The Truth Within me book one

22 When the bonds break


When we wake up, there is a war going on around us. We're trying to get out of the barriers, but no matter what we do that bitch, the Great Divine will not put them down. When our father's head Rolled to a stopped in front of us with his eyes looking right at us. Nikki and me lose our fucking minds.

We can fill our bonds breaking between our parents. It is excruciating not only that but the loss of our parents bring us to us to our knees. We scream at the top of our lungs, banging as hard as we can.

We look over when we hear Eric scream. He looks down at his chest, and there is a knife sticking out of it. Eric has a trail of blood coming for his mouth when he drops to his knees; they grabbed him by his arms. Eric looks up at Nikki and tells her he loves her. Nikki has tears running down her face as her magic flames are all around her. She is making progress with the wall that is blocking us from getting out when we see is his head flying through the air.

Nikki screams so fucking loud and full of magic that the walls fall around us. I had to hide because the Flames were so hot that she is incinerator everything around us. If it weren't for the bond we share, she would have burned me alive as well after she killed everyone that hurt our family. She passes out from the pain of the bond, breaking between her and Eric. Shortly after that, some of our Warriors come downstairs to where we are.

One of the warriors walk up to and ask what do you need me to do?

What is your name?


ok I am Jessie I need you to get my sister and take her to my dad's office and please get his bate and Eric's beta

Yes ma'am.

Thank you.

Twenty minutes later, we all in the office when the beta's come walking in yelling at me what the fuck is going on.

First off, don't talk to me like that if you want to live through the night. Got it?

What are your names?

I am Chris. I am Eric bate, and this is Jack Ricks beta.

It's nice to meet you.

Why did he feel Rick's Bond break? Jack asks.

I felt Eric's break as well what the hell is going on!

MY parents and Eric have been murdered.

I can see the pain in their eyes. But they still ask me what do you want us to do now. I look at Nikki and say I need you to take care of dad's pack, for now, jack packs you know how everything runs and can handle it. I then look up to Chris; you will run Eric's packs for Nikki till she can take over. They both look at Nikki and then at me and say," yes, bate, we understand.

What in the fuck are you talking about? I'm not your beta.

Nikki is the Alpha of both of our packs, and because of that, you are her second in command.

So what your saying jack is that I am both of your betas even though I am not a wolf? And what the packs are just going to accepted it?

Yes, that's what I am saying and in till Nikki wakes up and can take over. You are the Alpha, for now, that's just the way it works.

I'm so freaking confused right now; it's not even funny!!!

You're crazy, and all of you have obviously lost your motherfucking minds as well. I have no dame idea how to run a pack, so what is your back up plan?

You are back plan, and anyway, we will take over the packs for now if that is what you're asking us to do. What we need is for you to just be a figurehead for now, so the packs don't panic, ok. Chris says.

You just take care of Nikki and heal and get your strength back. Once you both are ready, then you can take the pack back over. We will be here for both of you if you need anything all you have to do is ask us. Jack adds.

About that time is when Nikki decides to wake up. She set up on the couch and rubs her eyes and looks around.

What's going on how did we get in here? Where are Mom and Dad and Eric?


Nikki calm down it's going to be ok, what is the last thing you remember?

The look of horror that comes over her face is heartbreaking. She lets out the most horrific scream and falls to the floor. Nikki starts crying; her entire body starts shaking, and she starts glowing a bright blue.

I quickly run to her and bend down, trying to get her to calm down. I yell at the beta's get the fuck out of here and get everyone away from the house now.

Before they even hit the door, Nikki has already transformed into her wolf.

She is ten times bigger than she has ever been in her life; she is 8 ft tall. Nikki body is wide and long as a fcking car. She is so big she has busted the wall out and is halfway in the house, and halfway outside, we are scrambling to try to get out of the room. Nikki lets out a growl so loud that it shakes the ground beneath us. She ends up bringing the whole house down on top of us. Once everything has stopped falling, Nikki stands back up and shakes her body off. She then jumps out of what is left of the house and takes off.

As we are trying to get out of the rubber of the house, Nikki lets out the most horrifying howl I have ever heard in my life. It sends chills throughout my body. Then we hear interruption of screams all over. It's like we're in World War 3 the way things are falling and shaking around us. By the time we make it out of there. There was so much chaos and destruction everywhere. It looks like a nuclear bomb was dropped in the middle of our pack territory. Nikki did not go around anything! She ran through everything that was in her way. Some cars are smashed that she jumped on or turned upside down there's buildings and trees that she reduced to nothing but Dust.

I quickly tell the Alpha's to get as many Warriors and trackers. That they can, we must go in find her right now.

It takes about 20 minutes to get close to $5,000 Warriors. The Alpha's separate them into teams. When everything is done, we take off to search for my crazy ass sister!!

I think to my self this is going to be so much fun! Note sarcasm; this is going to be horrible. I can just feel it in my bones that when we find her, there's going to be a freaking Massacre.

Three hours later, and two states over, my prediction was correct.

