The Truth Within me book one

20 The Joke is on You

After Jessie and I walk out of Rick's office to go back to our room I am so fucking mad! THAT I have to stay here to talk to my mate!!! I don't want anything to do with him and I keep telling him that. I don't know why he won't listen to me but what can I say I am kind happy he cares and has never given up on me. But to be honest I'm kind of scared shitless about having a mate what if he is disgusted with all of the scars on my body not to mention the things I have done or will have to do. I'm not sure what the future holds but one thing I know is it's going to be bloody I just hope that he will love me and accept all of me. The more I think about it and everything Jessie said what choice do I have? So I've decided I'm going to test him.

Now the only problem is convincing Jessie to help me because without her I can't do it! After 4 hours of trying to convince her to help me, she finally agreed. We came up with the perfect plan Once he's asleep we are going to sneak in his room and send him to the Abby It's basically a black hole with no way out. I'm not that mean though I'm going to make 3 ways for him to get out.

One he can follow the door that will show him the right path out.

Two he can follow my voice and not pass but may be able to pass another test.

Option three he can follow Jesse's voice to get out but he will not pass the test.

2 hours later...

We sneak into Eric's room once we know he's asleep Jessie dose a blocking spell underneath her breath and says are you sure you want to go thought with this Nikki? I look at Eric who is dead asleep he looks so cute right now he's laying on his side holding a pillow up against his chest but still managing too lay his head on it. He's only got a pair of sleeping pants on with a thin sheet over him and his hair is sticking out everywhere I kinda feel bad because he has no clue what's going on but it's the only way to know if he is really ready for what's about to come. I finally look at Jessi and say yes this is really the only way to truly see how he will react when my life is really in danger and if he will choose the right path when other lives are at risk. After that, we set up the abbey spell.

Once we finished setting up the spell we transfer Eric into the Abby's. Once he's there we show him visions of me being torture by Zek. I choose to show him me being bound and hit with a whip to the point that my body looks like ground beef and I almost died to see how he will react to this. The hope point is to see if he will turn his back on what's right just to come to protect me or if he will go with Jessie who will make him feel like he can trust her and she is going to help him. But reality she's is playing the role of the enemy If he goes to her then he will turn his back on us. I hate to say it but I'm kind of proud of him! He's fighting hard to get to the door even though you can see that his instinct is to protect me. Eric is doing the right thing and ignoring what he wants to do for what needs to be done.

I hope he succeeds in passing this test because we don't have long to get to know each other before me and Jessie has to go with The great divine. After what seems like forever he manages to get to the door and opens it the illusion disappears and he goes crashing down into the glass coffee table. Omg, the look on Eric's face is so fucking hilarious that Me and Jessie bust out laughing.

He has no idea what just happened he's confused and it's so dame funny after that, me and Jessie skip out of the room. Literally, skip out laughing the whole time. In the background, we can hear Eric say, "What the fuck just happened"!! Once we get back in the room I talked to Jessie for a while. I explain how I'm nervous about actually mating with Eric. Jessie tells me it's is worth it and that I don't have anything to worry about I Look at Jessie and just smile and think he did prove his self today So I am going to give him a chance in the morning.

I wake up a couple of hours later it's about 10 in the morning. I haven't slept in late like this in a long time. I guess I needed the rest! Once I'm up and ready for the day I go to Eric's side of the house. When Eric opens the door. He looks pale like he hasn't slept all night. On top of that, he kind of has a pissed-off look on his face. I start to feel bad for the test that me and Jessie did. I wonder if he got to go back to sleep after that. I hope he didn't have nightmares. I wasn't thinking of the effect it would have on him afterward.

I look up at Eric with a shy smile on my face. Then say," how was your night after we left?

Eric growls at me very loudly and says," how do you fucking think!!!

I look down in shame and I'm sorry I shouldn't have shown you those visions. I wasn't thinking about the consequences of how it would affect you after the fact. Will you please forgive me"?

Eric looked at me like I sprouted two heads all over sudden and says," Nikki that's not why I'm mad. I'm mad because I was unable to protect you I looked for 2 fucking years for you. I just hate that you had to go through that

Thank you for trying to find me it does mean a lot to me. I think it's time that we sit down and talk. You need to know everything that's going on before you decide to mark me".

Okay go ahead and come in and let's talk".

After about 2 hours of me explaining everything to Eric. About being a hybrid and how we have to go do training. Eric has one hell of a shocked look on his face. He doesn't know what to think. He hasn't said anything to me for like 30 minutes!! I'm wondering if he's ever going to talk to me again.

