21 years ago today...

I was at mine and Lisa's secret spot deep in the woods. Right beside a waterfall, the water was as clear as glass with flowers all around with all different kinds. But Lisa's favorite flower was a deep purple flower with light blue dots all over it.

As I'm sitting on the side of the waterfall Lisa's swimming in the water laughing and just relaxing. Her hair is a White blond color that reaches to her shoulders. She has the most memorizing golden eyes. She also has tattoos from her neck down it is a part of her faye and demon culture.

She is now 8 months pregnant with our Twin daughters. she's due to have our babies in 2 weeks today is March 5th. we're so excited I cannot wait for them to get here there's so much that needs to be done for the arrival.

Several hours go by when I finally say," Lisa are you ready to go back my love"?

She looks at me with sadness in her eyes and says," yes let's go". I helped her out of the water and I wrap her up with a big white towel. She then looks up at me and says Rick you know I love you right and that I have always try to protect you. So no matter what happens in our future. Please know that I have always wanted the best for you. That I will always protect you and love you.

I get a really bad feeling deep in my stomach. My wolf does not like this either but I just look at Lisa and say," I love you too sweetheart I've always wanted the best for you as well and now that includes our daughters. I well all ways be here for all 3 of you.

We finally start heading back to the packhouse we about halfway when I start feeling faint and then everything goes black. I wake up a few hours later to my beta Jack calling my name.

I am in a covert covered with Leafs and debris to top it off I have no dame idea how I got here. Once I finally get everything off of myself. I yelled out to Jack saying," I'm over here I'm okay".

Once I can see him I ask," where is Lisa"?

Jack says," I have no fucking idea boss man. I have been looking for you both for the last 3 hours. After you leave we found a letter saying that are Luna will not coming back after today. I have no idea who may have wrote it. But it was one of them dame Magic letters that just appear out of nowhere.

We look for Lisa for days and then days turn in to months and months turn in years. About. 2 years after Lisa left I received a phone call from her second. He says I have finally found Lisa. She is fine now we have her here in the Faye land.

why has she not came home and when does she plan to come home if at all?

all access has been closed off to the human world no one can get inside or out and we don't know why the gate will not open".

" Fuck" can you please send my love to Lisa and our girls. Way I have you on the phone though how is Lisa handling the girls. I know she has everything else going on. I bet they are really a hand full.

I am so sorry to have to tell you this. But your daughters were killed on the way here to the faye land.

I drop the phone I feel like I am dying all over again. My wolf goes mad with grief and I lose myself and my mind to my wolf for the next 15 years.

15 years later...

I'm sitting in my office when Jack walked in. When he sees me he says," Rick is that you? it as been a long time my friends. I'm glad to have you back".

I look at Jack like he's the one that lost his fucking mind. and say, "what do you mean you're glad to have me back where the fuck do you think have I been? what the hell is going on with the pack?

Jack informs me when I lost myself to my wolf. I became the most ruthless Alpha out there. I also went on a killing spree and started taking over other packs. So now we have over 5,000 members in our pack. He said I helped you split up the packs into smaller numbers. I personally chose each new Alpha and beta for the four other packs. I am a little lost at this trying to figure out what is going on. He continues to tell me everything that's has happened over the last 15 years that is of importance. He says, "your wolf made sure everyone was trained. That we have the best Warriors and we are stronger. I am not going to lie we are a better pack for it".

I glad to have you, Rick, back as the Alpha. Your wolf is a great alpha. But he is more ruthless and to be honest scary as fuck boss man.

4 years later I have finally got control of everything. I am able to actually remember the names of my packs the first one is. The nightmare pack where. I Am the Alpha and Jack is my beta.

The second pack is the demon pack where Nathan is the Alpha and Leslie is the beta.

The third pack is the bloody creepers where Nick is the Alpha and marry is the beta.

The fourth pack is the Shadow pack where Sandra is the alpha and Brenda is the beta.

The 5th pack is the Reaper pack Aria is the Alpha and Sharon is the beta.

In each of the pack's they have a Crescent on the back of their necks. As to identify each pack With the exception of nightmare pack. All the other 4 pack members have my Crescent on the inside of their wrist.

