Warning graphic violence in this next chapter

I wake up trying to catch my breath ever since me and Nikki bonded she keeps sending Visions in her sleep of when Zek had her and was torturing her.

This vision was of Nicki hanging by her wrist from the ceiling. Zek injected so much silver into her body that she was bleeding it from her ears and nose and had trials of silver running down the corners of her mouth and eyes. Zek had a whip in his leather-covered hands. The strap was nothing but pure silver to the handle as he let it fly through the air and land across her back she was literally on the verge of death until he called Jessie to come and remove it from her body. Not once did Nicki make a sound, or did she shed one single tear?

Before I can even catch my breath or process what I just saw, the next one comes in, and I think to my self how much more can she have gone through this is horrible without really wanting the answer I get one.

This time it is the most horrific thing I've ever seen in my life. It's so bad it put everything else she has been through to shame. Zek has Nikki impaled on a metal spike that is coming out through the side of her neck. Nikki arms and legs have hooks through them. The chains that are coming out of the hooks are bolted to the wall. They are pulling so tightly it looks like they're about to rip off her arms and legs. Nikki has a silver chain around her neck; it is pulling her head up. Its to point to where it could rip her head from her neck. Once again, she has been skinned. Above her head in the ceiling is a sprinkler system that is continuously pouring ravine and Wolf's Bane on top of her. You can see smoke coming off of her body. It is so strong of a mixture that is burning giant holes in her muscles down to her bones. All the while, Zeke is continually hitting her with the silver whip. Once again, Nikki never makes a sound or sheds a single tear. I look closely at her face, and I see that her mouth and her eyes have been sewed together. I can't take it anymore. I know I'm a grown man and should be able to handle this!!!

I just hate that my mate had to go through this. I'm amazed that Nikki has not gone insane from having to live through this and having to relive through it every single day. I reach over and lightly Shake Nikki to awake her up she looks up at me with a confused look on her face.

Is everything okay, Eric"?

I smiled at her and say," yes, everything is fine. You just had a bad dream. I just wanted to check on you".

Nikki Rolled back over and went back to sleep. So I decided to go ahead and get up and make us some breakfast. On my way to the kitchen, I then think to myself; I have no idea what Nikki likes. I turn around and head back to Nikki and Jessie's side of the house and yell from the hallway JEISS CAN YOU PLEASE COME OUT AND TALK TO ME!

After forever, I see her taking her sweet ass time coming down the hallway.

Bloody hell woman I don't have all day could you hurry up just a little bit if you don't mind I like to get back to Nikki.


What do you want, Eric?

I just wanted to know if you knew what Nikki like for breakfast? Can you please tell me I would like to cook her for today".

Jessie gaze softens,

yes, Nikki likes pancakes, bacon, and orange juice. But she Love's bacon so you better make a lot"!! She then smiles at me and turns around and walked away.

I head back to the kitchen and make us breakfast. I end up making two packs of bacon just to be safe. I sure hope she can eat as much as I can. Once I have everything place on the tray. I get two glasses of orange juice and walk back to the room. When I get back to the room, Nikki is still asleep, so I sit our food down on the table and walk over and lay down beside her and kiss the side of her Temple to wake her up; she smiles at me and says," good morning."

Good morning how are you felling?

About that time, she gets a look of excitement on her face. It's so dame hilarious. Nikki says," is that bacon I smell"? Before I can answer her, she has already thrown the covers off of the bed and is running to the table. I think to myself; I guess my girl does love bacon. By the time I get to the table, she already has mouthful bacon and is filling up her plate.

Hey, save me some bacon too! You know I love bacon"! She just smiles and keeps showing her mouth full.

I sit in amazement at how much she can eat and the fact I found someone that loves bacon more than me I can't help but laugh when she looks up at me and says what are you looking at around a mouth full of food.

Nothing sweetheart I am, just happy to finally be here with you and to have someone that loves bacon too.

OW, I thought you were staring because I inhaled all the food, sorry, by the way. Also, are you done with your plat?

Really how are you still hungry? But yes, you can have it if you want it. I say as I slid it across the table to her.

She looks down at the table, and I fell like I may have hurt her felling dame it; that's not what I was trying to do. I quickly tell her I am sorry I was just playing. I didn't mean to hurt your feeling about eating.

NO, it's not you. I just was thinking about something Zek said about how I should not eat so much and how I need to keep my body just the way it is.

Also I kind overeat now every changs I get because I don't know how long it is before I can eat aging after what I when through with for the first year, I only got food once a week and a one mouth full of blood except when Zek took the game to far and had to give me more blood to keep playing his game.

After that, I got to eat once a day as long as I did what I was told and did not try to escape anymore.

Baby girl, I am sorry you went through that, and if there were anything I could have done, I would have I tried to find you I did. But I am going to tell you this FUCK ZEK AND WHAT HE SAID you eat as much and as often as you want hell that's my new mission in life is to make sure you're never hungry again and to let you try every kind of bacon food there is okay.