When Eric finally looked up at me and says," how long until you have to leave to go with the great divine"?

I'm kind of at a loss right now I don't want to tell him. That she can show up at any moment. That we were told a month but who fucking knows.

I look down at my hands and play with my fingers and say," I am not sure it can be at any minute. I won't be back for 3 months. But To me, it will feel like 900 years. Because we are going to be in a different world".

How does that work the time difference like that". He has a really confused look on his face. I can tell he's not liking this at all or is his wolf. His eyes have turned pitch black and I believe I'm speaking with his wolf now.

I'm not sure how it works. I just know that for every day here is 10 years over there or something like that. Jessica can probably explain it better than me".

Nikki, we can always wait until you get back from your training to get to know each other better before I mark you it is up to you I don't want to force you to do anything".

I feel my heart break just a little bit I know he sincere just by the softest in his voice. Then there is the intense look in his eyes. He would wait for me but the problem is we can't. I promise to myself and Mariah once we get back from the training we will make time for our mate.

I cannot give you details so please do not ask. But we do not have time to wait it has to be tonight. I'm sorry I can't explain more but please just trust me.

The look on Eric's face was between hurt and mad with a little bit of confusion. He finally stuck with a straight face showing no emotion and say's if that is what you want. Okay, then when do you want to do this"?

All of a sudden I was hit with a sharp pain to my heart. He went from being so sweet to uncaring showing no emotions at all it was like he was a fucking robot. I know I hurt him and his Wolf's feelings and I feel horrible about it. but if I tell him of the vision it could mess with our destiny.

I'm sorry if I hurt you I wasn't trying to. I wish I could explain it to you but I don't want to mess anything up for us in the future".

Eric's eyes soften and he says," I understand But yes it does hurt a little bit. I wanted it to be special when I marked you for both of us. But I do understand that this has to be done. we'll have time when you come home I can make it up to you.

I move closer to Eric and put my hand on his left cheek I lean in to kiss him on his soft pink lips. Eric puts his hand behind my head and wraps his finger in my hair. After that, we start kissing more passionately. I feel the bond pulling us closer and I am loving it. Eric leaves my mouth and starts slowly kisses down the side of my neck to get to the place between my neck and my shoulder. Where my marks going to be and lightly nips at my neck. Then he looks up at me and says," are you sure"? I shake my head and say," yes" He gives me a couple more kisses before his canines extend and bites into my neck. "Mother fucker" the pain is instant it feels like I am on fire. I don't make a sound though I sit perfectly still I know it will pass in time.

I've then proceeded to kiss Eric on the side of his neck. I look up in his eyes and I say," you know that you will have to become a hybrid if I mark.

I know and I am okay with that I trust you, Nikki".

I know it's going to be hard on him. Because I am not a typical hybrid and it will make it worse. Especially if his wolf fights the bond. I just pray to God that he doesn't die from this and it's not too hard on him.

I look up at Eric and smile at him. I then lean in and kiss his lips one more time. Before I make my way down his neck trailing light kisses. When I get to the spot in between his neck and his shoulder. I extend my teeth and bite into his shoulder. He lets out a loud ass growl. At that moment I feel my heartbreaking. I know the pain that he's in. I've been through it except this is two times worse on him. Because I can see and feel his wolf is fighting. I look in his eyes and I put my hand on his face. And I say," look at me I will not hurt you. I will protect you it is okay. Please love don't fight except the bond.

After about hour Eric Finley calms down enough for us to fall into Oblivion. We are sleeping like the dead. I wake up first it's around 8:30 I slowly get up and make my way to the bathroom to do my business. When I came back out I look over to where Eric is. He's sitting on the couch with his head back and his arm over his head. Once he hears me his head snaps up and looks at me and smiles. I instantly smile back at him I'm glad I went ahead and bonded with him. So we can share each other's memories and we can fill each other's feelings. I feel like I have known him all of my life and vice versa we're in a peaceful calm it's rather nice.

How are you feeling"?

I feel like I got hit by a truck a hundred times. He smiles again before say's I'm starving to death. I don't think I've eaten in what feels like 10 years"!!!

I laugh at the look on his face and how serious he sounds. I say, "come on let's go see what we can find to eat".

The rest of the night goes by really quickly we ended up getting a pizza and watch movies. We end up taking all night till we fall asleep. We have a lot in common who would have thought I'm going to miss him when we leave.

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