So as I am sitting here doing my paperwork I received a phone call from my long-lost mate Lisa.

long time my love. How have you been"?

I'm not even going to lie at this moment I am very mad right now. She finally is calling me after 21 years. She fucking dropped off the face of the Earth. Now she reaches out to me but I guess in Faye land time is very different. When you're there one day is one year here. So I guess it's like 21 days she's been gone. When really is been 21 fucking years!!!

Lisa, why are you calling me now after all this fucking time?

I have to tell you something about our daughters. It is time for you to know the truth,".

What the hell are you talking about? You have to tell the truth about what"?

Our daughters are still alive Rick. They are coming to your territory in two days' time. You have to be ready for them when they get there. Because war is following right behind them.

I think about this for a few minutes then say," Lisa have you finally lost your dame mind why you have been in faye land"?

I fell myself falling again. My wolf is trying to take over once more I am fighting hard to keep him at bay just to at least finish this conversation. I need to find out what the actual fuck is happening.

Rick, do you remember the last day we were together at the waterfalls?

What the fuck do you think It's the day I lost everything and myself.

Well, the night before I had a vision from the Great Divine about our daughters. I saw their future and what was to come. THE great Divine told me I had to leave you and go into hiding. For the first year, I was with her but I was not allowed to tell you where we were or that we were still alive. On there 1 birthday I had to separate them. I took Jessie to the Venom pack. Where she later grow up to become their witch. I then took Nikki to a rogue couple that lived in the middle of nowhere. She stayed there until her 16th birthday".

While Lisa is telling me all of this. I have no idea what I am supposed to do or say. Hell, I don't even know how I am supposed to feel. So I just sit there quietly and listen to her. As she tells me her side of the story.

Can you tell me about them?

Nikki is the one that carries all of the Supernatural species. she has purple hair and blue eye's and Jessie is a which and Faye. She has blue hair and purple eyes.

why are you finally telling me this now?

Because it is time for them to come home I am sorry I could not tell you sooner. You were not ready to be the man you are today. You now have the Army you need to help our daughters stay alive because you are the most feared and the most ruthless Alpha there is now.

Please make sure you have at least 20 Warriors with you when you go to meet them at the border.

The line go's died and I am once again lost to my wolf. 2 days later I walked into the kitchen to get something to eat. I just sit down when Jack comes in and says, "there are Intruders that just crossed pack borders. I know that it will take 15 minutes to get there. we will have to hurry to be for it gets dark.

I look up for my plate and say," let's go". At that very moment my cell rings I look down to see who the fuck is calling me now. It just happened to be my godson Eric I answer the phone to see what's up. He says," Rick I got some information your going to what to know and I have some mother fucking question".

One boy clam down. what Information do you have for me"?

I need to tell you something else first. I was told by a woman named Lisa. That If I called this number today that I would find my mate".

I was so fucking shocked it took me a minute before I could say, "Eric can you tell me exactly what Lisa told you"?

Sure and then you can explain every thing to me about my little mate.

When Eric is done I say," do you love your mate? Would you do anything to protect her including giving up your life?

Eric's reply was instant and says yes and he explains how he has only seen her two times in his life and only talked to her once. But he would do anything for her.

I laughed so fucking hard I could not breathe. In the meantime, Eric was getting fucking mad as hell which just made me laugh harder. Once I cloud breathe again. I told him about my mate and my girls. Once finished he quickly told me all the information about the Rogue attack on its way. I quickly hung up and got my ass on the run to my girls.

15 minutes later we're just at the border of our territory hiding deep in the woods. When we all hear a truck pulling over to the side of the road. We wait till two girls get out and stand in front of the truck. I walk out in baseball shorts and walk up to them.

I know instantly that they are my daughters. After talking to them for a few minutes. A shot goes off in the night. I look over when I hear Jessie cry out in pain. She has blood pouring out of her shoulder. I hear one of the most terrifying noises I've ever heard and it comes out of Nikki mouth.