She just smiles at me and says, can we have Dr pepper and chocolate too?

Yes, we can have anything you want after that we eat in a kind of peaceful quiet.

After we finish breakfast, I ask Nikki. Would you like to go for a walk with me, sweetheart?

Yes, I would like that did you have in mind?

I think maybe around the lake, what do you think?

Sure, let me get ready, and I meet you back here in 30 mins, okay.

Once she was gone, I get an idea to make her a picnic basket. I call Jessie and tell her I have a crazy idea, and I need her help and to please meet me here in five minutes. Once she says yes, I call rick to distract Nikki after that, I get dressed and wait for Jessie.

Once Jessie gets to my room, I explain what I want to do and way.

You want to what do get me wrong this is sweet, but how in the fuck do you think I am going to pull off making chocolate and bacon-flavored blood much less anything else?

If anyone can do it, it's you; please try. I want her to remember this day just in case something happens to me way yall are gone. I want here to know I tried for her to do one thing at lees I said I would do.

Dame you Eric why are you thinking like that you know you be fine, and we will see you soon, but now I have to help you because I want to make shit up to her to after everything we been through and just so you know I never want to hurt her. I have been protecting her for four years now. She didn't even realize I the one that helped her get away from Zek the first time he acted her; I have always been on her side.

Then why did you do all that shit her? I not trying to fight with you or judge you, but can you please help me understand?

To live to fight another day for both of us, I had no choice there something I can't tell you yet, but one day I promise to tell you and Nikki everything.

I believe you we are family now, and family dose does not lie to each other, and yes, I know there may be things you can't tell me, but we are good okay.

So back to the blood and food thing, can you do it?

I try okay now go away. I'll send it to you when everything ready.

As I walk out the door to meet Nikki, I yell THANK YOU!


We are sitting by the waterfall the dame picnic basket falls right on my stomach making Nikki laugh her ass off at me.

Really you're going to laugh at me and not ask if I am alright?

I'm sorry but the look on your face is funny as hell don't me made she say all the wall trying to breathe through her fitt of laughter.

huhu your so fun see if I give you your surprise now fun girl!

NO, give it to me I won't laugh at you anymore, please.

Fine, you can have it but only because you said please.

Dame the look on her face when she sees all the food in there was so beautiful see had tears in her eyes whit a big ass smile on her face. the first thing she pulled out was the chocolate covered strawberries infused with dr pepper, yes I know it does not sound good but it what she likes.

Eric, you did this for me?

Yes, baby girl with the help of Jessie it is our way of saying sorry for everything and we love you.

You love me? how we have not been together that long.

sweetheart, it doesn't matter how long we have been together it a feeling you just know when you know but yes most people wait to say for a while but I what you to know now. But don't feel like you have to say anything back No pressure.

How do you know its love? what does It feel like?

It feels like we you look at someone and know you will do anything for them. That as long as they're happy and safe you could send the rest of your life knowing that even if there not with you but you never want to spend a minute without them. All you want is to make them smile and take away their tears. To fight all there wars no matter the cost to you. You never walk away if you can help it, That what love feels like to me.

So that's love because that's how I feel about you Eric I just don't know it was love.

In the next breath, I have Nikki in my arms.

By the time we get back is already close to 7:00 at night, we go back to my room and order Chinese food. We are snuggled up on the couch watching Jeepers Creepers whenever Jessie knocks on the door.

Nikki looks over at me and says," I'm so glad that I've got to spend the last two days with you. I'm sorry that I did not accept you when we first met".

I understand that you were scared of what I would say or do if I found out about your secrets. I know you were worried about Zek. But it is okay we have all the time in the world now. When you get back from training, I'll be here waiting for you".

We get up and go to the door. Once I open it Jessie standing there, and she says the great Divine is here, she's waiting in Rick's office for us.

Nikki turns around and hugs me and looks back up at me and kisses me. She then says, please stay here. It will make it harder for both of us if you go with me to the office. I grabbed Nikki one more time and hug her tight and kiss the side of her head. I then tell her I will be here when you wake up, I promise.

A couple of hours later, Rick comes into my room and says," that the girls have been taken to the Great Divine's world. Then he asked me to take a walk with him". It takes us about 30 minutes to get to the very bottom of Rick's house through a hidden tunnel. It's is made out of bricks and concrete. The staircase that we follow seems to be a Maze; some stairs lead in all different ways, but we're continually going down. If I were to try to find it by myself, I would get confused. But I kind of think that's the point of all the extra stairs. There are only candles to light our way down the stairs. It's is still dark though kind of creepy.

One we finally get to the bottom of the stairs. There is a little room. It was made out of Cobblestone rocks, and the floor is black marble. Just like in the stairs, there are candlesticks every were to light the room up. Their bright flames don't do much to show the whole room. The room looks utterly empty except for two coffins made out of gold. Their lids have clear glass Tops. On the inside is white silk in each one of them. I look closely and see that Nikki and Jessie are lying inside they have their hands crossed over their stomachs. The girls look peaceful like there're sleeping. But at the same time completely dead.