Nikki is in the middle of a field with thousands of wolf surrounding her. She has Massacre over a thousand wolf's there is nothing but blood and body parts scattered all over the area around her right now. She has wolf's all around her, jumping on her attacking her. I watch in horror as she reaches around to her back leg and bites a wolf clean in half. Nikki is glowing a bright blue with Flames coming off of her body. All of her ancient symbols are showing bright on her body. Everywhere she goes, she sets the field on fire from the flames of the magic coming off of her body. I don't know how she's using her demon powers and her magic right now. But she's able to fuse most of them while she's in her wolf form.

I watched her bite into the side of a wolf's neck and drained its blood!! I think to my self what the fuck is happening to my sister !!! I know it's from her bloodlust being so high, and just as I was thinking this, I even caught her tearing a wolf to shred eating his body. She also did this multiple times!

She keeps teleporting from place to place to snatch wolves up and ripped them in half and then teleport somewhere else and grab another one.

I look at the Alpha's and shake my head and have my top two Alpha's come over to me so I can put a protection spell on them. I am able through their bonds to put the spell to every wolf in our pack. They were not able to kill any wolf in our pack what so ever in any kind of way. The only ones that can kill them are Nikki or me. I then tell them that we have got to end this war fast and to kill everyone. I all so tell them to stay away from my sister that she can and will kill them. Nikki is not right in her mind right now. She has lost her self to her wolf!

At one point, Nikki comes at me and grabs me with her mouth by the back of my shirt. Nikki then picks me up and starts shaking me. She's doesn't break the skin; it just feels like I'm in a freaking blending machine. She then tosses me up in the air, where I end up on her back. Nikki then growled softly in her chest and took off running with me.

I am yelling at Nikki to put me down, and all she does is growl at me !!

I don't know why her wolf won't let me down buy all she wants to do is keep me on her back and fight. I am finally able to get off of Mariah's back after I cloak myself so she wouldn't be able to find me again.

After that, I have to fight invisible so she won't come after me or anybody else around me. I have started glowing bright purple, something Nikki did trigger our magic. Through her bond, I'm able to draw on her powers, and I'm able to use some of her magic now. I can teleport, and I'm also setting everything on fire. Just as a huge ass, black wolf jumps at me through the air I'm able to grab him by his throat as soon as my hand makes contact with him he turns to Ash; there's nothing left. As for me, this is how I fight the rest of the time; it is the fastest way to kill them.

The war lasts for five days and nights straight Non-Stop thanks to my protection spell none of our wolves were killed or injured. We are all covered in blood from head to toe. Nikki is the worst; she looks like a walking blood bag; she's the only one that has any injuries, but they've already starting to heal. Once the war is over, there was nothing left of the packs that we're here. There are thousands and thousands of dead bodies everywhere; it was a significant loss for the werewolf community. Before all of this started, there were thousands of packs on this side of the world. My sister has now reduced them down to nothing but only our father's pack and Eric's pack. And a hundred or so left on this side of the world.

Nikki has finally shifted back to her human form. She has fallen into a coma as soon as her body hit the ground. I put a binding spell on her to keep her from using any of her powers or shifting into her wolf again for a while.

I have one of the warriors pick her up and put her in the backseat of a car someone found for us to use. I then send half of our Warriors to clean up this mess and to get rid of all the bodies and evidence. I then called in 20 of our Elite Warriors to follow me.

I told everyone else to go home and make sure they rebuild my father's home, and from this day on, that father's packs and Eric's packs are one single pack for them to take care of each other. I get in the car with a couple of my Warriors. The rest get other cars and follow us. I can only think of one place to go, and that will be safe. I know for sure when Nikki wakes up, she's going to be mad at me. I can't think of anywhere else to go but home. I know no matter what, I can always trust that Zek's wolf will protect us no matter what.

An hour before we hit Zek's territory, I teleport him a letter and tell him I'm coming back. I need to talk to him, and I also tell him I know who his mate is, and I will tell him when I get there.

I stopped the car 20 minutes before we get there. I leave Nikki with the rest of my Warriors. I have three warriors who come with me on foot.

Once we get to Zek's border, he is there waiting with five Warriors and asks me. Jessie, what is all this about?

Zek, let me see your hands, and I will show you everything you need to know right now, but as for as your mate, you will have to wait just a little bit longer ok,"?

Once Zek gives me his hands, I show him every that that has happened. From the night that we both first learned about Nikki up until right now. The only thing I hold back from him is the name and face of his mate.

Zek looked at me with so much sadness in his eyes.

can you ever forgive me, Jessie, I'm so sorry I don't know what was wrong with me or why I did the things I did."

I have been trying hard to be a better person for myself and my pack, and for you, I wish I could make it up to you and Nikki, but I know I never can.

I can see how heartbroken Zek is that Eric died and that are parents died. He regrets everything that he has done to Nikki and Eric over the years. I can also fell it though the bond I share with him.

Well, there's one way you can make it up to us. We need some were safe to stay where no one can find us, and we also have to put Nikki back in her old cell; its the only place strong enough to hold her.

Yes, of course, you can stay here. But I refuse to put Nikki back in that cell. I will not do that to her again. I was wrong to do it, to begin with, please don't ask me to do this,".

I don't have a choice!! She's lost herself to her wolf, and she has destroyed thousands of wolf's in less than a week. She has to be put in that dame cell until she can gain control of herself. If not, she will set this world on fire, and there will be no stopping her.

After some convincing, Zek says ok, and we head back to get Nikki with heavy hearts.

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