When I look over at Nikki she is in her wolf form my god she is 8 feet tall and a big as a fucking car. She has purple fur with ancient blue writing all across her body on her left shoulder she has an ancient moon symbol and on her right shoulder, she has an ancient Sun symbol.

The next thing I know Rogues are running out of the woods. They quickly surround Nicky and Jessie they're trying to separate them when a wolf biting into Nikki's back leg she doesn't even make a sound before she turns around and grabbed him by his throat and with one quick snap of her head, she rips his throat out drops him to the ground. She quickly turns around for the next attack. When the next one comes Nikki's ready for the black wolf as soon it jumps up Nikki quickly drops to the ground and rolls over when the wolf flies above her she takes one of her front paws and runs it from its throat all the way down to its stomach and guts it wide open. She then pushes the wolf off her and stands up shakes off. She bares her teeth for the next attack. After that, there is nothing but a blur of fur and teeth for the next 5 minutes. When I look back there are literally about 20 dead wolves all around the girls. Nikki has killed every single one of them in No time.

I think to my self what the actual fuck just happened. I am so caught up with the girls that I didn't even see the wolf jump on me. I end the fight quickly by break his dame neck. When I turned back to see how the girls are doing

They surrounded It looks like they are trying to separate the girls from each other eventually two of them bites into Nikki back legs at the same time the wolf's quickly full up the space between the girls. For some reason, the majority of them are moving in on Nikki. They keep circling her snapping their teeth at her trying to find an opening. Jessie lets out a scream from where a wolf slashes her across her face. I look back to see where Nikki is I'm trying really fucking hard to get to the girls but these mother fucker keeps getting in my was as soon as I kill one there are 2 more to replace the one I killed.

Everywhere you look there are wolf's fighting Some are in human form and so are in wolf form. It looks like there are close to 1,000 wolfs here now more of my pack has shown up along with more rogues. When I finally get closer to the girls I see Jessie lay on the ground surrounded on all sides. I see Nikki still fighting to get back to her sister. Out of nowhere she just disappears and the wolfs that were surrounding her have a dumbfounded look on there faces. When I see her again she is standing over Jessie and Boy let me tell you when I say all hell broke loose all hell fucking broke loose after that.

The look on Jessie's face was scary as hell her eyes turned solid deep Purple. She had four long deep cuts going from her hairline to her chin. She was covered in blood it looks like she just stepped out of a horror movie. But Nikki was just downright terrifying. Her mouth was dripping blood it was all over her face and her body. She was baring her bloody teeth in a low couch ready to attack. You could see in her deep blue eyes she had completely gone mad with bloodlust. No one was safe anymore from her with the exception of Jessie who has finally stood up and had one bloody hand holding on to the scruff of Nikki's neck. Jessie started chanting the wind picks up blowing the trees from side to side. There are leaves spinning all-around as I fight my way closer to them I can see Jessie's hair flying all around her face. Nikki is leaning against her trying to keep Jessie from falling over. When all of a sudden they start glowing like fucking neon lights. I know they are my daughters but they there are fucking terrifying to me at this moment.

Just as fast as it started it ends. When out of nowhere Nikki lets out a very loud and very powerful howl. It so dame loud that it makes everybody's ears start to bleeding. The power coming off of her makes all of us drop to our knees. She mind links all of us and tells to shift back. Once we do she shifts back. She then tells Jessie to transport all the Rogue wolves to the dungeon. One by one they all disappear. It is freaky as hell to see someone running and they just disappear into thin air.

Nikki looks really pissed off as she touches Jessie's face and says," are you okay? I Am sorry I did not get to you in time".

I am ok can we go home now please".

Several of my pack members make disgusting sounds and say," that they will not accept a nasty vampire into our pack". I get so fucking mad my wolf takes over and you will accept my daughters as your future Alpha's. You will also show them the respect they deserve. Do you understand me? You are not to tell anyone of what you've seen here tonight either".

They all say," yes Alpha" and leave. When I look back over at Nikki and Jessie. They have shocked looks on their faces.

Well" damn it "!! I didn't mean to tell them right now. I was supposed to wait for Lisa. Ow, she going to be mad at me!!!

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