process.

I know that every young which has to have an Elder.

She then proceeded to look down at her book. She says aging in Latin," I'm going to help you Xscape in two days' time. She then proceeded to hand me another potion again.

I think to myself self when will I learn to quit drinking her potions!! After I drink the dame potion everything goes black.

Then out of nowhere is the most beautiful woman standing in front of me. She has chocolate brown color hair that's up in a princess style braid. She has Egyptian style makeup on along with her dress. I look around and see we're standing in the desert when she walks up to me. She says, "Nikki it is a pleasure to finally meet you I am the Great Divine and you my child are destined to be the next Divine. Some day soon you will be the Queen of all Supernatural. Jessie has been working with me to help you get to your destiny. So do forgive her she did fight against me to try to protect you. But I am more powerful so she really didn't have a choice. But I will say this she will be your second-in-command. She will not betray you again.

Why are you doing this to us"?

She had a flash of Gilt on her face for a few seconds before it was replaced with anger and says I did what I had to do in order to prepare both of you. But know that this is just the beginning.

About that time I can hear Jessie talking to me and I can feel myself slipping away from the great Divine. As everything goes black I hear her say go with her don't leave her side. She will need you to protect her as much as you need her and with she's gone.

I feel like I am falling then I am in Jessie's arms and she's asking me if I am okay. I have no fucking idea how I got here. I ask her how long have I been out and when she says it been two fucking days I can't believe it. After that Jessie helps me to the bathroom to take a shower and she has the guard get me something to eat. When the guard levels Jessie tells me to be ready we are leaving tonight.

When the guard comes back Zek is with him. Jessie gets up and walks to Zek. She tells him that I am doing better. After that, she leaves with Zek hot on her feet. In that moment I think to my self that I hope I never see him again. A couple of hours later. I feel this weird tingling feeling all over my body. About 20 minutes later Jessie comes running in my cell followed by Zek.

I am not going to lie I went a little fucking crazy trying to get out of my chains. I thought Jessie was in danger she grabs my arm and she tells me that's not really Zek it is his wolf Zayden. I look at them questioning trying to figure out what game they're playing now.

Zayden is not going to hurt us, he only wants to help us". she then says," I am going to tell you something I have never told anyone. Zayden is my mate I swear to you he will not hurt you. That and he has always been against what Zeke did to you. Please trust us and let us help you.

Zayden walks up to me slowly and smiles at me. He bent down and helped me out of my chances. After that, he picked me up and takes off running with me in his arms. He is holding me very protectively I look back and Jessie hot on our Trail following behind us.

Once we outside Zayden puts me down on the front steps. He then runs behind the house when he comes back he's in an old truck. Once he gets out he walks up to Jessie to talks to her for a few minutes. After that Jessie grabs my hand and we run to the truck once we're inside I passed back out.

I wake up the next day to Jessie trying to cry silently. My heart really is breaking for her I feel so bad that she had to leave her mate for me. But at the same time, I'm so grateful for her saving me. After a while, she has stopped crying so I act like I just wake up. I then look at her and say," where are we going exactly"?

We are going to the nightmare pack we will be safe there once we make it to the packhouse.

I think well dame what could happen before we get there. I later regret thinking that.

We are now about 15 minutes for the packhouse. The highway is surrounded by nothing but woods and we are basically all alone out here. I have not seen anyone else on the highway for hours.

But Of course, as soon as I say that Jessie has to look over at me and says Nikki be prepared we're about to be attacked".

I look out the window and think well fuck now what are we going to do. I look back at Jessie and say," there's no one out here what are you talking about?

Just prepare yourself and she starts to slow the truck down.

Out of panic I yelled at Jessie and say," why the fuck are you stopping the truck then".

She says It's better this way as she brings the truck to a couplet stop. I looked around and see almost 20 huge Wolfs surrounded us and think to myself fuck this is not good at all.

There is one man with them is like 6/4ft. He has long black hair and his eyes are crystal blue. After me and Jessie get out of the truck he walks up to us and says you are trespassing on nightmare pack land! who are you and what do you want"?

I just look at Jessie and think we going to die tonight. But she just smiles at me.

I presume you are Alpha Rick"?

Yes, and who are you"?

I am Jessie and this is Nikki. I also have a meeting with you that we are on our way to.

Alpha Rick looks at me and Jessie with love in his eyes. It as if he has known us all of our life. He then walks up to us and put one hand on each of our cheeks. and says I'm so glad that you both made it back to me. I thought I lost you forever.

I got to admit that I'm really fucking confused right now. I have no idea who this man is. I look at Jessie to see if she has a clue as to who he is. But she looks just as confused as me.

How in the hell do you know who we are? I ask him stopping away from him pulling Jessie with me.

Before he can answer a gunshot sounds in the night. I look over when I hear Jessie cry out in pain. At that point all I can see is the blood pouring out of her shoulder after I see red and my wolf takes over.

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