I just got done talking to Eric and telling him how Nikki does not want to see him. I have learned in the short time I have spent with my daughters. They are a lot alike but they are so very different. Jessie is very quiet and respectful and understanding. Where Nikki is outgoing and loud and very fucking stubborn. She has to do things her way on her time.

I tell Lisa how It is so infuriating. Lisa just laughed and says," she is exactly like are you as to where Jessie is more like me. She is peaceful and easygoing. I, on the other hand, I'm stubborn. I also have to have things my way just like Nicki!! So when I called the girls in to let them know Eric is here I am fully prepared for the 3-hour conversation or should I say the argument that I'm going to have to have with my daughter to convince her to even talk to Eric much less give him a chance.

Once they get into my office. I informed them Eric is here. The look on my daughter's faces actually kinda scares me just a little bit. I did not know my children could be so fucking scary. God, please help me and Eric and please let that boy live through this! I think to my self.

Nicki flat-out refuses to see him and says," it is not going to happen. If he here I'm leaving. I have nothing to say to him".

Are you going to reject him or are you just not ready for a mate? If that's the case what are you so scared, Nikki? He is a good man he will take care of you. That and he is strong enough to stand beside you and fight now".

First off no I do not want to reject my mate. Second, off I am not ready for him yet. But I am not scared of him or anything else! Third off who fucking side are you on anyway"!! She yelled the last part at me. She looks ready to kill me! So now I am in deep shit. I really think the only reason Nikki and Jessie have not killed me yet is that I am their dad. But I think they're still trying decided on it for sure or not yet.

I take a deep breath and say, "Nikki I'm always on my daughter's side I would never choose anybody else. But with the exception of Lisa even then I more than likely will choose you both anyways. I was just giving you the information you did not have. I have known him all of his life".

So what because you've known him all of his life. You fucking think he's better than me. What am I in the wrong for not wanting to put him in danger and for wanting to be able to figure out who I am first. IS THAT SO FUCKING WRONG!! That I want to be able to be strong and emotionally ready for him. Is that what you're fucking saying. I'm so dame wrong for that fucking shit. Will you know what you can go to fucking hell and burn like everyone else I going to send there"!!

I think well hell that was the wrong fucking thing to say. I really am in a lot of trouble now. Jessie holding Nikki by her arms so fucking tight it looks like she going to break them. Nikki has her entire body leaning forward trying to get to me she is screaming and cussing at the top of her lungs at me. The whole time she is trying to get away from Jessie. All the while Jesse is trying her hardest to calm her down. Nikki is shaking so badly I'm afraid she's going to turn into her wolf. I am afraid that she might accidentally hurt Jessie. But I don't say a dame word to her though I am afraid to piss her off more. Lisa has completely walked out of the room and left my ass here. But on her way she says," this is all on you, my love, good luck with that"! Her ass then closes the fucking door in my face! I can hear her laughing at me!!

I wait for a few minutes till I can see that Nikki has calmed down and say no I'm not saying that anyone is more important than you or your sister. I'm sorry if I gave you that impression. Then out of nowhere Jessie lets out the most horrific scream I've ever heard. She goes to hit the floor and Nikki Dives just in time to catch her head. I get up to try to check on Jessie but Nikki starts growling at me her wolf has completely taken over. She will not let me get anywhere near her.

I call Lisa to come in the room and to bring the pack doctor. But Nikki refuses to move away from her sister. We tried to get closer to Jessie but Nikki outright stared attacking everyone in sight. We did not know how to get her to calm down. The only who knows how to calm her down is Jessie So right now there's no one else to help. So we all back up and give her so space. After what seemed to be forever Jessie finally wakes up and is able to calm Nikki down. Jessie then looks at Nikki with tears in her eyes. She has a really terrifying look on her face. She says," I don't want us to die".

Nikki helps Jessie off the floor and asks her what happened? what did you see?

I had a vision of what would happen if you refuse your mate and it will end in everyone we love dying including our selves. The great divine said You have to be fully mated to Eric before she comes to take us for training.

Nikki looks at me and say's what has happened to Eric that you're so confident that he will be able to handle the war that is coming. I don't think he is because when I met him. He was a sweet man that was not prepared for this war".

I look at her with sadness in my eyes and in my heart and say you were taken by Zek and because of that Eric completely lost himself to his wolf for a year. In that time he became the most ruthless most terrifying Alpha besides myself. He has gained a little over 6,000 pack members in just a little over 2 years and he is more than able to protect you now he also is not the same man you met 2 years ago".

How did he get control of his self again?

I went to help him because I went through it for 15 years. I know how it feels to not be able to find your mate knowing she is in trouble. But I will say this that boy is as strong as I am.

Nikki looks at me and says," okay I will give him a chance tomorrow".

Nikki then grabbed Jessie's hand and walked out of the room with her sister in tow. I could hear them all the way down the hallway talking shit about me and Eric. I can't believe these girls of mine! I think to myself poor boy he's in for one hell of a ride he don't even know it yet. I wish him the best of luck because my daughter is going to give him hell especially after I hear Nikki talking Jessie about some planning they have already come up with. I know I keep saying it but " GOD PLEASE HELP THAT BOY" let him live through whatever they are going to do to him. All the while Lisa is sitting on the couch laughing her ass off like a fucking lunatic. I look over and say, "what the fuck is so dame fun woman"!

She smiled and say," nothing my love and walks out of the office leaving me confused as hell looking at a fucking empty doorway. I think to myself my girls are fucking scary ass lunatics.

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