I am not going to lie. It freaks me the fuck out, cozening my wolf growl out in anger. I then yelled, what in the hell is going on!! I thought they were going with the great Divine to her world.

Rick says," calm down they are in the Great Divine's world. She can only take their Spirits. She cannot take their bodies from our world".

I grow out again and frustration and go to reach for Nikki's coffin. Rick quickly grabs me and pushes me back. He then says," do not touch them; there is a protection spell on both of their coffins. It will kill you instantly if you touch it.

I look at Rick like I'm about to kill him and ask why in the hell is there a spell on they're coffins?

Rick took a deep breath and tells me that the Great Divine put them there to keep anyone from harming their bodies.

I think to myself well duh dummy she's going to protect them while they're away.

Ten days later.

I just when to sleep when this woman comes to me. She looks like she's an Egyptian. She then tells me she is the great Divine and has come to take me to see to Nikki because she misses me and not focusing on her training. So hopeful seeing me will help her concentrate on what she needs to do.

I'm so taking back I don't know what to think. I just know I'm excited to see my mate again. Everything goes black, and then I'm standing in the middle of the desert. I look up and see Nikki is running to me with a huge smile across her face. When Nikki reaches me, she jumps up and wraps her arms and legs around me and starts kissing me. She has happy tears in her eyes.

I squeeze her tight and say," I have missed you so much. I wish you were here with me every day.

Nikki looks at me with a smirk on her face and says," you think you've missed me. How do you think I fell its been 100 years for me!! Remember, time here is different from the human world".

I have a look of shock on my face. I keep forgetting that every day for us is ten years for her. I get to spend the next ten years with her. When I wake back up, it's only been one day. I can't fucking believe this shit. I'm going to go crazy if I don't get to see her again!

For the next three months, I get to see Nikki twice a month. The great Divine gives me one day my time. Ten years of hers. We become closer over the time that we have spent together.

Three months later.

Nikki and Jessie will be waking up in a couple of hours. We're are preparing a welcome home party for them. Lisa and Rick have invited all of there high Ranking Wolf's to come tonight. I've even called my office and informed my beta to invite all of our top ranking wolves to come tonight. So they can finally meet they're Luna.

Later that night we're at the party everything is going great. The girls are scheduled to wake up at midnight.

I check my watch to see we have 30 more minutes to go. I walk over to where Lisa and Rick are talking to a couple of their Wolf's and tap rick on the shoulder.

Hay man, you ready to get the girls? I don't want them to be alone when they wake up.

But before he can answer, we hear someone scream, and then hell breaks loose. We are under attack; everyone is fighting everywhere. I can listen to people screaming and see them trying to run for cover. Our Warriors are struggling to fight off the rouges and help everyone to safety at the same time. All I can think about is were in the fuck did they come from and that Lisa and rick have to get to the girls because they will be weak when they first wack up.

I tell Rick to grab Lisa and get to the girls. I will stand guard and help fight, then I shift and attack the first person I saw. I ripped off there head quickly and turned around for there next attack. I'm jumped by three wolfs and a man that has not shifted yet. He has an evil look on his face as he stabs me with the silver dagger in his hand. It takes me a little time before I can get away long enough to get the dagger out but I keep fighting anyways I can't give up even though I am feeling wake from the silver. In the end, it all pays off because we win the war for now. All the rouges run off or are dead. As everyone else is trying to figure out what happened and how they got in I get a terrible feeling my wolf is telling me to go to my mate and that is precisely what I do.

When I get downstairs to the room, the scene that is in front of me is gruesome. There is blood all over the walls and the floors. Multiple bodies are Lying decapitated and mangle all over the room. Lisa and Rick are continually fighting, so I join in on the fight. I quickly get caught up in it. Once we are down to three people, I hear Lisa scream. I look over and see Rick holding her in his arms; they are on the floor. Rick's on his knees with Lisa's head on his lap. They are both covered from head to toe in blood and have cuts all over them. But what breaks my heart is Lisa's laying there with a dagger in her heart. Before I had time to yell at Rick, someone comes up behind him with a sword. It's one of the rouges that got way when they attacked Nikki last time. He is in all black with the sword flying through the air and cuts Rick's head off it goes rolling to wear Nikki, and Jessie is standings screaming crying trying to get to us.

They are banging on the walls trying to get out of the barrier that is surrounding them. All of a sudden, I feel a sharp pain go through my body. I look down to see a sword sticking four inches out of the center of my chest. I fall to my knees, and I'm roughly grabbed by both of my arms. I look up into Nikki's eyes, and I say, "I love you. "

Nikki smiles at me with tears running down her face. And says," I love you too."

The last thing I see is tears running down Nikki's face as she fights as hard as she can to get out of the barrier to me. She has blue flames all around her; then, everything goes dark.

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